10 - A dress of Dark Feathers and Rainbow Ruffles

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On the day leading up to the interviews, it is customary for the Mentor to spend the day training the tribute on what to do in their interview. For me this year, that means a day spent with Sara, watching old Hunger Games tapes. Sara says it's for reviewing who I'll be fighting, but I know it's to take my mind off of what I have to do tonight, even in the most gruesome way possible.

Last night was pretty much the same as it has been for weeks. I got a nine in scoring, pretty average according to the other scores, and surprising considering the stunt I pulled.

I sigh, stretching my back as I watch the screen. Seeder has just finished ripping her spear out of the District 1 boy, and stands, shaking, as Claudius Templesmith's voice fills the arena.



I shake my head, clearing the memories away as I note down in my little journal;

Seeder: Good with an spear, kills; 4.

Flipping back through the pages, I groan. I already know all these people, I know their strengths, I watched most of their games. I honestly don't know why Sara is making me rewatch all of these. I mean, I understand, but just... Why?

"So!" She claps her hands beside me, sounding annoyingly chipper for someone who just watched several children die, but she's probably faking it. "Which one should we watch next?"

I shake my head, reaching into the box of tapes. My hand, surprisingly, comes out with one that I have never seen before, never even a copy of the tape.

"The 10th annual Hunger Games," I whisper, and Sara frowns.

"We probably don't need to watch that one. I mean, there's no one from those Games competing in the Quell." Her hand moves over to take it-

"No," I say, staring down at the small tape. "I want to watch it. Please?" Sara smiles softly.

"Sure. Whatever you want." Right. It's not like she's going to deny me anything, especially today. She's such a-

No. I stop that thought before it finishes, taking a deep breath. I do like Sara, she's pretty much the equivalent of my sister. But even she will get on my nerves today.

But anyway, Sara puts the tape in, and the familiar sound of the roaring Panem anthem plays, along with a glitchy looking Panem flag. It immediately cuts to the reapings, District... 7, I think, and one by one, the kids are called up onto stage to die. The whole thing seems kind of anticlimactic, and I'm almost tempted to turn it off and go up to the roof, when it switches away from District 4, and a short clip of two people plays.

"Oh my god," I whisper, mouth falling open. "Is that... Is that Snow?" Sara blinks.

"I... Surely not, right?" I frown, the footage cutting to a rather grim looking 12. I don't remember anything about Snow ever mentoring, but perhaps it was just a one off, or maybe it wasn't him. I don't know. God I didn't think Snow would have ever been directly involved with the games but-

"The District 12 girl tribute is Lucy Gray Baird," a rather squat looking man says into a microphone, barely glancing at the name.

And then the camera zooms into the face of the most unlikely face of a tribute I have ever seen.

Lucy Gray Baird is stunning, her hair draped in flowers, face made up. Dressed in what is basically a rainbow, her skirt is ruffled like a circus performer, with a painted corset or scales and flowers at the top.

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