11 - A sky full of stars

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TW- sex slavery

As soon as the Capitol catches on to what the Victors are doing, the lights switch off, leaving us to chaos in the dark. The audience members are screaming, this is probably the most traumatic event they've ever been in to be honest, and I'm being pulled back and forward by people who I don't know. Odair's hand is gripped firmly on mine as we walk off the stage, but someone grabs my waist in the wings, ripping Odair's fingers away.

"Hello doll," a honey sweet voice slips into my ear. "I'm afraid I'll be borrowing you for a few hours, curtesy of President Snow, of course." His grip tightens on my waist as my head goes strangely blank. Of course. Of. Fucking. Course, Snow would make me do this tonight. Just another reminder of how I am no more than a piece in his games. The strong, male hand winds its way through my hair, taking out all the clips and accessories.

Dimly, I meet eyes with Johanna from across the room and she nods softly, looking at the man. If I wanted her to, she would come over her right now and rip out this man's balls. For a solid minute, I consider it, but my mind drifts to Thomas, and I shake my head. No. I can do this, if only to make my resolve to fight tomorrow even higher.

My eyes, trying to look anywhere but the man's face, snag on Mags and Odair across the room. Mags is smiling rather sinisterly at an elderly woman currently dragging her long nails along Odair's jaw. His eyes meet mine for a heartbeat, and in them, I see such raw pain that it makes my heart ache for him, even as the man around me drifts his hands lower down my sides and back.

Odair's piercing blue-green gaze feels like it's burning through me as we stare at each other, trying desperately to distract ourselves from the people hanging off of us. His eyes... They are a sea full of stars. I loose track of time of how long we've been watching each other, my breath catching ever so slightly as he smiles softly. But then I blink, and he's gone, if he was ever there at all.

The man leads me away, through the building to his room, and my body stiffens as we enter his apartment, mind going numb. So I stand there, like a doll, as the man who I have never even seen before takes my dress off of me, his sweaty hands stroking at my skin, running over the scar and cupping my face like he owns me.

In in this moment, as the man's lips crash into mine and he forces me onto the bed, the last star shining in me, that last semblance of life, flickers out and dies.


As I walk through the hallway from the elevator, heels dangling from my hands, my mind is strangely blank, and my heart feels... hollow. Empty. No emotion. Gods, I look at the clock on the wall.

Six hours. Six hours until I go back into that arena. Six hours until I have to kill people I've known for years-

"Where have you been," Sara's voice comes from the kitchen, and I look up to see her standing there, hair and makeup still all done up. I blink.

"I'm going to bed."

"Where. Were. You." Sara snarls, and I become very aware of the fact that she was a Victor. That she is holding a rather sharp fork in her hand.

"I had a job to do," I clip, raising my brows. "Snow's orders."

"That's bullshit," She snaps and I cross my arms.

"No, it's not. You know what I do for the Capitol."

"I... what, no I don't," Sara raises her eyebrows. "And no matter what it is, it doesn't give you any excuse to be out the night before you go back into the arena!" I laugh bitterly.

You want to know what I do for the Capitol? For Snow? What he will probably soon ask you to do?" I spit, "I'm his whore. His FUCKING WHORE! Snow allows people, Capitol citizens, to buy me. I'm not the only one. I only know of Odair, Gloss, Cashmere and Velairy but there could be a hell of a lot more!" I shout, then sigh at the utter shock on Sara's face. "Look... I'm going to bed. Got any last minute advice?" Sara frowns, rage flickering in her eyes.

"Just... try to get out. And don't trust any of them. The minute that gong goes off not one of those people are your friends. Please Kasia. You're the closest thing to a sister I have."

"I know," I say, and take one last look at her. "I'm sorry Sara. Goodnight." Turning away, I walk out of the room and collapse on my bed.


Five hours till the 75th annual Hunger Games.

Four hours to live.

Three hours till blood will drip from my hands.

Two hours till I have to be prepared to sacrifice everything for Katniss.

One hour till the arena.

As I lay in my bed, watching the alarm that is set to go off in ten minutes, I start to think about everyone back home in five. Thomas... my brother who I lost a connection with the second I drew blood. My Pa, who worked so hard only for me to go to that stupid arena.

My fingers drift over my skin, over the rose, as I wonder how long it will take for me to turn deadly- I stiffen. I already know the answer to that. If Johanna runs at me with a knife today I will not hesitate. My arms will swing my weapon to kill, just like everyone else will.

As the sun peaks over the horizon of the Capitol buildings, my alarm goes off, and I sit up, staring into the last sunrise I'll ever see, before making my way out of the room, and into the death trap beyond.

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