216. - 220.

7 2 0

I thought it was a blessing to just exist by your side.
But in reality.
It was a curse I would spend the rest of my life undoing.

We were just two people who didn't know how to stay strangers.

I don't understand why I can't take my eyes off of you.
I've told myself 100 times over again to stop.
To stop searching for your wondering eyes.
For the chance to meet them for a split second.
You weren't anything special. Nothing to captivate you and take you in like an alluring drug.
Nothing that made people stop and stare.
At least that's what I want to believe.
But as long as I'm looking at you, you'll always be special.
To me since I can't understand why I can't take my eyes off of you.
~E, apparently.

We didn't talk this week.
Or the last.
Or the one before.
I wish your stares and unsaid words told me everything.
Everything you haven't said out loud.
I wish your silence didn't bother me.
I wish you told the words that you're trying to say to me through the stares and unsaid words.
I wish you said them.
I wish you did a lot of things.
So it feels right to be stuck on you like this.
~E, I wish our silence killed you like it did me.

I still have hope that we'll go back to how we used to be.

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