17 - A Soft Sort of Glow

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I have officially discovered that I HATE waiting. Well- not just any waiting, mostly this kind. The kind that is making my legs jump around in the sand around where I'm sitting, watching Katniss and Peeta have their whole little drama over in the water. Katniss is supposedly teaching him to swim but I don't really think that's what they're doing. Oh well at least they have each other.

Johanna sighs beside me, sticking her axe into the sand. My fingers move to my hair, now braided into two short pig tails. Peeta's side is quite a bit looser, but Katniss promised me she'd redo it later when he's not looking. Tapping my head, Johanna groans, whipping her head to me.

"Ok Kas, I love you and all, but if your leg keeps up that bouncing, I think I'm going to have to cut it off for you." I roll my eyes, standing.

"Fine, I'll go hang out with Beetee."

"Actually..." Johanna hands me a trident from the floor beside her. "Can you bring this to Finnick? He'll need an extra for the plan." I grab the handle, trying not to think about how one of these almost killed me. How my pathetic lack of abilities almost led to a death not even by my hand.


Turning, I spy Finnick in the water, twirling a different trident in a rather impressive flipping motion. Walking over to him, I cross my arms, watching as he slices the weapon through the air.

"Hey Fish face! Want another one?" I toss the trident through the air, walking into the shallows to meet him as he snatches the handle as easily as breathing. Unconsciously, I stare at him in awe. He may not be my favorite person ever but man can he fight with that trident. Finnick stops spinning and looks at me, offering a staff.

"You wanna try?" I blink, trying to figure out if he's serious.


"Here," he says, passing me a trident. "Want me to teach you to spin it?"

"Sure," I say, tilting my head to watch him as he demonstrates. Tilting the weapon in my grasp, I let it spin slowly around my hand.

"It's kind of like spinning a sword," Finnick says, watching my hands. "And you're good at that so just try to apply the same technique for now. The only think you've got to be aware of is the extra length, and how it could hit you."

"Hmm," I nod, slowly spinning faster just at my side.

"Good," Finnick places his hand on mine. "Is this OK?" I nod. "Right, now you're just going to tilt your eridt towards you and up slightly to spin above your head." I scoff, reluctantly impressed by his teachings as I watch the smooth motion. Spinning faster, Finnick backs away as I switch hands smoothly, curving the weapon.

The staff moves faster and faster, creating a whooshing sound through the air when suddenly something hard smacks me across the back of my head and I fall forwards.

"Holy fuc-" Finnick lunges for me, grabbing my arms to steady me. "Thanks." It isn't helping his case how he's laughing.

"Your welcome Sparkle."

"Alrig- I'm sorry," I blink, doing a double take. "Did you just call me Sparkle? That's so lame."

"Oh and Fish face is better?" He grins, taking the weapon and slotting both tridents into sheaths on his back as he strolls closer. "Because that's sooooo original."

"I'll have you know that I-"

"Shhhhh." Finnick smiles, pressing a finger to my lips. He is so infuriatingly tall the top of my head is level with his eyebrows. "I have a new nickname for you."

"Oh really?" I scoff, "What is it? Stunning, Warrior Queen, Silver Godless?"

"Not quite so fabulous as that", Finnick says, grinning wider. "More like... Seaweed head!"

I yell in shock as something wet and slimy drops on my hair as he leaps back laughing. My hands fly to my hair and I snarl at him, pulling off what must be half the seaweed in this water.

"You asshole!" I yell, flinging the seaweed at him as I frown. "You are so going to pay for that!"

"How?" he smirks. "I would say that I'm out of your armrange now, seeing as you're so short-" fuming, I smack the water, sending a massive splash into his face. Almost tempted to laugh at the shocked look on his face, I grin deviosly.

"Haha! Now that's paybac-" my words are cut off as a  splash of water hits my face. "You little RAT!" I yell, splashing him again. And again and again as he yelps, trying his best to retaliate.

It's only when we're both soaked, covered in salt and sand and the sun's started to set when Finnick gives up, holding up his hands in defeat.

"Alright, alright!" he splutters and I smirk. "You win!"

"HA!" I shout. "I knew it! You forfeit!"

"Oi, Kas, Finn!" Johanna shout from behind me and I have to stop myself from doing a victory dance, turning back to look at her. "Get your asses over here, we gotta go over this one more time!" I nod, starting to walk back towards the others.

When I hit the sand, Finnick catches up, walking beside me.

"Um I think it's customary for the loser to walk behind the winner in these sorts of things," I say pompusly.

"True true," Finnick nods, then leans in closer. "But you know, I actually let you win, so it doesn't count."

"You did not-" I frown, smacking his shoulder lightly as he grins. "I won fair and square all right?!"

"Sureeee you did," Finnick grins, looking down at me with amusement written all over his face.


"Kasia," Beetee cuts me off. "Sorry, just, it would be helpful if you could pay attention."

"Right," I say. "Sorry Beetee." Finnick smirks at me and I frown, turning away.

Only... I seem to be finding it hard to fight a smile. And somewhere, deep inside of me, a small star begins to glow.


I never expected so many people to read my writing I'm actually so happy right now!!!!!

Thanks again and please comment your thoughts, it makes my day when I see notifications and I get to read your opinions!

Sorry for the shorter chapter but the next one will be long af I promise :)

Love y'all and thanks again ❤️❤️❤️

- LeopardE

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