241. - 245.

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you did the one thing you said you wouldn't do.
You chose someone over me.
~E, what makes them so special.

I can't understand why I'm not able to get over you as easily as it was to fall in love with you.
I don't think I ever was fully over you.
I still wished you the best.
Then didn't let others talk down on you when they didn't know you.
Even after you've hurt me in more ways than I ever imagined.
I still looked for you when I went out in public.
For the slim chance that I would see you.
I was still hoping on the chance that you would change after everything we've done together.
But to you I was just another face in the background.
~E, the easy way out.

I selfishly hope that it takes you twice as long as it took me to get over you as it does to get over me.

I knew you weren't here anymore.
I knew it.
But I didn't know it.
It felt surreal.
I felt as if I was in a stand still.
While others are steadily moving forward processing that you're gone and that they couldn't have done anything about it.
I thought if I had answered that call.
Or I had sent that text.
Or if I had gone of those grocery and Walmart trips.
Maybe you would be here now.
~E, grief.

I feel as if I'll never escape you.
~E, you're everywhere I look.

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