Chapter 28

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Michelle received the document sent by Leonard and quickly responded.
Michelle: Alright, I'll take a look now. Please hold on for a moment.
She opened the electronic version of the service contract, methodically reading from the beginning to the end. Once she had gone through the entire document, she closed it expressionlessly. Did they think she had never signed a legitimate contract before? Or perhaps they believed she was inexperienced?
The quoted price was outrageously low!
Moreover, the task requirements set out were utterly unreasonable!
Given the rate specified in the contract, Michelle would rather freelance, occasionally taking on some additional tasks in her free time. While she was initially angered, she quickly composed herself.
After all, it wasn't Leonard who had decided on the contract's contents; it was NexRealm Studios.
Guided by the principle of considering both parties' perspectives while ensuring she wasn't at a disadvantage, Michelle made some revisions to the contract before sending it back to Leonard.
Michelle: Here's the revised contract.
Michelle: Please take a look, and if it's not acceptable, we can drop it.
Upon concluding her message, she sent over an emoticon to lighten the mood. However, as expected, she didn't receive an immediate response from Leonard.
After sending the revised contract, a wave of rationality washed over Michelle, and she fell into deep contemplation. While she believed she had a certain flair for writing, particularly in terms of plot development, she didn't consider herself exceptional enough to warrant such a hefty price tag for her services.
Although unfamiliar with NexRealm Studios, their initial offer suggested they weren't a company strapped for cash. If they had the money, surely they could easily hire narrative and copy planners more qualified than she was?
The more Michelle thought about it, the more skeptical she became. If they accepted her revised terms without hesitation, she'd start questioning the very fabric of reality.
In the end, NexRealm Studios didn't sign the audacious contract with Michelle. However, they did agree on a one-month "probationary period" along with a confidentiality agreement.
Considering that a month wasn't a long time and the offer, though on the lower side, was acceptable, Michelle decided to go ahead with the agreement.
One morning, Lizzy woke up unusually early, foregoing her habitual languor in bed. She promptly dressed herself in her favorite outfit.
Recently, she had started to feel that the little braids Michelle would fashion for her weren't quite to her liking. Although she never complained, she began trying to braid her hair by herself. If she couldn't get it right, she decided she'd ask the nanny for help rather than bother Michelle. After all, Lizzy cherished looking pretty every single day. She just wanted to look beautiful; it wasn't a reflection of her feelings toward her mother!
Having dressed up, Lizzy grabbed her new hairpin and with her short legs pattering on the ground, she dashed to find the nanny. The nanny was in the midst of preparing breakfast for both Michelle and Lizzy. Hearing the pitter-patter of the little one's feet, she glanced down with a gentle smile.
"Good morning, Lizzy! You're up early today, aren't you? Well done!" she praised warmly.
Lizzy beamed widely, greeting her sweetly, "Good morning, Nora!"
She then held up her new hairpin for Nora to see. With her innocent, childlike voice, she cooed, "Nora, can you braid my hair with this, pretty please?"
Nora, who was quite young herself, found it impossible to resist such adorable requests. Hearing Lizzy's plea, she immediately agreed but with a condition, "Of course, sweetie. But first, you must finish your breakfast, and then I'll braid your hair."
Lizzy nodded obediently and then scampered out of the kitchen to wash her face and brush her teeth.
Michelle, having stayed up late gaming the previous night, was still groggy as she performed her morning ablutions. She then took her seat at the dining table, listlessly waiting for her breakfast.
Lizzy, having finished her morning rituals, came out to see Michelle looking rather exhausted. Without a second thought, she dashed over, playing the cute card as she often did in the mornings. After her little display, she tilted her head upwards, her round eyes shining as they fixed on Michelle.
A jolt went through Michelle as she suddenly remembered a promise she had made to the child the day before: she had promised a gift. With a touch of exasperation and amusement, she wondered how Lizzy had such a sharp memory for these things.
With a gentle smile, she reassured, "You'll get your gift when you come back from preschool today."
She tenderly ruffled Lizzy's soft hair, adding, "You must be on your best behavior at preschool today."
Children were always easy to placate, and Lizzy was no exception, especially when it came to Michelle's soothing words.
Upon hearing Michelle's words, Lizzy saw no issues. She nodded vigorously, showing her agreement. Using her sweet, childlike voice, she said, "Lizzy will definitely behave!"
Then, with a mischievous glint in her eye, she whined, "Will Sissy pick up Lizzy from school today?"
Michelle, finding it hard to resist Lizzy's endearing act, relented, "Alright, Sissy will pick up Lizzy today."
The two were still discussing where to play and eat that afternoon when Alex entered the room. Ever since Michelle discovered Alex lived next door, he made a habit of joining them for breakfast and dinner. Yet it wasn't exactly freeloading. After all, Alex's family paid Nora's monthly salary, which technically meant Alex was footing the bill. So, dropping by for breakfast wasn't that big of a deal.
Upon his arrival, Alex heard Lizzy's charming demands and caught snippets of their plans for the evening. He glanced at them, his eyes settling on Michelle with a probing gaze.
One might think he was wondering if he'd be included in their plans. But in reality, he was merely confirming who would be picking up Lizzy from school. Michelle met his indifferent stare, taken aback for a moment. Her light brown eyes narrowed slightly before she flashed him a gentle, sweet smile.
This left Alex momentarily surprised, causing him to retract his inquisitive gaze. Michelle, still smiling, addressed him, "Mr. Ye, I'll be picking up Lizzy this afternoon."
Upon hearing this, Alex responded with a nonchalant "Hmm." He seemed distracted, almost aloof, leaving Michelle wondering if he had truly heard her.
At that moment, Nora, having finished preparing breakfast, began serving the dishes. She packed her own portion, intending to eat it later back at her school.
Nora was a university student and one of the underprivileged students sponsored by the Ye family. When she heard that Eleanor needed someone to look after the child, Nora volunteered herself for the task.
Being a student, she occasionally had afternoon or evening classes, which Eleanor and Michelle completely understood. For instance, tonight Nora had a class. Therefore, Michelle decided to take Lizzy out for dinner and perhaps a bit of playtime afterwards.
Lizzy was well aware that Nora also had to attend school. After breakfast, she hurriedly asked Nora to braid her hair, fearing no one would be around to make her look pretty once Nora left for school. Nora, skillful and dexterous, quickly crafted a beautiful braid that Lizzy absolutely adored.
Excitedly, Lizzy ran over to Michelle and Alex to show off her hairstyle, hoping for some compliments. Michelle, amused by the child's vanity, couldn't help but laugh. Still, she humored Lizzy with several compliments, ensuring the little girl was elated.
After breakfast, Alex took Lizzy to kindergarten, while Nora headed back to school. Michelle remembered her promise to get a "gift" for Lizzy and decided to go shopping. The thought made her slightly anxious, as she was unsure of what gift would be best for the child.
Leonard received the revised contract from Michelle and fell into deep contemplation. Was it really necessary for NexRealm Studios to invest such a significant amount in hiring a copywriter with no work experience? The project was risky. Even if they managed to bring the writer onboard and improved the script, there was no guarantee of profitability. The person who signed the contract with Michelle could potentially become a scapegoat within NexRealm Studios.
The stress was so intense that Leonard felt like his hair, humorously referred to as his Jennifer, Jessica, and Morgan, was falling out. He was going bald!
Eventually, after discussing with the general manager of NexRealm Studios, they decided to sign Michelle on a one-month trial basis, hoping to gauge her potential and productivity. Leonard harbored a bold thought: What if Michelle could perfect both the storyline and copy within a month? After all, according to his ex-girlfriend, Michelle's efficiency was comparable to a sophisticated typewriter, always top-notch.
Due to the excessive expenditure of NexRealm Studios over the past couple of years, and the ongoing costs of their current projects, the company's primary investor was getting uneasy. He demanded that every expense by NexRealm Studios be documented in a report submitted to the headquarters for his personal review.
Leonard, upon receiving this mandate, meticulously prepared the expense report, detailing every single transaction clearly, along with the bank details and information of the recipients.
Derek, upon receiving the expense report from NexRealm Studios, almost had a heart attack. Another month of burning money, he thought. The figures before him seemed to dance like flames, almost as if they were literal currency set ablaze. He hesitated, wondering when would be the best time to forward this report to the company's CEO. Was Alex in a good mood today? Maybe, Derek pondered, it would be best to wait for a more opportune moment.
Indeed, every company routinely submitted quarterly and annual financial statements, presenting a clear picture of their earnings and expenditures, and NexRealm Studios was no exception. But given the company's recent proclivity for spending, Alex had mandated that they provide an additional monthly expense report. He might not necessarily review every detail, knowing it could just agitate him. Still, the practice was seen as a necessary discipline to curb NexRealm's spending habits.
Recalling a recent allocation of funds to NexRealm Studios, Alex inquired Derek about the latest report. With a frosty tone, he asked, "How much has NexRealm burned this time?"
Hesitating to respond, Derek handed over the report. Alex was mentally braced for the figures and skimmed through the pages with a calm demeanor. But, as he reached the last page, his eyes caught a familiar name, causing him to pause and stare for a few moments.
Looking up at Derek, Alex pointed to the name "Michelle" on the document and inquired, "Who is this?"
Derek glanced at the name, finding no immediate recognition. But, he assured Alex, he could inquire from a reliable source.
Moments later, after a brief call with Leonard, Derek relayed the information, stating solemnly, "She's a new narrative and copy strategist. However, she's been signed only for a month. Rest assured, we will keep a tight rein on her compensation."

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