Chapter 58

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With a simple statement, "Follow the doctor's orders," Alex Ye made the decision for Michelle Xia, leaving her somewhat displeased.
Michelle's face remained expressionless, her feelings manifesting clearly on her visage. Seeing her demeanor, Alex fell silent.
After some contemplation, he offered, "Would you like me to bring your laptop over?"
Before Michelle could answer, the doctor who overheard them responded sternly, "The patient needs to rest." This raised the doctor's suspicions about the nature of their relationship. The thought of a young woman working so hard that she fell ill, and a man still wanting to exploit her, seemed inhumane to the physician. With this thought, the doctor cast a sympathetic glance at the young woman.
Receiving the doctor's pitiful look, Michelle thought, "...What?"
Although the doctor strongly advised her to rest, Michelle asked Alex to bring her laptop. In her mind, working on her computer was just a matter of moving her fingers, so it wouldn't conflict with resting, right?
Rivenhold Hospital had a special ward, a so-called VIP luxury suite. Alex got Michelle the most lavish suite available. It was comparable to a five-star hotel with 24-hour hot water supply, and even one-on-one nursing care.
Michelle thought that if hospitalization was like this, she wouldn't mind at all. Whether she was resting or working on her writings, this environment felt more comfortable than her own home. Michelle began to suspect that perhaps Alex was concerned about her being alone at home, and in case anything happened, nobody would know. That's why he moved her to a place with people around.
Reflecting on this, Michelle felt that Alex was overly meticulous, always complicating matters unnecessarily.
When Alex returned with her laptop, Michelle realized she might have been overly optimistic. In her current state, she couldn't possibly write. The doctor had prescribed her an IV drip, and not long after her arrival to the VIP suite, a nurse came to administer it. She delicately inserted the needle into the back of Michelle's left hand.
With the needle in her left hand, Michelle found it difficult to exert any force or make any significant movements with her fingers. After the nurse had set up the IV and checked Michelle's temperature, she left her to rest.
A caretaker came in and adjusted a small table over her bed. Looking at the laptop on the table, Michelle pondered. With her left hand incapacitated, could she complete today's writing updates using just the fingers of her right hand?
Michelle hesitated, thinking, "...This might be a bit challenging."
Michelle Xia took out her phone and sent a private message to Alyssa, briefly explaining her illness and the potential inability to update her writings.
In reality, the editors at ScribeSphere didn't micromanage each author's daily content output. With thousands of authors under each editor, it was impossible to monitor every single one closely. Their only requirement was for signed authors to fulfill their quotas during promotional and list ranking periods. There wasn't an enforced mandate for daily updates or specific word counts.
Michelle's decision to give Alyssa a detailed account was due to their current competition with Lulu for a recommendation slot. A daily shortfall of 2000 words was significant, let alone the possibility of not updating at all today. The editorial department typically used a different chat application for work communication, so Alyssa hadn't responded yet.
Worried about today's update, Michelle waited distractedly for Alyssa's reply.
Alex Ye hadn't left yet and seemed in no rush to do so. He glanced at Michelle, pulled up a chair, and sat by her bedside. Michelle looked up and instinctively pressed her phone's power button, darkening the screen. She raised her gaze slightly, mildly surprised that he was still here. However, she hid her feelings and flashed a gentle smile.
Alex knew Michelle didn't need him there. His presence might make her uncomfortable, so he decided to return to the office soon.
Rivenhold Hospital had two cafeterias, but the food in both wasn't particularly appetizing. Considering this, he inquired, "What would you like for lunch? I can have someone deliver it to you."
Illness often diminishes one's appetite. Michelle didn't feel hungry or inclined to eat. After some thought, she responded, "No need to trouble yourself, Mr. Ye. I'll just have the nurse bring me something later."
Sickness also tends to slow one's reflexes. It was only after speaking that Michelle realized something. "Didn't the doctor say a half-day of observation would suffice?"
Alex replied, "It's already 10 a.m. Do you think your three IV bags can finish in two hours?"
It seemed unlikely.
With that realization, all Michelle wanted was to send Alex away and then slowly work on her drafts. Michelle's delicate features naturally conveyed warmth and gentleness, making her seem kindly concerned. So, in the gentlest voice, albeit hoarse from her ailment, she suggested that Alex return to the office and assured him she'd be fine alone.
Her words were polite, but her intent was clear: she wanted him to leave.
As Alex was about to tell her he'd return in the afternoon, Michelle's phone rang. She looked at the unfamiliar number displayed. Just as she was about to decline the call, seeing Alex still there, she impulsively pressed the green answer button.
Shouldn't someone with even a hint of social etiquette step away to answer a call? And if he needed to return to his office, why not just go straight there?
With these thoughts, Michelle Xia answered the unfamiliar call, politely greeting the person on the other end with a "Hello."
To her surprise, she recognized the voice that came through. "Michelle, it's Leonard Chen. How have you been lately?"
Michelle's gaze shifted towards Alex Ye upon hearing the name. Misinterpreting her look, Alex discreetly excused himself and headed to the balcony. Michelle took a deep sigh, her eyes following Alex's retreating figure.
Leonard sounded slightly puzzled, "Michelle?"
She had a hunch that Leonard wouldn't call her out of the blue without reason. Bracing herself, she responded, "Director Chen, what can I do for you today?"
Even through the digital transmission, Leonard could sense the unease in her voice. After expressing his concern, he got straight to the point, discussing a live streaming opportunity to drive traffic.
Feeling a bit foggy-headed, Michelle took a moment to comprehend. Just like Brandon Su, she had no desire to appear on live streams, let alone host one, and she turned down Leonard's request.
Upon hearing her refusal, Leonard's emotions welled up, evident even through the phone. After much persuasion, he finally managed to get a noncommittal "I'll think about it" from Michelle.
Apart from not wanting to be on camera, Michelle was already swamped with her writing projects and spending time with her children. How could she spare time to assist in their promotional activities? The agreement she'd originally signed with NexRealm Studios had her focused only on certain game storylines and content, not on any post-sale duties. She was well within her rights to decline.
Lost in thought, Michelle's eyes landed on the man standing by the floor-length window. With the soft winter sunlight cascading upon him, Alex appeared almost ethereal and out of reach. Being a major stakeholder in NexRealm Studios, she wondered if he was even aware of the situation.
As Leonard went on about the challenges and hard work behind the 'Star Path' project, Michelle couldn't help but chuckle at his exaggerated tales and not-so-subtle jabs at Brandon Su.
But in the end, she maintained her stance. "Alright, I'll give it some thought and contact you later."
Leonard, while slightly disheartened by her response, clung to the hope that since she hadn't flat out rejected him, there was still a chance. He reminded himself to be patient and let her mull it over.
Over the years, he had poured his heart and soul into the 'Star Path' project. Reflecting on the time and resources invested, he became even more resolute to ensure its success. With NexRealm Studios currently facing a plateau in their other games and a declining performance, the stakes for 'Star Path' couldn't be higher. If it didn't turn things around, the studio risked being cast aside.
The weight of it all bore down on Leonard, making him feel immensely pressured.

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