321. - 325.

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I got burned by the flames of my love for you.
I was hurt and let them burn me anyway.
I was the one that ignited the flame after all.
~E, overwhelming.

I think part of me dies every time someone curses your name.
A disgusted face in the hallways.
Or when I tell them the truth about us I can see their hate for you grow.
When I could never hate you myself.
As much as I wanted to hate you and curse your name I could never make myself feel something I didn't feel myself.
Part of me dies every time someone curses your name when I couldn't do that myself.
~E, curses your name.

Would it still crumble?
"That's the way the cookie crumbles"
What if I had broke the cookie? Would it still crumble or would it be broken to begin with?
What if I had lost the cookie? Would it still crumble even when it was no longer in the picture?
What if I had thrown the cookie against the wall? Would it still crumble or just break?
What if I'd had ate the cookie? Would it still crumble if it was ate whole?
What if there was no cookie to begin with? Would it still crumble and leave me helpless?
~E, would it still crumble?

Maybe one day I'll find someone who wants to talk to me.
Who wants to waste their time on me.
Who wants my endless chatter.
Spewing nonsense between my every word.
For what I'm saying has no value and nothing for you to gain from it.
Them listening to me anyway because the value is that I'm saying something rather than nothing.
Them wanting to talk and listen to me.
They want my endless chatter.
They want my nonsense.
They want me for me.
And not someone who isn't me.
That barely says a word.
All their words being picked through so they matter when they actually do open their mouth and talk.
So they don't waste their time on me.
So they end up loving the one that matter to them and not the one that matters to me.
~E, I hope this makes sense.

Why couldn't you want to talk to me?
What didn't I do?
What should've I done?
~E, why didn't you want me?

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