73. Caught

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"So?" Darla crossed her legs as she eyed two people before her. Mac and Frida sat beside her in silence, letting her do her thing.

Both Kao and  Earth were getting nervous. They had been caught red-handed by the three elders of the house. Not that they were doing anything indecent, it was just Kao spoiling Earth as he showed off his princess attitude.

The whipped older guy couldn't say no to his lover and was more than willing to turn into a slave for him. 

Darla on the other hand found the whole situation amusing. As soon as she had heard what had happened to Earth she and her husband rushed back, even though it took two days because the roads got blocked due to landslides.

They had been so worried about their son that they couldn't even have the patience to sit down and have a good meal after they heard about the incident.

In the end, when they finally got back home, they saw their son being lovey-dovey with the same guy that he had been crying over for the past month. Her son didn't seem to need them at all.

It was as if they were the ones who were making a mountain out of a mole hole all these days, stressing over the fact that their child may even be traumatised by an event like that.

Getting no response from the two, she decided to target the taller one first. "Kao, what are you doing here?"

Kao tensed up as the question was addressed to him. Normally, he wouldn't have been this nervous while interacting with Darla. He had a good relationship with her during his stay last time.   

But now, things have changed, the people in front of him were Earth's family, his boyfriend's family, and his future in-laws. He had to leave a good impression on them. 

"We were just eating our lunch." He said with a straight face, hiding his emotions well. 

"Oh? Having lunch?" Darla raised her eyebrow. Kao was good at concealing his feelings but her son was not. He was red as a tomato. This made her want to tease them a bit more. "I far as I remember, my son was not handicapped or anything that he needs someone else to spoon-feed him."

Kao could feel his cheeks heat up. When he had brought in their lunch, Earth had insisted that he had to feed him because he had a fever two days ago.

Even though it was a silly reason, Kao gladly obliged. He wasn't expecting Earth's family to arrive earlier than they said.

"That... I..." Kao stuttered not knowing how to answer the question.

"I asked him to feed me," Earth said before Kao could speak further.

Darla pressed her lips together, trying her best not to laugh out loud at the adorable sight of her son blushing so hard. "Why would you say that to him? And why would he obey you?"

Earth looked at his mother with a flushed face "Because he is my boyfriend! We are dating!" He announced holding Kao's hand.

Kao was not expecting Earth to tell them about their relationship this quickly. They had only been dating for two days and hadn't even gone out on an official date (He didn't treat the dates he went on with Earth before they confessed as 'official dates').

Silence engulfed the room. Earth could hear his heart banging against his ribs as he held onto Kao's hand. He could feel the latter staring at him. But he didn't dare look in his direction.

He knew that Kao wasn't really pleased that he told his parents that they had started dating. They had only started their relationship a day or two ago and he had already spilled the milk in front of his parents. He knew that Kao wasn't ready for the announcement.

Earth started regretting his impulsive actions. He wondered if Kao would find him too childish and have second thoughts about their relationship. The mere thought of having to end everything he had enjoyed for the last two days made his heartache.

Darla exchanged gazes with the other two elders in the room. They were wordlessly communicating with their eyes.

After getting an affirmative nod from his mother and wife, Mac turned to Kao, "Kao, is he telling the truth?"

Kao who had been stiff since Earth admitted their relationship, met Mac's questioning gaze. "Khrab, we have been in a relationship since two days ago." he held Earth's hand tightly.

Earth felt his heart swell up in warmth as he heard Kao's words. All the worries he had a second ago flew out of the window. A smile spread across his face. He was extremely delighted.

Mac and Darla exchanged looks. Beau had already given them a heads-up about the matter. She told them about how Kao had been taking care 

"Don't you know that you have made my son cry his eyes out? What do you have to say about that?" Mac didn't plan to make it easy for Kao. As much as he liked Kao and Earth to be together, he wanted to make sure that his son wasn't a time pass or experiment for the other party.

Earth was so embarrassed that he wanted to dig a hole in the ground and bury himself in it. He didn't want Kao to know of all that.

"I know that I made a big mistake in the past and Earth had to suffer because of that. I am willing to take any punishment Earth wants to give me." Kao replied seriously.

Earth stared at Kao, blinking vigorously. He couldn't believe what he just heard. A mischievous smile decorated his face when an idea crossed his mind. He should discuss it with his friends and take pointers before finalising it.

"Oh? You will take punishment from him?" Mac laughed, pointing at his son "You are sure that he won't he can't bear to hurt you, don't you?"

Earth suddenly hugged Kao's arms and spoke"No, Por. I have already come up with plans for his punishment. Please trust me! I won't go easy on him!"

Kao had an obnoxious feeling about this. He looked at the shorter guy next to him who gave him a toothy smile.

Earth turned to look at his parents again. "And you guys should stop raging my boyfriend!"

Darla scoffed "Boyfriend? How long has he been your 'boyfriend'?" She quoted the last word with her finger.

"T-Two days" Earth stuttered.

"Oh? Two days and you are already this protective!" Darla sneered in self-mockery. Her son was no longer hers.

"Mae..." Earth whined and pouted.

"Go eat your lunch by yourself. There are things that we need to discuss with your 'boyfriend'." Mac ordered.

"You cannot bully him" Earth said to his parents.

"Don't worry. We have better things to do in our life than bullying your boyfriend." Darla replied making a face at her son.

Earth had a proud look on his face as he pulled Kao down to his head level and whispered. "You should tell me what they talk to you about."

Kao smiled and nodded.

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