29. Teach me how to

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"Finally." Fluke stretched himself having finished all his homework for the day.

He turned to Earth and saw that the latter was lost in his own world, daydreaming with his eyes open.

"Oi, Ai Earth" Fluke nudged hin.

"Oh? What is it? " Earth snapped out of the daze and looked at Fluke.

" Nothing. You seemed to be so lost in your thoughts today. " Fluke got up from his chair and neatly arranged his books on the study table. " Is it about the thing you wanted to talk to me about? "

Earth nodded hesitantly. " Kind of. "

Fluke turned his full attention to Earth abandoning the cleaning up. He put his one hand on his hips and the other hand on the table as a form of support.

" What is it? "

" Errr..."  Earth raked his hair. " It's nothing. " He stood up closing his book.

" No. It is not nothing. " Fluke pushed him down to sit. " It has to be something very important that it's been bothering you like this. I caught you spacing out so many times today, which certainly is not normal. "

Earth didn't say anything and climbed into the bed.

" Is it about P' Kao? " Fluke couldn't think of anything that would distress Earth to this extent than Kao.

" Partially yes and partially no. " Earth hugged the cookie plushie.

Fluke sat on the other side of the bed and picked up the cinnamon roll plushie as he eyed Earth. “Care to explain?”

“Argh!” Earth buried his face in the plushie. “This is driving me crazy.” His muffled scream was heard.

“Whatever it is, say it out, Earth. Or else how will I help you find a solution.” Fluke was amused. 

Earth groaned and threw his head back. “P’ Kao met his ex.”

“P’ Kao went to meet his ex?” Fluke narrowed his eyes.

“He didn’t go to meet her… they just met… I mean…”

“You mean…?”

“P’ Kao was attending a mutual friend’s wedding and she was there… and they met.”

“What is the big deal in that? I think you are overreacting, Earth.”

“The problem is not that he met her.” Earth abandoned the plushie and sat on his knees facing Fluke on the bed. “They took a group photo and put it on their social media tagging everyone. P’ Kao was standing next to her.”

Fluke raised his eyebrows, sensing the sour aura Earth was emitting.

“She was all handsy with him all those photos.” Earth sulked.

Fluke covered his mouth with his hands to prevent himself from snickering.

“I didn’t know that she was his ex. I only found out when I read the comments under the photo. Some of them were saying those two looked so good together, like a match made in heaven.”

Fluke didn’t comment. He could feel that those comments had gotten to Earth.

“Her name is Shelly. She went to the same university as P’ Kao. They dated for more than six years. That was the longest he had dated someone.”

Earth felt a lump in his throat.

“I know P’ Kao might not be into men and even if he is I might not be able to win his heart… But the fact that he hadn’t pushed me away had given me hope, Fluke.” Earth spoke hanging his head low. “ I looked into her social media account. She is so pretty. She is indeed a perfect match for P’ Kao.”

Fluke mentally cursed at Kao for being cowardly and not accepting Earth’s confession.

“You know, I saw their old photos in her account. She hadn’t taken them down even after they broke up. Both of them looked so happy in it…that were all smiles…”

“Earth” Fluke squeezed Earth’s hands.

“There was a picture of them… kissing each other… in a park… when I say that… I started wondering if we could ever kiss in public like that even if we get together.”

“So, the kiss was the problem?” Fluke asked but got no reply.

Fluke sighed audibly and got up from the bed. “Earth, as long as he is willing to date you, you two can kiss anywhere you want.”

Earth looked up at Fluke.

“Or are you afraid of people being judgemental about you?” Fluke asked. “Earth, listen to me all right? Neither your family nor your close friends have any objection to you dating a guy. So, you don’t need to care about anything like that. As for the rest of the world, they will always find faults no matter what you do. Stop worrying about that and be confident in yourself, buddy.” Fluke patted his shoulders.

“Fluke…” Earth called out. “Actually I am not worried about that… ”

“Then what are you worried about?” Fluke poured himself a glass of water. The long speech had made his throat dry.

“The problem is that I don’t know how to kiss.” Earth bit his lower lip looking at Fluke.

Fluke choked on the water hearing Earth. All this while he was worried that his friend was distressed about his sexuality. Little did he know that his best friend was actually concerned about not knowing how to kiss.

“Don’t worry. I am sure that P’ Kao will teach you how to do it well.” He wiped the water off his chin.

“I know. But I don’t want to look like an amateur when P’ Kao kisses me.” Earth pouted.

“But you ‘are’ an amateur, Earth. You haven’t dated anyone before P’ Kao. It is natural that you don’t know how to kiss.” Fluke said chuckling.

“You haven’t dated anyone before as well but you know how to kiss, right?” Earth retorted.

Fluke started laughing as he met Earth’s accusing gaze. He did have a few kissing experiences but those experiences couldn’t be called an actual kiss. It can at most be called a peck or a long peck as it was only his lips touching the other party’s for a few minutes.

However, he wouldn’t say it out loud. It was a matter of ego and pride.

He sat down on the bed. He put his hands on the bed and leaned back, dangling his legs.

“So, what do you propose?” Fluke looked teasingly at Earth. “Don’t tell me that you want me to teach you how to kiss.”

“Yes, Fluke. That is exactly what I was going to ask you.” Earth replied with a serious face.

Fluke lost balance as one of his hands gave away and almost fell on the bed. He sat up straight. His smile had dimmed. “What?”

“Teach me how to kiss, Fluke. I want to learn.” Earth repeated. 5poke in a stern voice making Fluke’s eyes go wide in horror.

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