69. Dream or reality 2

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Beau frowned when she saw her son walking into the hospital room. "Ja, why are you here? Where is Kao?" 

She was expecting Kao to come and help Her take Earth back home.

"Something urgent came up and he had to leave. He called me over to drive you two back home." Ja said vaguely. He reached out to take the duffle bag from his mother while helping Earth stand up.

Beau frowned upon hearing the response but didn't ask any other questions. What puzzled her more was her more was her nephew's absence.

Fluke had neither shown up at the hospital nor called her to check on Earth, which was very unusual of him. Earth had always been the most important person in his life. His other half. Śomething this big had happened and Fluke not being by Earth's side didn't seem right to Beau.

Even though she had many theories and assumptions about Fluke's absence, she didn't voice them out. She was planning on confronting Fluke directly. She didn't trust the Siripongthon [1] blood in him.

As Ja keyed the car into the ignition, Earth had already settled down on the back seat of the car. He bit his lips till they were white thinking about the things Beau told him in the hospital room.

He was caught off guard by the news that it was Kao out of all people who saved him from those people who tried to molest him. He was also told that Kao had stayed up all night in the hospital to take care of him.

That was the last thing he had expected Kao to do for him, given the way they had parted ways the last time they met. The wound that Kao's words that day made was still fresh in his heart. Even the slightest reminder of them, made his heart hurt like hell.

Earth was completely clueless about why Kao was in Chiang Mai, much less in his school to rescue him. He didn't want to mull the matter as he felt that his assumptions might end up being wrong and he would make a fool of himself.

The car stopped in front of the Dechaphattankun family mansion. 

Before anyone could ask any questions Ja spoke up. "Kao volunteered to look after Earth for the time being as Aa Mac and Aa Darla aren't around."

Beau hummed in reply, understanding the situation at hand. 

Earth got out of the car, still panicking a  bit. Beau managed to calm him down and explain that he was safe while they were in the hospital. But now that he got to know that he would be staying with Kao and not with Beau and her family, a sense of panic arose in his heart.

Fluke rushed over as soon as he saw Earth get out of the car and hugged him tightly, without speaking a word.

Relief washed over Earth's mind as he relaxed in the familiar embrace. He felt safer with his best friend around.

"Come, let's go in," Fluke said before dragging Earth into the mansion. 

"Why am I being asked to stay here?" Earth asked.

"P' Kao is worried about you and wants to take care of you till your parents get back home. He can't actually stay at my place to look after you if you were to be taken there. It would be awkward." Fluke explained.

Earth wordlessly stared at his best friend, as if asking for an explanation on why Kao should take care of him after all that had happened between them.

Fluke scratched his non-itchy cheek and avoided his friend's gaze as he replied. "You should probably have a conversation with P' Kao about this. I can't tell you anything more."

Earth understood that his bestie had sold him out to Kao. "You are unbelievable Fluke." He was hurt.

Fluke was the one who had witnessed the pain he had to go through after Kao had mercilessly rejected him and asked him not to show up in front of him. Yet, Fluke had actually let Kao be the one taking care of him.

"I don't want to stay here." Earth turned around in anger. He felt betrayed. "I am going back home."

He strode out of the mansion with Fluke running after him.

"Earth, wait. Earth, listen to me" Fluke called out trying to catch up with Earth. He was feeling dizzy as he hadn't had anything since lunch the previous day and had to pull an all-nighter to clean up all the mess he and Prem had created. He even had to take care of Prem who had fallen sick the whole night.

Earth's steps halted. He spun on his heels and faced his best friend. "Enough Fluke. You don't have to follow me or give me any explanation. I admit, something terrifying did happen to me yesterday. I almost got myself raped, got a panic attack and passed out. I am still horrified at the mere memory of it, I admit. But that doesn't mean that I need to end up as someone's burden.

If you don't want to take care of me, then it is okay. I understand. I am not a toddler who needs babysitting. I can take care of myself Fluke. I am only a few months younger than you. So please don't worry." Earth resumed walking as soon as he finished talking.

"Babe, it is not like that." Fluke felt wronged.

Earth let out an angry breath and looked at Fluke who had caught up to him "Pa Beau said that she already managed to get in touch with my Mae this morning. They will be returning as soon as possible."

He shrugged off Fluke's hand and continued walking, turning a deaf ear to everything Fluke was saying. He wasn't in a mood to listen to any of it. He didn't want to hear anything that would him even a hint of hope that he and Kao were possible.

He froze when he saw Kao standing at the main door. The older was talking to Beau and Ja.

Hearing the commotion made Kao look in that direction. His eyes met with Earth's.

Earth was quick to break the eye contact. He looked to the side to avoid facing Kao. Giving a wai out of formality to the host of the mansion, Earth quickly walked out of the mansion with his bag.

"P' Kao, Earth doesn't want to stay here. He said that he is going home." Fluke alerted Kao who was stunned at Earth's coldness towards him just now.

Kao finally came to his senses after hearing Fluke's words. He excused himself from Beau and Ja and ran behind Earth following Fluke.

He caught up with the two friends who were engaged in a disagreement. Fluke stepped away noticing Kao was there.

"Let go of me." Earth tried to pull away when Kao grabbed onto his bag.

Kao lost his patience as Earth continued to struggle. He scooped Earth up and threw him over the shoulder like a rice sack. He passed the bag to Fluke and started walking.

Earth protested with all his might, punching Kao's back and kicking. Kao seemed completely unaffected by the attacks.

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