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In the main mansion of Dechaphatthanakun family

"Is Ohm rebelling by not showing up here today?"  Eric felt displeased at his nephew's absence from the family event.

"No Dad. He has an exam tomorrow." Kao answered.

"Isn't it just a class test?" Eric questioned.

"So what? Their marks are going to be taken as the basis for their assignment grades." Kao glanced away from his father. "It is not like some important family meeting tonight that he can't miss at any cost."

"It is important, Kao." Eric gritted his teeth. "Alan's fiancé and her family are coming over. They are going to be officially introduced to everyone in the family today. He had to be here instead of rebelling like this. I don't know what our guests are going to think of everything."

Eric was totally pissed off. He disliked it when people disobeyed him and that was exactly what Ohm was doing by not showing up for the dinner. The strict instruction he had given his nephew was completely ignored.

"If you are so annoyed with him rebelling, then don't give him the reason to rebel." Kao retorted and walked away.

He went to the balcony on the second floor and lit a cigarette. He took a big puff and looked up at the darkening sky. He wanted to leave the place. He was not at all interested in attending the so-called family dinner. But he couldn't back out as there would be guests today and he had to entertain them as the future head of the family.

The guest arriving were their new business partners, who would be joining their family through a business marriage.

The marriage proposal was initially meant for Kao. But then Kao wasn't doing well so he declined the proposal. Instead, his cousin, the second grandchild of the family, Alan became the groom.

Alan was Boun's eldest brother. Both Kao and Ohm were on bad terms with him because he had hurt Boun and caused the latter to be kicked out of his own house.

Kao's mood worsened when he remembered that he would have to act friendly with Alan in front of the guests. He hated doing that. Especially with a two-faced person like Alan.

"Damn it." Kao cursed, kicking the ground. He let out the smoke and pulled out his phone. He checked for any new messages or missed calls from Earth. There was none.

"He must be still in practice." Kao sighed and put his phone back. He missed Earth. Even the video calls and chats weren't enough for him.

"First Young Master." Sui, the butler of the family greeted him.

"What is it, Lung Sui?" Kao tried his best not to sound annoyed.

"The first madam is looking for you, Young Master" Sui informed respectfully.

"Please tell her I will be there."  Kao dismissed the butler. He took a last puff of the cigarette before extinguishing it.

He straightened up his clothes and went to find his mother.

"Kao!" Ann, Ohm's mother, exclaimed as soon as he entered the family room.

He waied at the three women sitting in the room.

Ann and Tessa took their turns to hug him. Kao smiled at his aunts' enthusiasm.  Ann observed Kao from head to toe. He made a pose so that Ann could get a better view of him.

"You have changed," Ann said playfully eyeing him suspiciously. "You are practically glowing. Hmm..." She circled her nephew, observing him. "Are you in love, Kao?"

"No!" Kao managed to keep himself from flushing up and giving away.

"A high-pitched 'No'. something is really suspicious." Tessa tapped her chin thoughtfully looking at Kao carefully.

"There really is no one, Pa." Kao denied thoroughly. He didn't want his aunts to interrogate him on the topic.  "My skin looks better because of my new skincare routine. Nothing else." He changed the topic. Since there was no other topic that could distract women more than cosmetics, he decided to go with it.

"Skincare routine?" Ann questioned with raised eyebrows.

"I have been using some face masks and stuff recently. It kind of helps me deal with all the wrinkles and stuff." Kao answered sincerely.

The three women in the room looked at each other and then at Kao.

"Looks like they are really useful." Ann looked at Kao's face closely. "Your skin texture has improved a lot. There aren't any visible pores as well."

Kao smiled nervously.

Tessa was watching him like a hawk. "I didn't know that you cared so much about your skin."

"That P' Aa... actually I didn't. but Earth insisted I used them with him and now it became a habit." Just as he finished speaking, Kao realized that he had slipped up.

"Earth? A guy?" Tessa asked.

"Yeah. He is Khun Yay Dumpling's grandson. He is very particular about skin care. The kids nowadays care about their appearance a lot." Kao sighed and looked at the floor avoiding eye contact with the three ladies.

If the three ladies were to find out that he was actually interested in Earth, then the night would be bloody murder for everyone.

The three ladies looked at each other again, communicating with their eyes with each other. They motioned Ann to speak. She was the best among the three to talk to their children. Even Jane, Kao's mother couldn't do a good job as her sister-in-law cum best friend when it comes to getting her son to talk.

Ann nodded at her two best friends and turned to Kao, trying to test the water.

"Oh? Which university does he go to?"

"University?" Kao looked at Ann. "He is only sixteen, Aa. He just started high school."

"High school? Does he live in Bangkok?" Tessa asked.

"No, Aa. He lives with his parents in Chiang Mai," Kao replied.

"You met him when you went to Chiang Mai this time?" Ann asked Kao while glancing at the other two women.

"Khrab," Kao answered.

"You spent awfully a lot of time in Chiang Mai this time," Tessa spoke. "I was actually thinking that you would stay there for a maximum of a week. In the end, you ended up staying for a few weeks."

Kao didn't know if the three women had gotten suspicious of something but he knew that he had to play along. "There were just too many places to visit."

"Really?" Tessa chuckled making Kao tensed up. "I heard you brought your camera along when you left. I am sure that you must have clicked a lot of beautiful pictures of all those places."

"Yes, Kao. Did you click pictures? Show them to us. I haven't been to Chiang Mai much." Ann chirped.

"Why not!" Kao was put on the spot and he couldn't deny them. He eyed the maid who went to his room and brought his laptop when she returned.

He turned on the laptop, clicked open the file of photos and handed it to the three eager women.

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