Chapter 13

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Alex was not an arrogant man, and his decision to marry Michelle was one made after considerable thought.
That night, when he acted improperly towards Michelle under the influence of alcohol, he recognized that he behaved reprehensibly and owed her responsibility. To fulfill his duties as a man, Alex faced numerous challenges, especially from his grandfather and his father, Sebastian.
Alex had never been in love. In his school days, he was engrossed in various mathematical Olympiads and challenging problems. When he went to college, he began to manage the family business and love was the last thing on his mind. Could love ever be more intriguing than work? He often wondered.
Now, at the age of 29, Alex was constantly prodded about marriage. If it weren't for Lizzy's presence, he would already be engaged to Isabella from the Zhao family, and their wedding wouldn't be far off. Even though his engagement with Isabella had been called off, he knew that in a couple of years, an alliance with another heiress would be proposed. Alex didn't mind arranged marriages, having never been infatuated. To him, it mattered little who his life partner was.
However, the choice of his spouse mattered significantly to Lizzy. With this in mind, Alex decided to propose to Michelle once again. As a father, he believed it was essential to provide Lizzy with a nurturing environment, and this ideally should include her biological mother.
He'd observed Michelle's interactions with Lizzy. Although Michelle sometimes seemed as if she'd prefer to be anywhere else, as a mother, her care and patience towards Lizzy were palpable. Every night, she bathed Lizzy, watched cartoons with her, and read her bedtime stories. As for Lizzy, the rewards she received from her kindergarten, whether candies or stickers, were always first presented to Michelle. Any fruit or cake at home was first offered to Michelle before Lizzy had her share. Clearly, in Lizzy's heart, Michelle held a special place.
A part of Alex, a part he would never admit to, was slightly envious of the bond between Michelle and Lizzy. Not even a little bit. Truly.
Alex knew that the presence of a mother was paramount in a child's life, which is why he wanted Michelle to stay with the Ye family. Additionally, marrying Michelle came with its perks. With a wife and daughter in one go, he would no longer be pestered about marriage, nor would he have to worry about Lizzy being mistreated by a stepmother.
With that, Alex felt he could finally concentrate all his attention on work.
Contemplating this, he realized he couldn't wait any longer. He should marry Michelle as soon as possible. Turning his gaze to Michelle, he said earnestly, "We can start preparing for our wedding."
Michelle was taken aback. She even glanced out of the window, half-expecting to see if it was raining red. After a long pause, she finally spoke, "Mr. Ye, if I remember correctly, I've already declined this proposition."
Alex nodded, his demeanor calm, his dark eyes gazing steadily into hers. "That was a month ago," he replied gently. "Perhaps you've changed your mind since then."
Lowering her head slightly, Michelle smiled, "However, I haven't." She continued, more delicately, "Mr. Ye, I've never had the intention of marrying you. You don't need to feel obligated."
Alex understood. Michelle was alluding to her earlier declaration: "I don't wish to marry you. You're not good enough for me."
Silence ensued.
Being rejected once more, Alex felt a pang of disappointment. After all, he was decent-looking and came from a good background. Moreover, he had taken care of all the family affairs before proposing to her. He believed he had shown genuine intent.
Alex felt Michelle was being unappreciative.
After a brief pause, he decided on a different approach, invoking Lizzy as leverage. He looked at Michelle, his voice steady, "Lizzy is still young. She can't be without you."
Mentioning Lizzy seemed to be the wrong move. Michelle's mood visibly darkened at the mention of the little girl.
She faced Alex squarely, her lips pressed together, void of any smile. "Mr. Ye, Lizzy clings to me because I'm the only one who's there for her. I understand you're busy with work, but you should spend time with her too."
"My world doesn't revolve only around Lizzy, and I exist as an individual, not just 'Lizzy's mother'," she asserted.
Gazing firmly at Alex, Michelle continued, "Mr. Ye, I'm considering moving out of the Ye residence. Please take care of Lizzy from now on."
Alex's face turned a shade darker at her words. He looked at her for a long time, lost for words.
Returning his gaze, Michelle's gentle face was marked with resolve. She wouldn't compromise her identity to be just "Lizzy's mother." Their meeting ended on a somber note.
Michelle declined Alex's offer for a ride home, opting instead for a taxi.
When Michelle returned to the Ye residence, her expression was far from her usual calm demeanor. Typically emanating a serene elegance, it was rare to see her upset.
Eleanor glanced up at Michelle, curiosity burning within her. She wanted to ask what had happened but refrained. As she absentmindedly petted the cat on her lap, she surmised that Alex must've said something to upset Michelle. Eleanor longed to indulge in this juicy gossip, but her role as Mrs. Ye meant she had to maintain her composure and not showcase her love for gossip.
In reality, Michelle hadn't planned on moving out so quickly. As Alex mentioned, Lizzy was very dependent on her. The main reason Michelle wanted to talk to Alex was to encourage him to spend more time with Lizzy during the weekends. But she soon realized that Alex's intentions were far from what she had envisioned.
Michelle hoped to slowly reduce Lizzy's dependency on her by letting the little girl bond with Alex and Eleanor. But Alex, in his obtuseness, simply expected her to continue looking after his daughter.
Though Michelle often evaded confrontations, she was no fool. She knew that if things continued as they were, she would be forever saddled with the task of looking after the mischievous Lizzy.
Internally cursing Alex, Michelle began to pack her belongings. She decided it was time to cut ties and leave the Ye residence. She wasn't going to keep playing nanny for Alex any longer.
Michelle didn't have much to pack. When she and Lizzy had first moved to the Ye residence, they brought only three suitcases. Now, as she collected her belongings, they barely filled one suitcase.
After packing, Michelle glanced at the computer on her desk and then deliberately shifted her gaze away. It was a good computer, but it wasn't hers to take. Besides, it belonged to Alex, and she didn't want any part of it!
Michelle left the house with a carefree air. On her way out, she spotted Eleanor and gave her a friendly nod.
Eleanor watched as Michelle pulled her suitcase away, her curiosity burning. She desperately wanted to know what had transpired. Yet, she held her tongue.
Once Michelle had left the Ye residence, Eleanor asked the butler to call Alex for her. Always one for a bit of drama, she chirped as soon as the call connected, "Alex, have you two already progressed to the honeymoon phase?"
Hearing Eleanor's voice, Alex wasn't inclined to speak. He suspected she didn't bring good news. Without waiting for his response, Eleanor continued with a chuckle, "Michelle left with her suitcase."
Alex merely replied, "...Oh."
The brief call between the two, marked by its superficial warmth, ended in under half a minute. With an expressionless face, Alex ended the call. At first, he didn't think much of the news, placing his phone aside and diving back into his work. After all, what could be more important than work?
Fifteen minutes later.
Alex suddenly burst out of his office, startling his staff who unanimously looked up at him. Was the boss about to assign a new task? Did he have new demands? Or worse, were they all going to be working late tonight?
The entire office was on edge.
As Alex's gaze swept across the room, everyone, as if by mutual understanding, quickly lowered their heads and immersed themselves in their work. Alex, feigning indifference and the epitome of calm, nonchalantly left his office and then the company building. As long as he appeared unfazed, no one would suspect he was playing hooky today.
Michelle returned to her previous small apartment. Just a few days earlier, her landlord had come looking for the monthly rent. Today, he had cornered her. A bit dazed, Michelle settled the rent and sent away the incessantly chattering landlord. It struck her that she and Lizzy had been living at the Ye residence all month. Had she just wasted a month's rent? A pang of regret shot through her for the money she had just parted with. Even though she could earn it back quickly, she thought, it wasn't a wise expenditure.
On her way back, Michelle had purchased a laptop. While she could do without many things, a computer wasn't one of them. She set up her usual software and prepared to get some writing done. Adjusting to a somewhat unfamiliar environment, Michelle initially found it hard to get into the groove. But once she forced herself into it, it was already afternoon by the time she finished. Throughout the writing process, she had neither rested nor eaten, and now she felt utterly exhausted and famished. True to her work-centric nature, if Michelle was engrossed in her writing and wasn't reminded, she'd often lose track of time. After submitting her work to her boss, she shut down her computer, planning to step out and grab some bread and coffee.
She wondered if she should've left the Ye residence so hastily. Alex knew her address, and if he wanted to find her, he certainly would. Should she consider relocating? Contemplating these concerns, Michelle changed her shoes and prepared to leave.
But as she opened the door, there stood Alex, his face an impassive mask. Silently, Michelle tried to close the door, thinking of the irony of speaking of the devil and then seeing him right there. Just as the door was about to shut, Alex placed his hand against it. Using moderate force, he gently pushed the door open and stepped inside.
Looking straight into Michelle's eyes with a calm demeanor, Alex began, "Let's discuss this. We don't have to get married, but you can't move out of the Ye residence."
Mimicking his expression, Michelle met his gaze, her tone equally serene, "Let's discuss this. I might stay at the Ye residence, but I won't be taking care of any kids for you."

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