Chapter 14

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Lifting her eyes to meet his, Michelle's voice held an unwavering calm, "Let's discuss. I could consider not moving out of the Ye residence, but I won't take care of the child."
Alex pondered, assessing the situation. If Michelle wouldn't be taking care of Lizzy, was there any point in having her move back to the Ye residence?
Meeting his gaze, Michelle retorted, "If I don't look after Lizzy, do you really have any reason to keep me at the Ye's house?" She paused, and then with deliberate emphasis said, "No. Reason. At. All." Distancing herself from past affiliations with Alex and Lizzy, she no longer addressed him with formal respect, opting instead for the more direct 'you'.
Alex caught this subtle shift, realizing that Michelle genuinely had no interest in marrying him or returning to the Ye residence. He desired a marriage with Michelle. But did she want the same?
Upon hearing her resolute stance, he responded, "There is every reason."
Now, Michelle was at a loss for words. She averted her eyes, remarking sarcastically, "Mr. Ye, you really have a way with jokes." Not just jokes, she thought, but outright fabrications.
Looking intently at her, Alex insisted, "I'm not joking. I'm serious."
Michelle didn't believe he was flirting with her. Instead, she felt he was still harping on the idea of her caring for Lizzy. Not wanting to further this conversation and feeling the pangs of hunger, she said, "I'm hungry. I'm going out to eat."
Getting her hint, Alex led her to a nearby, popular cafe, even considerately ordering her a milk tea, ice-free and with reduced sugar. While Alex had never been in a romantic relationship, he had observed enough from his friends to know the adage, "Sometimes, women just need a little coaxing." He wondered if appeasing Michelle this way would solve their differences.
However, as Michelle watched this unusually obliging version of Alex, she couldn't help but mentally snark. Mr. Ye, where's the professional, work-obsessed persona that's immune to feminine allure? Why are you suddenly so... adept?
Sipping the milk tea Alex had gotten her, these thoughts raced through Michelle's mind as she amusedly critiqued the situation.
Michelle had no intention of being swayed by kindness. After her satisfying meal, her mind drifted to thoughts about Lizzy. She truly didn't want to return to the Ye residence and certainly wasn't keen on continuing to help Alex with Lizzy.
Yet, Alex, the rascal, didn't just want her to return home; he expected her to continue caring for Lizzy. Their stances were almost entirely at odds. How could she ever "negotiate" with him?
Lost in her thoughts, she pondered her approach. Sensing her internal debate, Alex looked up and met her gaze. He inquired, interrupting her trail of thoughts, "Lizzy's about to finish school. Shall we pick her up together?"
She was aware that preschool ended early, at around 4:20 PM. Recently, it had been Michelle fetching the child, so she was well-acquainted with the timing. But she didn't want to fetch Lizzy this time.
Michelle felt she needed to be more resolute. She ought to decline Alex directly, rather than waver as she currently was. Noticing her reluctance, Alex, with a weighty undertone, remarked, "Perhaps this might be the last time you pick up Lizzy."
He continued, "This morning, we both took her to preschool, and she was so thrilled, particularly looking forward to you collecting her in the afternoon. And you? Silently planning on leaving her. Can you even fathom her disappointment?"
"As her mother, the blow to her, being discarded without reason, is incomprehensible to such a young child."
Alex's gaze fixed on Michelle. His deep, dark eyes seemed fathomless, and his tone was laden with reproof. He intended to intimidate her. Having spent a decade in the business world, his words carried undeniable weight. Michelle, youthful and still emotionally volatile, felt her resolve waver, oblivious to Alex's moral guilting.
While she truly didn't wish to associate with Lizzy, the thought of abruptly abandoning her gnawed at her conscience. This internal struggle was precisely why she hadn't immediately declined Alex's proposition.
Perceiving her conflict, Alex added, "If you truly plan to leave the Ye residence, you owe it to Lizzy to let her know. Not simply have her return from preschool to find her mother gone."
"Consider today a farewell to Lizzy," he suggested.
Choked with emotion, Michelle found herself lost for words.
A weight of discomfort settled in Michelle's chest. She lowered her head, avoiding Alex's gaze, with her long lashes concealing every trace of emotion from her eyes.
After what felt like an eternity, Alex faintly heard the sound of a woman sobbing. He was taken aback. Never had he imagined that his words would reduce someone to tears. Internally cursing himself, he managed to maintain a calm facade. He offered Michelle a handkerchief and whispered an apology.
He genuinely hadn't expected to upset Michelle to this extent. The realization filled him with discomfort, and he silently berated himself for his insensitivity. "I'm sorry, I was too harsh," Alex admitted, a hint of remorse evident in his eyes. "If you really don't want to fetch Lizzy, I won't force you."
Accepting the handkerchief, Michelle wiped away her tears and murmured, "It's okay." Her voice quivered, making her sound all the more pitiable.
However, it wasn't just Alex's words that had made her cry. Memories from her past flooded back. She herself had been that child, abandoned without a word, left without any reason. The day when both her parents never returned home marked the beginning of her tumultuous journey, being passed around amongst relatives like an unwanted toy.
She had never confided this to anyone, pride holding her back. While she was hesitant to admit, women, especially beautiful and young ones, often found their tears understood, if not expected. In moments of vulnerability, there was a natural inclination to empathize.
For his part, Alex felt a deep guilt and self-reproach, even though his expression betrayed none of it. He had never comforted a woman before and felt utterly clueless in the face of Michelle's distress. How could he console her? It wasn't akin to soothing a child.
Thankfully, Michelle soon composed herself. When she lifted her eyes to meet his, they were red-rimmed, filled with an accusing glint. If he hadn't been so harsh, she wouldn't have shed those tears.
Perceiving Michelle's silent blame, Alex apologized once again, "I'm truly sorry. It's all my fault."
It seemed the best course was to accept the blame. No questions asked. It was simply his error.
Michelle hesitated for a moment, then looked up at him, her expression unreadable. Mr. Alex, she thought, you seem to know just the right things to say. She began to question Alex's reputed indifference to the allure of women.
After unintentionally causing Michelle to cry, Alex didn't dare broach the topic of picking up Lizzy together again.
Alex escorted Michelle back to her rented one-bedroom apartment before heading off alone to pick up Lizzy from kindergarten. The little girl's face fell when she realized Michelle wasn't there to greet her. Reluctantly, she hefted her small backpack onto her shoulders when she saw it was Alex who had come for her.
Tilting her head upwards to gaze at him with innocent eyes, she asked, "Daddy, will Sissy come to pick up Lizzy later?"
Alex, caught off-guard, hesitated. He could sense Lizzy's subtle disappointment in him. Keeping his expression neutral, he crouched down to lift Lizzy into his arms. In as gentle a voice as he could muster, he said, "She's not feeling well today, so she couldn't come to get Lizzy."
At first, Lizzy had been profoundly disappointed, but hearing about Michelle's indisposition, concern instantly etched itself on her cherubic face. "Lizzy wants to go back and be with Sissy," she declared with determination.
Alex could only respond with a soft "Mmm," opting not to voice further. How could he explain to Lizzy that her "big sister" might not want her anymore? He couldn't bear to shatter the child's illusions, especially when she was so young, so innocent. How could she handle such a blow? For now, Alex decided to delay dealing with it and figure out another solution later. He sighed internally, feeling the weight of life's complexities. How was he ever going to mend things with Michelle?
Before long, Alex and Lizzy arrived at the Ye residence. Eleanor, catching sight of the duo, gave Alex a peculiar look. As someone always in the know, Eleanor quickly recalled the image of Michelle leaving earlier with her suitcase and couldn't help but cast a sympathetic glance towards Alex. Spotting the anxiety on Lizzy's face, she tried to lighten the mood, teasing, "Lizzy, did anything fun happen at kindergarten today?"
Lizzy, still preoccupied with thoughts of Michelle, promptly shook her head. "No!" she replied.
In truth, many exciting things had occurred at the kindergarten today. Yet, all Lizzy wanted at that moment was to be with Michelle, and she had no interest in recounting her day to Eleanor.
Eleanor, always adept at understanding children's moods, tried to divert Lizzy's attention. "Lizzy," she cooed, "there's a lot of delicious cherries today. Would you like to taste some?"
Lizzy was about to decline, but then she remembered how much Michelle loved cherries, so she changed her mind. She trotted over and said in her most adorable, childlike voice, "Grandma, Lizzy wants some cherries~"
Seeing the little one act so sweetly, Eleanor couldn't help but beam with an affectionate smile. She genuinely adored Lizzy. Glancing at Alex, she wondered if he had figured out how to explain Michelle's sudden departure to the child. After all, in a child's heart, nothing could replace the importance of their mother. After playing with Eleanor for a while, Lizzy, clutching two of the largest cherries, headed upstairs to find her mother.
Watching the tiny figure ascend with her short steps, Alex felt a weight on his chest. Ignoring Eleanor's curious gaze, he quickly followed Lizzy.
Soon, Lizzy reached Michelle's bedroom door and tried to open it. Being small, she could barely reach the handle even on her tiptoes. When she finally managed to push the door open, Alex swiftly closed it.
Lizzy was momentarily stunned. Looking up at Alex, she said nothing. Alex crouched down, letting Lizzy sit on his lap, ensuring their eyes were level. He stared at the young face that so resembled Michelle's. Earlier today, he had upset Michelle to tears, and now he might do the same to her daughter. The weight of this realization bore heavily on him.
Resisting his own turmoil, Alex spoke gently, "Your mom isn't inside."
Lizzy's round eyes widened, clearly in disbelief. Pouting, she uttered with a tinge of sadness, "Daddy must be lying to Lizzy." Moments later, tears streamed down her cheeks.
Suddenly, the little girl pushed Alex away and ran off, crying even louder. An hour later, with a heavy heart, Alex had no choice but to carry his tear-stricken daughter in search of her mother.
Michelle's mood was terribly sour; all those things she thought she had moved on from were needlessly stirred up by Alex today. In her mind, she had cursed Alex a hundred times, and feeling unsatisfied, she was prepared to do it a hundred times more.
The doorbell kept ringing, and without a doubt, she knew it was Alex seeking her out. It was a given that he would be accompanied by Lizzy. Feeling that her gloom might persist until tomorrow, Michelle felt a need to indulge herself. So, she decided to take a day off from her job, letting her boss know that she wouldn't be writing her piece for tomorrow.
Michelle, using her online username "Mizzy", messaged her boss: "Dear, I have to attend the funeral of my child's father tomorrow, so I won't be able to write."
Michelle continued: "He had a car accident. He's unrecognizable, there's hardly anything left of him."
Michelle added: "No matter how poorly he treated me when he was alive, I should at least see him off."
Her boss replied: "I'm so sorry... Take care of yourself. Everything will get better!"
Michelle: "Thank you for your concern."
Michelle's fabricated tale, as if something truly tragic had happened to her child's father, oddly gave her a sense of satisfaction. She deliberately positioned her laptop in such a way that the chat logs were visible, ensuring that Alex would see them when she answered the door.
As expected, standing outside was Alex, with Lizzy in his arms. However, seeing Lizzy's tear-swollen eyes caught Michelle off guard.
Horrified, Michelle exclaimed, "Alex, are you even human?"
She continued, her voice filled with disbelief, "How could you bully even a child?!"
Alex, utterly speechless, merely stared at her without uttering a word.

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