13 - Fog, Monkeys and Sunsets

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As my skin blisters, the pain spreads through my body, causing my arms to give out as I fall from the tree, screams forcing themselves out of my mouth. Hitting the ground with a back aching thud, I roll onto ny feet and run, trying to ignore the thrilling pain in my arms.

Leaping over logs and vines, my breathing starts to turn heavy as I sprint away and the fog just keeps coming, almost faster than I can run.

A snaking tendril whips around the side and stings my legs, making me stumble. Spotting a hill, I jump, tumbling down a mossy bank and giving myself a bit of a lead on the mist. I spin around a tree and- is that a hut?-

"OW!" I yell, tripping over something- no, someone. I spin, catching only a glimpse of dark, braided hair before turning on Katniss.

"Frost," she snarls, raising her bow but I scream at her before the arrow flies.

"Run! RUN KATNISS GO!" I grab her, shoving her forwards as she catches sight of the white fog. "IT'S POISON, GO!" Katniss finally clocks what I'm saying and runs forward, shaking the stirring Peeta.

"Come on Peeta, we gotta go OK? Finnick!" she yells over her shoulder and I spin, only to see Odair lifting Mags onto his back and taking off.

"Go! GO, HURRY!" I scream, shoving them all. Hey start to run and I follow, keeping one eye on Katniss and the other one the fog. They're looking fine, when Peeta suddenly stumbles and I run to them.

"Come on Peeta!" Katniss yells, hefting him up as I take his other arm, helping him run. But we're too slow as a three, and the fog comes, searing all three of us along our backs. I'm about to fall when Odair's suddenly there, lifting Peeta onto his back and taking Mags in his arms.

I lift Katniss by her armpits, yelling at her to run as I push her, the fog soaking into my back and sides.

We're all almost done and dead when a hill looms, and the fog increases speed again, sending everyone tumbling down with a crash.

"Peeta!" Katniss screams again, running to where he, Odair and Mags have collapsed on the ground. Stumbling over, I fall to my knees in front of Mags.

"I can't do it," Odair cries, teeth gritted in pain. "I can't carry them both. Kasia, Katniss, you have to take one. I'm sorry Mags, I can't do it." I look up at Mags, who smiles softly and kisses Odair. "Wha- Mags? Mags?!"

"NO! MAGS! DON'T!- " I scream as she walks away. Her bent over frame is only visible for a few seconds before a cannon booms.

"MAGS!" Odair screams, pure agony in his eyes and I grab his cheek, pulling him to face me as his entire body shakes.

"Odair, Odair listen- Finnick- FINNICK!" He freezes, blue eyes snapping to mine. "She's gone. But we're not dead yet, so we have to keep going. Come on," I lift him up and put an arm under his shoulder, grabbing Peeta with the other, Katniss linking on too.

As a four, we struggle to move, screaming out as the fog almost catches us. Eventually, we all collapse on the ground, too tired for even adrenaline.

I'm sorry Haymitch. I think, watching as the fog gets closer and closer to killing us all. I couldn't keep her safe. And closer and closer and... Centimeters from the tip of my boot, it stops, a pure white line of death cloud. Bizarrely, I start to laugh, body twitching in pain as I watch it stop.

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