29 - Reunited

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I wake up to the sound of soft flutters and zips, and something soft underneath my face. Grass? Why am I- I open my eyes, the events of the last few hours hitting me like a ton of bricks.

Finnick is dead. Probably. They are all dead. Probably.

"Kasia?" Oh. Right. I lift my eyes from the green floor that does look unnervingly like real grass, and meet the grey eyes of the Mockingjay. I sit up, groaning. Great, there's a bloodstain from my hand on the grass.

"Katniss," I rasp. "Where are we?"

"Beetee's hummingbird room," she replies, and I watch as a rainbow of hundreds of birds flitter around our head, around the blossoming wildflowers by our feet.

"Oh," I say, and the silence drags on. Katniss's fingers twitch, and I lean my head against the glass wall separating us from the rest of special defense. Mind strangely blank, I start to wonder if I may be clinicly insane as I count the hummingbirds.




Red. Blue. Yellow.

Her face has told me all I meed to know. No, they're not back. No, there hasn't been any word or communication. No, she doesn't want to talk about it.

"Did you always care for Finnick this much?" Katniss asks and I laugh softly.

"No. We hated each other for a long time." Actually that's wrong. I hated him. He loved me and just let me go unknowing for years. Years. "He crept up on me," I say softly, thinking of the warmth that seems to bloom in my chest everytime he's around me now a days. Katniss nods, thinking hard, and I continue my counting of the birds in the same hunched position I was in with the jabberjays in the arena.

By midnight, I have counted seven hundred forty two birds. Seven hundred forty three. Forty four. Fourty five. Forty si- The door opens with a bang, and Haymitch bursts in. I lift my head dully, not expecting anything.

"They're back. We're wanted in the Hospital." The words pass through my head like I didn't hear them. Katniss leaps to her feet, opening her mouth but Haymitch holds up his hands. "That's all I know."

I look back down at the ground, biting my lip. It doesn't matter. Finnick is probably dead and they just haven't told us. I don't want to admit it, but I know it was his scream. I've heard him do that enough to know. And if he is alive...? What do I do? Or say? Or- Katniss grabs my hand, pulling me up and leading me like a child to the hospital.

The Hospital is in chaos, doctors and wounded running every which way. As we try to enter, a stretcher cuts us off, bearing an unconscious woman. Shit. Her hair is shaven and her entire body is peppered with bruises and scabs. Johanna.

"Jo!" I say, lunging forward but a doctor grabs my arm to stop me. Out of the corner of my eye I see Katniss run off as I wrench my arm away from the elderly looking Doctor. For a secound so fast I'm not sure if I imagine it, it's not the Doctor, but Pa who grabs my arm. No. Pa is definitely dead. And I would know. I'm about to slap him when a voice calls out from the other side of the room.


"Annie. Annie!" I yell, catching a glimpse of bright green eyes, and then she's there, running across the room towards me. I sprint at her, and she flies into my hug, slamming her body into mine. I wrap my arms around her tighter, burying my face in her tangled dark hair. "Oh god Annie. Are you OK? Did they-"

"No," she leans back, scanning my face. "They left me alone." I smile, pulling her in again.

"Excuse me Miss Cresta, you need to come back to have a check up." A Doctor says and Annie turns shakily. I grab her hands.

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