12. Lake

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"P' Kao... I'm scared." Earth said nervously.

"Don't be scared. I am right behind you. Just look ahead and accelerate instead of looking on the ground." Kao instructed sitting behind Earth as he taught the latter how to ride a bike.

Kao didn't know what Fluke had told Earth, but the little one had become so eager to learn how to ride a bike from him after he came back from school the other day.

Earth had even gotten his parents to persuade Kao to be his driving instructor.

Kao had no doubt that the whole idea of dragging him into being his instructor was Fluke's idea. He sometimes wanted to squat Fluke like a little housefly.

He had asked Earth why he didn't let Fluke teach him as the latter often rode his cousin's scooter to school. Earth had replied that when they were young Fluke tried to teach him how to ride a bicycle, but both ended up falling down and got gravely injured. The incident had left a trauma in his heart that he never tried to get his hands on any two-wheeler until Kao arrived.

"Earth stop shaking the handle. Keep it steady." Kao extended his long arms sitting behind Earth and held the handle.

Earth looked tiny and cute sitting between Kao's arms. They were so close that Earth could feel Kao's breath at the back of his neck. But he was not in a condition to pay any heed to that, his whole concentration was on the road ahead.

Not having a cycle balance before trying bikes was making it difficult for Earth. With Kao balancing the bike for him, Earth felt fearless.

The driving lessons continued for a few more hours.

"P' Kao, can we stop for now? I am feeling so hungry." Earth whined.

They have been practising under the sun for a while now. It was already afternoon and the road was burning hot.

Earth couldn't take it anymore and started feeling dizzy as he looked at the bright sunlight.

"Okay. Let's stop for now. Get in the back. I'll ride." Kao took the handle and let Earth climb on the back seat.

Earth was more than happy to oblige. He cheerfully climbed behind Kao and wrapped his arms around the elder's waist, placing his head on the elder's broad shoulders.

Kao chuckled and shook his head seeing Earth's cute actions.

Earth closed his eyes feeling the breeze hitting his face as the bike moved. Kao stopped in front of a mini food stall that had a lake view.

"What do you want to eat I will go place the order," Kao said removing the helmet.

"Hmm..." Earth tapped his chin thinking as he went through the menu board displayed at the food stall.

"I will just have Tom Yum Goong" Earth finally made his decision.

Kao nodded and went to place the order, leaving Earth to find seats for them.

Earth found a seat beneath the tree which provided shade over a large area.

Settling the helmets down on the side of the table, he sat down waiting for Kao to come as he watched the sea.

Kao came over and handed him a bottle of water.

Earth opened the bottle and took a few sips.

"You really are delicate," Kao commented seeing Earth's face that had turned red due to exposure to sunlight.

"I am not. I am just not used to being in the sun at this time of the day." Earth pouted, placing the bottle on the table.

Kao chuckled.

It didn't take long for their orders to arrive.

Earth eagerly took the bowl from the waiter's hand. He had a huge smile on his face as he smelled the food. "It smells so good."

Kao passed him a pair of chopsticks and a spoon.

Earth dug in without delay.

"This is so yummy." Earth groaned after taking a few bites of the food.

"Slow down. No one is going to take your food away. You are being so messy." Kao took a tissue and wiped the soup that Earth had on his face.

Earth smiled widely at Kao with his mouth full of food.

Kao too started eating his food.

"Ah. I am so full." Earth rubbed his flat belly in satisfaction. He was sitting on the concrete bench near the food stall stretching himself.

"Then you won't need these, right?" Kao asked showing the two ice creams that he got from the neighbouring ice cream vendor.

"No," Earth whined and reached out for the strawberry-flavoured ice cream.

Kao sighed and sat down next to Earth who was happily eating the ice cream.

"P' Kao, shall we go play in the water?" Earth suggested looking at Kao with his puppy eyes.

Kao didn't reply. He was not really interested in the idea. But he couldn't say it out loud to Earth's face.

"Na, phi. Na. We have been to places like this but we never played in the water. See there is no one else on the shore. We can have fun all by ourselves. Na na na na." Earth begged.

Kao finally gave in and nodded.

"Yes!" Earth jumped up in excitement.

After Kao was done with his ice cream, he was practically dragged to the lakeshore by Earth.

Kao stood on the shore as he watched Earth play with the water in the lake. As the area near the shore of the lake was shallow, it wasn't dangerous to get into it.

"P' Kao, please come over. This is so much fun." Earth screamed.

Kao shook his head and waved his hands in denial.

"P' Kao, stop acting like an old man. You are still too young for that." Earth got out of the water and walked to Kao.

Kao reluctantly let Earth pull him into the lake.

Earth splashed water on Kao and vice versa. Within no time the two were enjoying themselves in the seawater. Kao lifted Earth and twirled him as the latter giggled.

Both of them were exhausted by the time they got out of the water.

They sat on the shade of the huge rock that acted as a barrier between the lakeshore and the rest of the bouldered area. It was only them and tranquil.

Earth leaned against Kao's chest and watched the clear stagnant water. Kao was looking far ahead into the lake with his hands around the younger.

"P' Kao, when I grow up, I want to build a house on the lakeshore so that I can watch the view every day," Earth said playing with Kao's long fingers.

"You don't have to grow up for that. Phi already has a lake-view apartment back in Bangkok. You can stay there when you come to Bangkok." Kao said with a smile.

"That is not right, phi. Even if you let me stay, it is not mine. I need to work hard and make one for myself." Earth said in a determined tone looking up at Kao's face.

Kao looked down at the little one and said "What's mine is yours too Earth."

Earth didn't know why but his cheeks started heating up when he heard Kao say those words.

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