36. Be brave

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"Good job back there." Ann patted Kao's shoulders as he returned after receiving the punishment from the ancestral hall.

Kao smiled at his aunt. She had always been the most understanding and supporting elder of the family. It wouldn't be wrong to say that he was closer to her than to his own mother. He hugged her tightly.

"Looks like Earth did a good job training you." Ann teased.

Kao's eyes widened. "W- What?"

"Earth. He really changed you, Kao. I loved your performance today." Ann blew an air kiss to her nephew. "Tonight, was fun. It was so good to see P' Saen's and Alan's become distorted at the dinner table. And that slap you gave Alan, God, that was so satisfying. I really wanted to give him one myself but never got an opportunity."

Kao stood frozen watching his aunt jumping like a kid high on sugar.

"I really want to meet that kid in person. When are you introducing him to us?" Ann grabbed Kao's both arms making the latter look at her face. "I am so excited. I am sure that I and he will get along well."


"I think I should meet his parents as well," Ann said thoughtfully.

"For what, Aa?" Kao was sweating bullets, feeling confused and nervous at the same time.

"To transfer him to Bangkok, of course. I have to convince his parents to let him move over. He can complete his schooling here." Ann was already making plans on Kao's behalf. "Long distance is so tough. I and my husband had been there. It is no easy job. Especially when both are busy with their own works."

"Aa," Kao called out. "Aa, please slow down." He held her firmly. "Transfer him? Long distance? What are you talking about?"

Ann sighed audibly "Kao, do you really not understand what I am trying to say? Or are you going to continue to act dumb?"

"I- I d- don't understand."

"Just you shuttering like this shows that you understand."

Kao stared at his aunt blankly.

"let's go to your room before we talk." Ann dragged Kao to his room.

Kao's room was huge enough to have an entire condo within it. it had a small living area, a mini kitchen a palatial sleeping space with a queen-sized bed, a luxurious walk-in closet attached to the spacious bathroom, and a garden-facing balcony.

"Sit." Ann pulled Kao to sit with her on the leather couch. "Kao, son, you know I am talking about you and Earth." She cupped his cheek with her hand. "It is not going to be easy with you two staying in two cities. If I try talking to his parents, maybe they will let him move to Bangkok and you two can be together. Mac and I were friends when we were young and I am sure that if-"

"Aa." Kao interrupted. "Me and Earth. We are not what you think we are."

"Kao, dear." Ann held Kao's hand. "I totally understand if you don't want to tell me about your relationship and come out to me. But-"

"Aa, please." Kao gulped finding it hard to speak. "Can we drop the topic here?"

"May I know why you don't want to talk about it?" Ann asked gently. "Kao, you know that I will support you even if your parents don't, don't you? I know you are in love with that kid. I can see it in your eyes, in your face, in every single action you do. And trust me I am really glad that you have found true love, Kao."

"It is not about me not wanting to date, Aa. It is about me being with him." Kao closed his eyes and sighed.

"About him? Does he not feel the same for you? Did he bro-zone you or something?"

"No, Aa. he loves me and he has the courage to admit it. he even confessed to me the last time I visited him."

"Then, what is the problem? You love him and he loves you and he is not afraid to make a stand."

"It's me, Aa. I am the problem."

"Care to explain?"

Kao sat up straight. "Earth is only sixteen, Aa and I am twenty-six."

"Age gap is the problem?" Receiving no answer Ann continued "Honey, age is just a number. You guys can work things out if you try."

"That is not it, Aa. He is still a teenager. He is yet to turn an adult. When he does, he will surely meet more people and get new experiences. The attraction he feels towards me now might seem like a minor infatuation at that point."

"Kao, since when were you so unconfident about yourself? Believe in your charms dear. You know I started dating P' Seth at the age of fourteen. We had been through a lot in the whole span of our relationship till we could get to the point that we were ready to tie knots.

I do believe that as long as you two are willing to spare effort, you will definitely end up together. I assure you that I have got your back."

"As long as we are willing?" Kao smiled self mockingly. "Aa, you know how our family is. You saw what just happened outside. The way they are treating Boun, who is biologically their own child like that just because he loved a boy. Imagine, how they would treat Earth if they were to find that I am dating him."

Ann fell silent.

"If their accusations and attacks were only directed at me, then it is okay. But I don't think they would spare Earth if they found out.

Don't you remember how Aa Saen had kicked both Boun and his lover from the school? He had practically blacklisted them from any schools that would be willing to take them. Even Khun Yay and my dad were on Aa Saen's side, Aa. In the end, you and Aa Seth had to do a lot of work to get Boun admitted to a good school.

I don't want the same thing to happen to Earth, Aa. He is a brilliant guy. He is the provincial topper of his grade. He also won the National level hacking competition not too long ago. If me being with him can ruin his future, then I rather not stay by his side at all, Aa."

"So, you want to give up?" Ann questioned. "Even without trying?"

"Aa, I-"

"Kao, dear, learn to live for yourself for once," Ann spoke softly. "Learn to be selfish. Learn to hold on to things that you want in your life before it is too late.

You have to understand that no matter what you do, or how much you try to please them, they will still find faults in you and point fingers at it. we can't make everyone happy. The only person whom you can definitely make happy is you yourself" Ann said poking Kao's chest.

"So, be brave and fight for your happiness. Because, if you don't, no one else will do it for you." Ann patted her nephew and left the room wishing him good night.

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