45. Trap

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“I know that you and Kao had broken up.” Alan looked at Shelly who was standing opposite him on the balcony.

“Then why did you…” Shelly trailed off. She was unable to comprehend why Alan had announced her as Kao’s girlfriend when he knew that she had broken up with his cousin.

“Actually, I know everything that happened and I won’t blame you.”

Shelly looked at Alan with furrowed brows.

“I understand that Kao can be boring to the core sometimes and might not be a guy who openly expresses his feelings like any woman would want him to.” Alan eyed Shelly who was staring at him intently. “I know that you might have had needs and desires that you wanted him to fulfil. But as dumb as my cousin is, he might not have noticed it and you ended up turning to other people for the purpose.”

Shelly remained silent listening to Alan. She got surer that Alan knew of the fact that she had cheated on Kao. The only thing she was where Alan was going with the conversation.

“I also know how much Kao loves you.”

Shelly’s eyes widened at Alan’s words. She was not expecting that. She knew that Kao used to love her but she wasn’t sure of the current condition, after all the fight they had before they actually broke up.

“Despite what happened between you two, I know Kao still loves you. He was completely broken when you left him. he even started neglecting his work because of it to the extent that his company almost went bankrupt.”

Shelly moistened her lips feeling guilty towards Kao. She knew that the man had always been loyal to her throughout the length of their relationship. But she never expected her cheating on him would affect him to this extent.

She was unaware that Alan was completely exaggerating the whole situation and none of the family members knew that Kao was dating someone, much less about his break up with her.

Alan had gotten the information from other sources. He was actually the one who had set her up with Kao’s rival and instigated her parents to oppose her relationship with Kao. He had used her as a distraction for Kao for a while so that he could approach people supporting Kao. He was successful in his plan and was able to separate Shelly and Kao.

Yet, now he wanted to use Shelly again to put a rein on Kao. He couldn’t let Kao outshine him. he didn’t believe that Kao was someone who was eligible to rule over him.

Alan looked down on Kao. He firmly believed that if not for his grandfather’s support that Kao had received from childhood, his cousin wouldn’t have been able to achieve what he has today.

”I am sure that as long as you two sit and talk, there is no issue between you two that cannot be solved.” He smiled amicably Shelly. “You two have dated for such a long time. Don’t you think that you two know each other well enough to know what you guys want from each other?”

“Khun Alan, I don’t understand what you are trying to say,” Shelly spoke formally. Alan's words sounded more like a prank to her.

“You don’t have to be so formal, Shelly. You can take me as a friend or simply as Kao’s cousin. I know this is not my place to do this but, I am here, requesting you to give my cousin another chance.” Alan directed his well-practised ‘sincere’ smile at Shelly. No girl ever said no to that smile. Having inherited the genes of the Dechaphatthanakun family, Alan was really handsome.

But Shelly was immune to that smile as she had been with Kao for a long time. Her eyes narrowed at Alan.

“I am not asking you to make up your mind right away. but I do hope you would give it a thought. Sleep over it before you make a final decision.”

Shelly stared at Alan without words as she was seriously considering Alan’s words. She did want to get back together with Kao. No matter how many men she met after Kao, none of them treated her half as well as Kao did. Not to mention that Kao came from such a wealthy family.

Alan made a hand gesture at someone. A few seconds later a man who seemed to be Alan’s secretary walked over to them. he handed something to Alan and left the two alone.

“Shelly, next month I am getting married. It is not a big function. It is a small intimate wedding with only close family and friends in Pattaya.” Alan handed his wedding invitation to Shelly.

Shelly looked at the beautiful invitation card that screamed of luxury. She could only dream of getting such an invitation if not for Kao.

“If you change your mind and decide to give your relationship with Kao another, go, then, please do attend my wedding. I am sure that everyone will be delighted to have you there.” Alan said in a pleading tone.

Shelly was over the moon to hear Alan’s words. Her eyes were shining with greed. She would have nothing to loose if she attended the wedding ceremony. She only had gains. Even if she couldn’t make up with Kao, she could get acquainted with people from the top tier of the food chain of the nation. She might use this opportunity to climb the social ladder.

“I will surely let you know after I have made my decision.” Shelly held back her excitement. She couldn’t wait to show off to her friends.

“Thank you, Shelly” Alan smiled. “Thank you for accepting my request.”

“I am doing this for myself, Alan,” Shelly said. “It has nothing to do with you.”

Alan obviously knew that but he didn’t expose her real intentions. He chatted with her for a while and even exchanged contact information. They promised to keep in touch as if they were close friends before they split up.

Shelly internally screamed as she looked at Alan’s contact information in her phone. She was mentally making plans to trap Kao. She didn’t know that she was the one who was being trapped.

“You humiliated and ridiculed me in front of my future in-laws, didn’t you Kao? Let me show you what actual humiliation is.” Alan muttered to himself as he watched Shelly leave.

She was going to be the biggest pawn in his game to take down Kao. He had successfully laid his trap. All he had to do was, to wait for Kao to fall into it.

Alan sipped his wine with a smirk. He turned around and looked at the lawn from the balcony watching people swamping over to Shelly, calling her Kao’s girlfriend, as she had reached the place.

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