81. Surprise!

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"Woohoo!!! " Earth screamed at the top of his lungs as the sports car zoomed fast through the road. 

He was really enjoying the feeling of the breeze that hit his face as he sat on the backrest of the car seat, throwing his hands up in the air in exhilaration.

 As it was past midnight, there was little to no traffic on the road.

"This is so much fun!!!" Earth screamed. He was totally loving this.

Kao looked over at him and smiled. He hadn't expected Earth to love the car ride so much.

"P' Kao! It's a red signal." Earth alerted him as the latter almost ran the red as he was looking over at him.

Kao was embarrassed as he stopped at the signal. He almost got into an accident. If not for Earth reminding him, he would have driven forward without realizing it. 

"Where are we going, phi?" Earth asked excitedly.

"I already told you that it is a surprise. You will find out when we get there." Kao sped down on the accelerator as the signal turned green.

Earth pouted and sat back down on the seat, leaning against the car door, enjoying the breeze.

The car stopped in front of a building that Earth hadn't seen before. "What is this place, phi?" He asked finding the place very unfamiliar.

"You will know when you go inside" Kao replied smiling mysteriously. "Before that..." He pulled out a blindfold from his pocket.

"Don't tell me you want me to put that on." Earth pointed at the blindfold.

"Yes. You have to." Kao stood behind him and tied the blindfold over his eyes. "Don't worry. I will be right by your side." He whispered in Earth's ears.

Earth blushed profusely as his imagination was running wild. He was picturing various scenarios in his head.

"Come let's go in." He reached out to hold Earth's hand as he walked into the building.

Earth held on tightly to Kao as he was a bit nervous. He had never experienced being blind folded before. As excited as he was, there was a bit of fear too. Fear that he might trip and fall and make a fool out of himself in from to Kao.

He stopped when Kao stopped.

"You might want to wear this" Kao put a jacket on Earth. "You ready for the surprise?"

Earth nodded enthusiastically. 

Kao pushed open the huge door and led Earth. 

"It's so cold in here" Earth commented as he felt the temperature drop. Thanks to the jacket Kao put on him, he was warm.

"Ready? One...two...three... Surprise!" Kao took of the blindfold.

Earth slowly opened his eyes and the whole place lit up. His jaws dropped in awe as he stared at the view in front of him.

It was something he had never ever expected to see even in his dreams- An ice rink.

Thailand being a tropical country didn't have a winter season much less a frozen lake. There were no ice rinks in the country at all.

Earth covered his mouth in surprise. "H- How did you do this?"

He had once told Kao casually while watching a movie in which the protagonists were skating in ice, that he too, would love to try ice skating once. He wasn't expecting Kao to actually keep that in his memory and have an ice rink created for his birthday.

Kao hugged him from behind. "Do you like it?"

"I love it!!!" Earth was overwhelmed with emotions.

"Happy birthday, Darling" Kao kissed his boyfriend's head. "We might need to change our clothes before entering the rink."

The temperature inside the ice rink was about ten degrees Celsius. Earth's thin clothing could keep him warm enough. Kao didn't want the young guy to catch a cold on his birthday.

Earth nodded and headed to the changing room nearby. Kao had prepared everything for him.

Once he was done changing into warmer clothes, Kao helped him put on his safety gears and the skating shoes.

"I have never done this before." Earth said as he stood at the gate to the ice rink.

"I know." Kao smiled holding his hand. "Don't worry. I will teach you how to skate." He slowly led Earth into the rink, holding both of his hands.

Earth's legs were wobbly, and he slipped several times. Thankfully, Kao was holding him, and he didn't fall.

"Take it slow, Earth." Kao said with a soft smile. He could sense the nervousness emitting from Earth. "Look forward."

Earth raised his gaze from the floor to Kao's face. He was trembling slightly.

"Feel the ice." Kao instructed gently. "Try to keep your feet flat."

Earth did as he was told. 

"Now, start moving, slowly." Kao gave him instructions.

Earth was a quick learner. He easily learned to skate without being held by Kao. 

Kao was grinning ear to ear as he watched Earth skate around the rink by himself. He felt proud of his younger boyfriend.

Earth was having the time of his life. He hadn't even realized that his boyfriend had disappeared from the sight.

Suddenly, he felt something fall on his head. He looked up and saw the white substance that was falling down. He raised his hand and caught the white substance. "Snow?" He said as the shaved ice melted in his hands.

He turned to look for his boyfriend and saw the latter skating over to him with a cake in his hand.

Kao stopped right in front of Earth. He picked up a pair of candles that said '1' and '7' from his pocket and place them on the cake and lit them up. 

He started singing the happy birthday song. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to my dear Earth. Happy birthday to you."

Earth clapped his hands happily.

"Now, make a wish and blow out the candle." Kao said with an affectionate look on his eyes.

Earth clamped his hands together in prayer and closed his eyes to make his wish. I wish that P' Kao and I will always love each other, and that I can get married to P' Kao by the time I turn twenty-one years old.

He slowly opened his eyes and blew of the candle.

Kao handed him the knife. Earth cut the cake and they fed the cake to each other.

Earth was smiling ear to ear as they were on their way back to his house.

"What wish did you make?" Kao asked playfully.

"I won't tell you. The wish wouldn't come true if I say it out loud." Earth blushed heavily. He didn't want Kao to find out about his birthday wish. He hmphed and turned to the other side not wanting Kao to see the redness of his face.

"Oh?" Kao smiled mischievously. "Since you wouldn't tell me, let me make a guess." He tapped his chin as if he was thinking hard. "I bet that you wished that two of us will always stay together like this."

Earth felt his face heat up even more as Kao had guessed it right. "P' Kao, you cheater." He threw punched on Kao's biceps.

Kao laughed out loud at his cute angry bunny. He love teasing his little boyfriend.

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