34 - The Star Squad

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When Katniss and I arrive at the Capitol, the first thing that Palor, the leader of the rebellion does, is take us straight to Boggs, then assigns us to his squad.

451. The Star Squad.

Which is basically a glorified action propo team.

"No," I say, staring down Boggs. His dark eyes, so dull and hard since I last saw him, seem to freeze over with another layer of ice. Since Elia, he has changed. "I will not live solely for a camera again. My propos are done."

"Then you'll go back to Thirteen," he says harshly. "This is your only choice."

"Fuck. You." I spit, snarling in his face. "Fuck COIN! AND FUCK ANYONE ELSE WHO DECIDED TO-"

"Kasia?" Blinking, I step back from Boggs, to where Tom stands at the entrance to the tent. Oh right. He and Sara are both here to fight. Something else I forgot to be angry about.

"Tom-" I say, pulling him into a hard hug, closing my eyes in an attempt to calm down.

"What are you doing here?" He asks. "I thought Coin-"

"Turns out she can't control either Katniss or I as well as she thinks she can," I smirk. "Are you in the Star Squad too?"

"Yeah," he murmers. "Hey Boggs, they're all gathered outisde, waiting to be debreifed."

"Good," Boggs says, walking past us out the tent. "Come join us."

"Tom, wait-" I grab his arm before he follows, turning him to face me. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you and Sara be on your honeymoon?"

"Everyone has consequences." Tom says darkly, eyes cutting into mine. "I'm here to make sure the Capitol gets theirs. And I guess we'll have the honeymoon after the war. Sara wants to fight too."

"I..." But he's already gone, tent flaps swinging behind him.

"Great," I hiss, stroming out into the planning room, where I see Tom's back walk up to Sara and  hug her from behind.

"These are the pods, or at least the ones Plutarch knows about," Boggs is explaining as I walk up behind him, slotting into the circle beside Katniss. I spot Cressida, Gale, and the two camera men in the circle as well as-


I keep my eyes on the map, my heart thundering as Finnick's gaze perices my skin. Hand reaching to my neck, I automatically pull on the ring, sliding it along the chain in an attempt to stop my anxiety.

"Kasia what are you-"

"Soldier Odair." Boggs cuts in. "Please wait to have this conversation after the briefing."

"Right." I blink down at the table, swallowing as my fingers fist at my sides.

"As I was saying," Boggs cuts me a glance. "These pods are traps designed by the gamemakers to kill us. It could be anything from fire to tracker jackers, we don't know. It is also very possible there are pods that Plutarch doesn't know about, that we also have to watch out for."

I snort, crossing my arms as I look down at the map.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," I scoff.

"Welcome to the 76th annual," Katniss continues.

"Hunger Games." Finnick finishes.


"See, this is why Katniss and I didn't need to bother with training," I smirk at Boggs. "We're two of the most qualified and experienced fighters you've got."

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