67. Missing

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"Where on earth did, P' Kao run off to?" Kaew huffed when the call didn't go through.

She was especially pissed at her older brother who was nowhere in sight for the past two days. She was only staying in Bangkok for ten days and half of it had already been spent on the stupid wedding of her cousin. She had been planning on spending the rest of the days with her elder brother and her two favourite younger cousins.

Kaew had prepared a detailed plan of what to do and where to go during her days in Bangkok.

Yet all her plans went down the drain when her elder brother suddenly disappeared two days ago, completely ditching her.

"Are you guys even listening to me?" Kaew was irritated by the lack of response from her two cousins.

"Khrab, we are listening to you. But we have no idea where he went to," Boun said without taking his eyes off the television screen, fully concentrating on winning this round of the game.

"What about you Ohm?" Kaew asked Ohm since Boun hadn't even taken part in the whole wedding party after which Kao was nowhere to be found.

"Not really, phi." Ohm too was being competitive as he manoeuvred the game controller, overtaking Boun.

Kaew slumped on the soft couch pouting. She was extremely disappointed. It hadn't been easy for her to come back to Thailand after so many years.

Having lived in London for almost her whole life, Kaew wasn't actually close to anyone other than her elder brother, Kao. She only grew closer to Boun and Ohm via Kao. As for the rest of the family, they were practically strangers to her.

"What happened, phi? Why do you look so sad?" Dream asked as she walked into the room and saw her cousin on the verge of tears.

Kaew looked at her youngest cousin who looked a lot like a living doll. She hugged the girl who was yet to her puberty. "P' Kao is nowhere to be found. I can't even get in touch with him." She complained.

Dream slowly patted her cousin's back. This was actually the first time she had such close contact with the only female cousin she had from her mother's side. "I am sure that it is because of P' Shelly that P' Kao left without a word."

She too wanted to use these few days to get closer to this elder sister of hers.

"GAME OVER!" the robotic voice announced as both Boun and Ohm dropped their controllers hearing Dream's words, causing their cars on the game to crash into the landscape.

"Because of who?" Ohm spun on his seat to face Dream.

"P' Shelly. P' Kao's ex girlfriend." Dream answered innocently.

"She was there at the wedding?" Kaew was shocked. She had definitely heard about Shelly, who had cheated on her brother, sleeping around with someone else.

"Yes. She was following P' Kao around the whole time." Dream said taking a seat next to Kaew. "She was even acting all chummy with Pa Jane and Pa Jane seemed to be over the moon to have her there."

The three elder cousins looked at each other and then at the youngest.

"Are you sure that Pa Jane was happy to see Shelly? Does she even know who she is?" Boun asked Dream.

"Kha. I even saw Pa Jane introducing her to some of her acquaintances as P' Kao's girlfriend. I think Pa Jane has no idea that P' Kao and P' Shelly had broken up. Maybe she lied to Pa that they are still together." Dream replied.

"That bitch!" Boun cursed. He absolutely hated people like Shelly who backstabbed people who trusted them.

"But how did she get inside?" Kaew knew that without a formal invitation, no one would be able to attend the party.

"I saw her talking to P' Alan. Maybe he gave her an invite." Dream chirped.

"That blood motherf*****" Boun cursed again. His hatred towards his own biological brother rose to a whole new level as he thought of Alan helping Shelly get closer to Kao.

"Boun, Language!" Ohm warned while Kaew covered Dream's ears.

"Sorry, I forgot," Boun mumbled an apology noticing his underage cousin sitting not too far away from them.

"Maybe P' Kao just went to Chiang Mai," Ohm suggested.

"Why would P'Kao go to Chiang Mai?" Kaew had no idea about Kao living in Chiang Mai for the past few months.

"He found something interesting there" Boun said with a sheepish smile.

Kaew narrowed her eyes at her cousin's statement. "How do we make sure that he is Chiang Mai?"

The four of them fell silent, thinking of a way to know if their hypothesis was right.

"I have a way!" Ohm exclaimed as he remembered something.

"How?" Everyone gathered around Ohm.

Ohm pulled out his phone and dialled a number from the contact list. He put the call on loudspeaker.

The call went through after ringing for a while.

"If you are calling to check if P' Kao is here, he is and he will be staying here for a few days." A sleepy teenage male voice was heard from the other side.

The other party didn't even bother to greet Ohm after picking up the call.

That was when Ohm and the others realised that it was already past midnight and it was normal for people to have already slept.

"Oh?" Ohm had no idea what to say next.

"And good thing that you called. Can you do me a favour?" the person asked.

"What favour?" Ohm asked.

"Can you add some poison to P' Alan's food or else I will have to come all the way to Bangkok to do that."

"What?" Ohm was shocked. So were the others. "Why do you want me to poison him?"

"That guy is being such a pain in the ass. Did you know that he actually had the audacity to bring that cheating bitch Shelly to the party and even have her take care of P' Kao while he was drunk? I am sure that I don't have to explain the rest to you. You can probably guess what happened after that."

The three cousins stared at the phone unblinkingly. Dream was the only one who was clueless.

"Look phi, there is a lot going on over here and I have no time to handle your shit show of family there. So, please do me a favour and get rid of that son of a bitch for P' Kao. Or else I will do it myself and then it won't look good for your family."

The call was hung up after that.

"Was that Earth?" Boun asked, still in shock after listening to the conversation.

"No, it is his friend." Ohm stuffed his phone back into his pocket.

"He sounded like a teenager," Kaew commented.

"He is. But please don't underestimate him. Even P' Kao has high regard for him." Ohm replied.

"How do you know him?" Boun asked.

"I don't actually know him. I have interacted with him over the phone while he was talking to P' Kao." Ohm shrugged.

Boun raised his eyebrows suspiciously. His introverted cousin was acting strange.

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