276. - 280.

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I had a dream with you last night.
Before I woke up I hugged you so tight. Afraid to let go.
Since I knew once I woke up you would be gone.

I'm no longer going to sit on my ass and wait for someone to choose me.
To put me first.
To want me.
To put in effort.
I've waited my whole life for someone to do that.
I'm tired of waiting for someone that may never come.
~E, taking control.

Black and White High Top Converse.
I noticed how you no longer wore that pair of black and white high top converse.
Replaced with Nike's of all sorts.
I want to believe that this is you moving forward.
Leaving the person you were, wearing the black and white high top converse.
To be someone new.
Someone I'm unfamiliar with.
While I'm still wearing a pair of black and white high top converse.
~E, consistency.

You didn't like imperfect things.
And you didn't like me.
~E, I was the farthest thing from perfect.

just because they didn't love you.
doesn't mean no one won't.
~E, you are lovable.

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