31. - 35.

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Melt and drip.
Until there's no more of you.
But you keep giving
until you can't.
You melt and drip until there's no more of you to give.
Then a fire is lit inside of you.
Then you keep giving.
Until the cycle repeats itself again.
~E, melting wax.

By now whenever a pill was
popped and taken they would stare.
No exact expression except for a few giggles and laughs.
Some imitation.
They were right that's what I did.
To sound out the noise and disappear.
So that's what I did.
~E, drugs.

I need to stop trying to find myself in others.
I'm killing myself by doing so.
~E, kill switch.

You makeup your future.
Either go down the path for you.
Or make a new one.
~E, it's up to you.

Why do I have to be feminine and petite,
and not be grateful for what I have?
~E, my broad shoulders staring back at me in the mirror.

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