6 - Tied in knots

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This dress already weighs like forty pounds, and Rachel is NOT HELPING! Dragging me down the stairs by the arm, Rachel is surprisingly strong for her age, although that may be being spurred on by the fact that she keeps muttering that we're late.

When we arrive, however, it seems she's been slightly overreacting.

The tribute waiting area for the Quell is so different than regular games. Instead of hovering by their chariots, tributes are all mixed, chatting loudly with the occasional booming laugh. Right. Because most people here have known each other for years. Most people here are friends. It's enough to make me wonder how long it will take for them to turn on eachother. How long it will take for me to slip back into that monster. I've spoken to everyone here and really have no plan to gain relationships. Well, spoken to all except...

Huh. Odair is standing next to Katniss Everdeen by her horse, a large smirk on his face that can only mean trouble. I decide to investigate and inch further towards them, scanning the situation as Odair drawls;

"What about you, girl on fire? Got any secrets worth my time?" Gross.

"I'm an open book," Katniss replies, dark, shadowed eyes flashing. "Everyone seems to know my secrets before I know them myself."

"Unfortunately I think that's true," Odair smirks and his eyes daet to me. "Ah, Frost! Girl on fire, this is one of those Victors I was talking about. Our time is limited, am I right?"

"Perhaps your time, Odair," I croon. "I plan on living a long, happy life." Katniss's expression shifts to deadly and I curse myself. Shit. If she sees me as a threat to Peeta she'll try to take me out. I try to diffuse the tension and turn directly to her. "So, Katniss right?"

She nods.

"And you are..."

Honestly, it's almost cute how she pretends she doesn't know who I am.

"Kasia Frost. Victor of the 67th games."

"Ohhh!" Katniss's eyes flash with recognition. "Was that the year it was in the old gladiator ring?"

I freeze, visions of that arena flooding my head.

I scan the arena, heart clenching. There is only really a mile extra space outside of the cornucopia circle, the arena bordered by large stairs that look far to tall to climb. It's based off of a gladiator ring, and is possibly the smallest arena I have ever seen.

There is no where to hide. No where to run. We're all going to be dead with in a day.

I feel a pressure on my back and I snap out of my flashback to see Odair's hand wrapped around my waist. Annoyingly grateful, I tilt my head at Katniss.

"Yes, yes it was."  I look her up and down. "Oh, and I'm so sorry about your wedding by the way. I know how terribly devastating that must be for you."

Katniss nods slowly and I grin. Suddenly shocked back into focus of who's still touching me, I step out of Odair's grip, moving till my face is inches from Katniss's. To my satisfaction, I realise I'm just the slightest bit taller.

"I hope you know," I croon, and stroke Katniss's jawline lightly, my claw like gloves leaving a faint scratch. "You really... Made an impression on my district." Her eyes flash.

"Tributes, to their chariots. Tributes to their chariots!" Claudius Templesmith's voice echoes through the waiting area and my eyes roll.

"Well then Katniss, it was very nice to meet you," I smirk. "Perhaps I'll see you in training." Turning away, I grin, or rather expose my teeth to Odair, and walk towards where Dlain, Rachel and Sara are waiting. Passing Peeta on my way, I smile softly at him. In return, he tips his head before hurrying off to join Katniss at their chariot.

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