91. - 95.

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To the girl that had
glass for skin
and diamonds for eyes.
How's having to wear your heart on your sleeve and your eyes shut?
For the greedy and their needs.
For the ones where all they want is more.
A chant of banging their fists on the dinning room table.
"More! More! More!"
When the girl just wants to be free once more.
~E, before she was confined was society's expectations.

I could never bring myself to hate you.
Even after everything you've did.
That has left a scar.
I couldn't hate you with a bone in my body.
Even though I should.
~E, is this what it takes to move on?

I kept going back to you.
Since that's all I've known.
~E, and loved.

I'm saying goodbye to what
we could've been,
we should've said,
and done.
I'm saying goodbye to
~E, goodbye and I'm not looking back.

I thought you were different.
From the one before you.
But I was proven wrong once again.
~E, will I ever stop hoping?

sunsets after dark. | poetry collectionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora