27 - Monster

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"What- Pa!" I exclaim, forehead creasing. "What are you doing?"

"He's the spy." Elia spits. "The traitor. He's the one who notified the Capitol so there would be extra gaurds."

"No he-" I stutter, staring at them. My hand refuses to draw a knife, even though he's got a gun. He's got a gun. "Pa!"

I stare at him and his eyes meet mine, gaze filling with tears.

"I'm sorry Kas, I really am." He says. "But I need this- I wouldn't have had to kill them but I-"

"But you what?" Elia spits, tears falling from her eyes. Gods she just lost three friends. "Needed to prove your loyalty to the beloved Capitol?"

"No," Pa laughs. "I don't need that. I don't need the Capitol. Only her." He points the gun at me and I feel my stomach drop. I know why.

"Kasia?" Elia frowns. "What do you need with her?"

"He needs me to trade in," I say, feeling the slime of disappointment shoot through me. Tom was always his favorite. The strong, capable son. I'm actually surprised though. I never though he would go through with it and betray me, but here we are. "He thinks that the Capitol will give him back my brother if he gives them me." Pa sends tearful eyes to me and I laugh. "He never liked me much."

"But you... you're his daughter," Elia says, looking at me pitifully.

"And Thomas is my son." Pa says, and in a flash, a bullet fires, burying into Elia's hip.

"ELIA!" I yell, running to her. She's groaning in pain, but she's alive, thank the gods.

"Move Kasia," Pa spits, advancing towards me, gun raised high. "Get out of my way. There can't be witnesses." I stand, weigh my options, then step, standing directly between him and Elia's heaving body.


"I am your father," He spits, moving until the gun is directly on my chest, angled right to the heart. For a split second, sea green eyes flash in my heart, giving me strength. "You will move aside."

"No." I say again, and his hand moves, slapping me across the face before I can blink. Wincing, I ignore the pain, shifting my head back to stare him down.

"If you don't move now," he says, voice deadly soft. "We will never see your brother again, do you understand that? They're coming to get you, and if I'm not there, if you're not there, he'll die. You will have killed him."

"I will not have killed him!" I yell in his face, stepping towards him to force him back. "You will have. You are the one who wants to trade your daughter for him like a sick fuck. Do you think Thomas will ever forgive you once he finds out what you did to me? Because if you know him as well as I do, you know he won't."

"He'll never have to know," He says softly, staring me down with those dark eyes. "Now move, or I'll shoot you. I'll kill you, just like you did your mother." I snort.

"You wouldn't dare. I'm your daughter."

"You're no daughter of mine," he spits, and I feel every one of those words pierce right into my heart. "Now move, you little bitch, or I will move you!"

"I would rather die than give way one step to you," I spit, and unsheathe the sword blades at my wrists. "And if you want to kill her, you'll have to get past me first." He scoffs.

"I highly doubt you and your little knives are going to do much damage against a gun dear." I frown, calculating the distance between us. His eyes divert from mine for a second, and a smile flashes on my lips.

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