251. - 255.

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I wish my hair was different.
I wish I knew how to style and manage it.
I wish I had a different body type.
One that didn't make me feel like a box in the mirror.
One that made me proud of call my own.
I wish my face shape was different.
So then it could be a beautiful side profile.
I wish my stomach was smaller.
So then I wouldn't have to worry about it poking out in pictures and such.
I wish my teeth were straighter.
I wish they were paper white.
I just wish I was different.
~E, unrecognizable.

I loved him
for who he's been, could be, and had been.
The real question is if he has loved me for who I've been, could be, and had been.
~E, different type of love.

Maybe when we're older.
When we live far from home.
Where we have found our balance in life.
But we haven't found each other.
Maybe then we can try again.
~E, invisible string.

I saw you in my dreams tonight.
And the night before.
But if I knew that when I woke up that would be the last time I saw you.
I would've held onto you a little longer.
~E, grieving over someone long gone.

My cousin is one of the only people I know that paints the edges of the canvas.
Maybe I should be more like her.
~E, comparison

Happy Thanksgiving!

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