35 - Bombs and Black goo

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It seems I'm the only one except for Finnick, Tom and Sara who trusts Peeta fully. Boggs, when he comes back from a call with Coin, has Jackson set up an around the clock watch on Peeta. I'm with Tom from 11 to 12 which is fine. I don't sleep anymore without Finnick anyway. Well, at least not without nightmares anyway. I smile at Peeta, sitting down next to him, far away from Finnick.

"What time is my watch?" Katniss asks, and I frown. Surely they-

"I didn't put you in rotation." Jackson frowns.

"Why not?" Katniss asks.

"I'm not sure you could really shoot Peeta, if it came to it," she says.

"I wouldn't be shooting Peeta. He's gone. Johanna's right. It'd be just like shooting another of the Capitol mutts." Katniss says loudly, her face souring, and I frown, anger rising.

"I don't think that comment really helps you much, Girl on Fire." I snipe. Katniss meets my eyes and I tilt my head to the side, smirking and deadly. I don't care if it's because of Peeta's attack, if Katniss hurts Peeta, she'll be watching her back for the rest of her life.

"Put her in," Boggs speaks up and I grimace. Why is Katniss being such a bitch? Doesn't she get what Peeta's going through?

"Hey Peeta," Sara appears next to me, eyes soft and warm, before moving around to sit on his other side.

"Sara, right?" Peeta asks, and I see something in his gaze. A recognition between them, like livewire. Realising between them that they went through torture together. That they will always be bonded, no matter where they go.

"Yes," She smiles. "You... You decorated Tom and my wedding cake."

Oh yeah! The cake was large and ornate, a stunning dark chocolate, with shining star decorations, each carved by hand. Peeta talked about it for weeks after Plutarch gave him permission. It was cute.

Smiling, I notice Peeta's hands slightly shaking, just a small tremor as he and Sara start to talk about icing and decorations etc etc. Wrapping my fingers through his, I meet Sara's eyes over Peeta. Green and gold swirl in the sunset, and she blinks, uncertainty shifting for a secound before she shudders, shock flooding her features. It's only a split second, but it's there. A memory, or at least a flash of one.

"Oh... That was you?" She asks hesitantly, eyes slightly unfocused. Peeta's head tilts, and he smiles slightly, starting to talk about fondant and sugar levels and other baking things I don't know about. Tom comes over as well, kissing Sara's cheek and wrapping his arms around her, listening intently.

It's beginning to turn to night, and most of the squad is settling down to sleep against walls or piles of rubble. They look relaxed, but I can't help but notice how tightly a lot of them clentch their guns.

"Kasia." I turn towards the voice, and Finnick is there, kneeling at my side. "I need to talk to you."

I frown. I... I actually don't really want to talk to him, but I guess... Fine. Refusing to meet his eyes, I nudge my shoulder to Peeta's and his iron grip loosens, letting my fingers slip from his grasp.

"Alright," I say, and stand to follow Finnick to the far corner of the room, and sit next to where he leans against a slab of rock. "What? What did you want to say?"

"I... Gods, Kas." Finnick runs a hand through his hair, eyes wide an sorrowful. "I... I guess I should start by..."

"By?" I raise an eyebrow.

"By saying I'm sorry." Finnick sighs, meeting my eyes, and in that moment, I know I can't stay mad at him. How could I, when I'm staring into his sea green eyes? "I shouldn't have yelled at you, or even confronted you about it all. I should have just been glad you were here. Gods, Kas, I just... I just don't want you to get hurt. I won't- I can't loose you. I love you, I was just so afraid that I wouldn't be able to protect you and-"

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