25 - District Five

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It was for you. It was for you. It was for you. Those four simple words echo through my dreams, through murders and cannons and bombs they still echo.

"Kasia-" a voice whisper in my ear. "Kasia wake up, come on! Miss Frost!" Frowning, my eyes open slowly to find one of Coin's soldiers leaning over me. I flinch backwards slightly, but he puts his hands up in defense. "Coin wants in command immediately."

"Wha- now?" I ask, raising my head up off of Finnick's chest. Sometime during the night he must have fallen asleep, resulting in us lying on my bed, my head on his chest and his arms around me. I stare down at him, watching the steady inhale and exhale of his breath. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, so much younger. The soldier coughs.

"Miss Frost? I'm afraid this can't wait." I sigh, maneuvering myself out of Finnick's arms. When I'm gone, he groans slightly, before rolling over onto his stomach and falling continuing to sleep. It was for you. Wincing, I tear my gaze away. The soldier nods to the door and I follow him out into the hallway.

Once we're clear of the sleeping quarters, the man turns his head to me.

"My name is Boggs, one of the head soldiers here in Thirteen. I answer to Coin, so if you have any questions at all feel free to ask." I smile slightly.

"Alright." Boggs lead me down a few more hallways then up four of five flights of stairs till we reach yet another dull grey door. He opens the door for me and I step in to find Coin, Plutarch and Beetee sitting around the table.

"Ah Kasia," Coin says, nodding her head. "Please take a seat." I sit down warily, staring at Beetee. He doesn't give me anything, no hint about what this is about.

"Why am I here, Ms President?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"There was an advancement made last night that we thought you should know about," Plutarch says and I shift my gaze to him. His cheek has a bruise from where I slapped him and I just stop myself from smirking smugly just in time. "We received a message from a transmitter that hasn't been used in a while."

"From where?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. "And what did it say?" Plutarch takes a deep breath.

"District Five is still alive."


Back in my room, I open my cupboard softly, trying not to wake Finnick up. I grab the bodysuit, slipping into the bathroom to put it on. I don't look at my reflection until it's all on, the padding and armour fitting like a glove. Turning back to the mirror, I stare at the terrifying figure in front of me. I look like an assassin. Someone you wouldn't want to cross. The thick black eyeliner and eyeshadow that Effie put on my eyes doesn't help either. Deadly. Brutal. And for once, that doesn't make me feel guilty. It makes me feel strong. Smiling, I walk out, the boots making it so I walk silently. Beetee said for me to not hide any weapons yet, as he's got some special ones, so I leave the flaps empty. I'm almost at the door when-

"Kasia?" Finnick's sleepy voice comes from the bed. "Where are you going?"

"I-" I freeze, not looking back. "Plutarch got word from Five. They're alive, but the Capitol is keeping them in lockdown. No one is allowed out of their houses except for when there are compulsory public Capitol broadcasts. So I'm going over, to get them back on their feet. I'll be like a messanger between them all, the organiser of a huge act of rebellion. They think that the other citizens will be still in lockdown for another few days, so I'll have that amount of time before the Capitol realizes I'm gone."

"I'll go with you-" Finnick says, starting to sit up, but I spin towards him.

"No." He can't come. He can't. He could die and then I would never be able figure out if I hate or like the fact that that poem was about me. And I just need... Time. Alone. Without him.

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