36 - Underground

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"What?" I breathe, mouth dropping wide, even as memories swirl in my head.

Flinging myself onto the tile floor, I grip the toilet seat with barely seconds to spare before I vomit, bile surging in my throat.

I've spent most of my time vomiting up bile after my dreams than anything else.

After my dreams. After the night. In the mornings. Oh gods, morning sickness.

"And you... You have even more reason to stay." Sara's words come back to me, strumming through my head and I stare up at her.

"You knew." I'm frozen, pale, staring at Sara where she sits across from me, smiling as if she hasn't just given me the most world altering news ever. "How long... How long have you known?"

"A few days," she says, tugging on the end of her ponytail nervously. "I heard you vomiting three times in a row and I just assumed... But I thought you knew! I thought you just weren't telling us!"

"No... No I didn't... I had no idea."

"His knife also cut fairly deep into your abdomen, so if you ever wanted to conceive a child, it would be much harder. Not impossible, but very difficult."

In the past three weeks, we have... Become very fond of each other, shall we say. And I mean, it's not like there's much else to do around here.

A child. Before the games, I wanted two.

"Well... Well now you know," Sara says.

I don't reply, biting my lip hard enough for it to start bleeding.

"No." I say, shaking my head. "No, I can't be-" I choke, not even able to say the word. "Prim told me it was almost impossible for me to conceive- and the war- everything- I can't have a child, I don't deserve to have a child, not after everything I've done!"

"Kasia, you deserve to be happy. Everyone deserves to be happy. And if you have this child, I promise it'll make you happy."

"How do you know?!" I exclaim. "Having a child is every Victors worst nightmare... Oh gods, Finnick!" I cover my eyes with my hands. "I have to tell him, don't I? No, no, no, I can't do that! What if he..."

"I'm sure he'll be overjoyed," Sara says, pulling my hands out from my face. "And he would be a wonderful father. But Kas, don't feel any pressure. You don't even have to have the baby if you don't want to. I'll support and love you either way."

"You would?" I whisper, and she nods.

"Of course. We're sisters aren't we?"

"Sisters," I repeat, and she smiles. "Finnick... He'd be a good father, wouldn't he?"

"He'd be an amazing father," Sara grins. "But whatever you do, you should tell him about the pregnancy. He is the father after all."

"I-" Both our heads snap to the side as the rumble of a bomb shatters the silence. I jump up to my feet, which sends a lash of pain through my legs but I don't care, running out the door to the living area.

"What was that?" Sara asks behind me to the room, where our squad mates have sat on the plush orangey-pink armchairs and couches around the room.

Sea green eyesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें