28 - The Ballad of Kasia Frost

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Time seems to be moving strangely today. Or at least, not the way it normally does. Finnick is gone, and could be dead by sunrise. Dead without ever knowing how I feel. Katniss is sitting alone, probably in  an air vent somewhere, hiding from the world. She doesn't even know yet, and I doubt she'll take it any better than me. Gale went to rescue them too.

Without Finnick, it's like I'm moving in a blur. I don't hear anything, or notice anything out of my simple actions. I move my way through Thirteen slowly, going through a series of simple actions.

Have a shower to wash my father's blood off my body.

Get dressed back into the simple grey jumpsuit, with knives in my sleeves just in case.

Move my outfits from my Hospital wing to the new room I've been assigned in normal Thirteen quarters as apparently I am now stable enough to live on my own.

Find Katniss.


Sit in silence in the empty dining area. Well, almost silence. It isn't completely quiet, not with Katniss rolling the pearl on the table and me sliding Finnick's ring along the chain. He never did tell me why he gave it to me and now I may never know. I frown, fingers tapping on the table to a beat only I can hear.

There is nothing to do now but wait.

Strands of song whisper through my head. Birds in the heavens know I love you- Bake it and stamp it to the Capitol jail- Thinking you're so fine- Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me-

And then there are the other lyrics that have been swirling in my brain which I don't dare try to sing. My message to Snow himself.

Hurried footsteps sound in the hallway and both Katniss and I jump to our feet, my heart racing. They're back. They're back. Or they're dead. He's dead. Hands shaking, I try to keep it together as Haymitch rounds the corner.

"Plutarch's got a job for you two, if you're up for it," he says, and I nod immediately. They're not dead. The relief and gratefulness flooding through my body could power the sun. Anything is better than just sitting here waiting. "They still need post bombing footage to Thirteen. If we can get it in the next few hours, Beetee can air it leading up to the rescue, and maybe keep the Capitol's attention elsewhere."

"A decoy." I say, sighing softly. Katniss raises her eyebrows.

"What we really need is something so riverrting that even President Snow won't be able to tear hinself away. Got anything like that?" Asks Haymitch.

Right. OK. As Katniss and I hurriedly scoff down breakfast and go out seperate ways to get ready, I think, long and hard about what I'm going to do. I can't do another simple song, one that Snow will brush away with just a touch of annoyance. I need to be honest, finally, about everything. About me, Lucy Gray, and most of all, Snow.

By the time I get up to above ground where they're filming, Katniss is almost finished talking about Peeta, and is moving on to her message about Snow. Before I can avoid them, Plutarch and Haymitch appear beside me, the former grabbing my arm to drag me out of the camera's hearing. Gods they must have literally been waiting for me to show up given how fast they grabbed me.

"What?" I snap, adjusting my dress to get rid of the Plutarch stain.

"I was wondering what you had planned to do?" Plutarch asks, looking to Haymitch.

"I was going to talk about Lucy Gay Baird," I say, crossing my arms. "Sing something."

"Right..." Plutarch says, somewhat distracted, and I get a bad feeling in my stomach. "I was wondering if you had any plans of mentioning what happened to District Five?" I recoil immediately and he switches tactics with impressive speed. "Or about what Snow made you do after you won? As well as being distracting, you may turn some Capitol citazens against their beloved President-" I frown.

Sea green eyesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें