Chapter 21

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Michelle stared at the earnest-faced man in front of her, expressionless. In her mind, she muttered a curse.
"How could someone so handsome be so... off?" she mused internally. "Such a waste of good looks."
She locked eyes with the man for a moment, then with a serene and gentle smile, suggested, "Shall we get back to discussing Lizzy?"
Meeting her gaze, Alex's eyes and tone were as gentle as possible. After all, he had unintentionally frightened her to tears during their last interaction. He didn't want a repeat of that episode. "I've always felt that you're evading things," he began, "Whether it's about Lizzy or about you."
At his words, Michelle paused, then looked up, her gaze searching. "Have I?" she questioned.
Alex nodded. "You've always seemed... elusive to me."
Michelle met Alex's eyes, a playful glint in her own. "Maybe it's because your brain doesn't function well."
He watched her, noting her feigned composure, as if she had no secrets to hide. He felt a hint of amusement, though he kept his face impassive. "You're deflecting," he pointed out.
The doodling class at the art experience hall was set to last forty-five minutes, and Lizzy's session was almost over.
Before the class concluded, Alex expressed his confusion to Michelle, "You're an enigma. At times you seem concerned for Lizzy, at other times indifferent. Your resistance towards me is even more palpable."
He paused, gazing intently at Michelle. "So, I've been wondering, what was your mindset when you decided to have Lizzy?"
Regarding the question of her mindset when she had Lizzy, Michelle herself wasn't entirely sure. Confronted by Alex's inquiry, she gave a vague, non-committal answer, a mix of truth and evasion. "Perhaps I was just young and naive back then. Somehow, it just happened."
In truth, Michelle really didn't enjoy conversing with Alex.
Michelle felt that Alex, being older than her and having more life experience - not to mention being the biological father of the child - would surely recognize something amiss about her.
Alex didn't quite agree with Michelle's self-proclaimed 'cluelessness,' yet he could understand the thoughts of a kind-hearted 20-year-old. After all, she was grappling with the existence of a new life. She couldn't bear the thought of taking away an innocent life, hence her decision to bring Lizzy into the world.
He took a sip of his coffee, his gaze downwards, not meeting Michelle's. "Michelle," he began, "maybe you regret it now. But back then, the choice was yours. You have an obligation to stand by the decisions you made."
"Indeed, I had my faults back then," he continued, "but the complicated relationships between Lizzy and you, Lizzy and me, and between us, are due to your actions. Yet, you're running away from them."
"I'm not demanding anything from you," he clarified. "I just think you should reconsider the dynamics between Lizzy, you, and me. If in the future, you intend to get married and I intend to have a wife, why is there no possibility between us?"
Michelle, still young at heart and slightly fragile, felt a pang in her chest at his words. Yet when she caught the underlying sentiment, she met Alex's gaze, a hint of melancholy in her eyes. "I see," she responded, her voice soft. "You just want a free nanny for Lizzy."
Alex looked at her, slightly taken aback. "How do you know I don't have feelings for you?"
On this, Michelle wasn't the slightest bit concerned. She looked at him squarely, asking sincerely, "I thought you only loved your job?"
The comment left Alex speechless, a newfound respect for Michelle forming in his heart. He began to question if the sweet and adorable Lizzy truly was Michelle's daughter.
Taking another sip of his coffee, Alex regained his composure, not letting Michelle's words divert him. "I could easily reject an arranged marriage with the Zhao family," he said earnestly, "but with you, I've seriously considered having a wedding."
It wasn't the first time he'd mentioned marriage to Michelle. Knowing his character, he would only bring it up after careful thought and certainty. While Alex couldn't promise to be the best husband, when it came to material means, few men in Rivenhold could rival him.
Perhaps, in the future, Michelle would find a man who adored and cherished her. Yet Alex believed he could be that man for her. So why couldn't he be her husband?
The forty-five-minute art class flew by swiftly.
Lizzy, clutching her teacher-dried painting, dashed out with a gleam in her eyes. She presented her creation to Michelle, her round eyes practically spelling out, "Mommy, please praise me."
Michelle glanced at the artwork, trying to discern its content. Yet seeing Lizzy's expectant eyes, she felt compelled to compliment her regardless. "Wow, Lizzy," Michelle exclaimed, "your painting is beautiful!" She reached out, affectionately ruffling Lizzy's hair. "You're so talented."
Sophie, witnessing Lizzy garnering praises from the beautiful lady, eagerly held up her artwork high for Michelle to see, her eyes equally filled with hope. "I want the pretty lady to praise me too!" Sophie chirped.
Michelle couldn't resist, "Wow, Sophie! Yours is amazing too." Although Michelle was equally clueless about Sophie's drawing, that didn't stop her from showering Sophie with praise.
Fresh out of their art class, both children's hands were stained with colors. Michelle decided to lead the two little ones to wash their hands, holding one in each of hers.
After their graffiti art experience, Alex planned to take them to a fruit orchard for strawberry picking.
Lizzy had thoroughly enjoyed today's art class. When Michelle inquired if she'd like to attend again next weekend, Lizzy hesitated. She then timidly questioned, "Will Sissy come with Lizzy?"
If her mommy wasn't accompanying her, then she might reconsider.
Michelle was momentarily taken aback, having not anticipated such consideration from Lizzy. After some thought, she replied, "Sometimes Sissy will come with Lizzy, and sometimes daddy will."
Listening to Michelle's answer, Lizzy appeared conflicted, her delicate brows knitting together in contemplation. After a significant pause, she decisively declared, "Lizzy wants to come and paint." Then, resorting to her endearing charm, she pleaded, "Can Sissy bring Lizzy to paint next time? Lizzy will gift you her best paintings."
Overhearing the exchange and Lizzy's sweet pleading, Alex felt a slight twinge of jealousy. He amusingly thought, *Yet again, I've been sidelined by the little one*.
Alex couldn't help but think that his child was quite the hypocrite at times.
Upon hearing that Lizzy would be returning next week, Sophie eagerly exclaimed to Nathan, insisting that she also wanted to come back and paint with Lizzy the following week.
Nathan found himself in a bind. Considering Sophie's active nature, it was surprising she'd wish to sit quietly in a classroom to paint. However, when it came to Sophie's requests, he seldom had the heart to refuse. So he agreed, deciding they would return the following week.
After leaving the art experience venue, the group made their way to Rivenhold's suburban fruit orchard.
The orchard didn't boast a vast variety of fruits, but strawberries occupied the most substantial portion. This was precisely what Alex had in mind - a strawberry picking outing for the kids.
Lizzy was fond of cherries but also loved strawberries. Even though the orchard lacked cherries, the presence of strawberries was enough to make her ecstatic.
The two kids were handed baskets by the staff. Each child holding a basket looked rather adorable. After a brief tutorial on how to pick strawberries, the kids couldn't wait and began their picking spree.
Observing the two children crouching down to pick strawberries, Michelle thought, *why not join them?* She requested a basket from the staff and proceeded to join in on the strawberry-picking fun.
Nathan, noticing Michelle's departure, turned his gaze to Alex. Being no fool, Nathan could sense some tension in the atmosphere and gave Alex a sympathetic look. His sympathy was tinged with a hint of mischief as he teased, "Bro, are you in the same boat I once was, going through an ordeal to woo your wife?"
Alex, puzzled by Nathan's words, glanced at him, seeking clarification.
With an air of eagerness, Nathan elaborated, "It's like when a man initially disregards a woman or does something unfavorable, and then, to make it up to her, he has to go through many, many, MANY hoops..."
Alex paused and finally responded, "Perhaps you should lay off the internet novels for a bit."
Nathan merely shrugged in response.
With Michelle joining the two children in strawberry picking, their efficiency greatly improved, and soon, all three baskets were brimming with strawberries.
For both Lizzy and Sophie, it was their first time in a fruit orchard, picking strawberries. Their excitement was palpable. Once Michelle had weighed their harvest and paid for it, the kids eagerly clamored to taste their freshly picked strawberries.
Anticipating such enthusiastic young visitors, the orchard staff washed a few strawberries and presented them to the girls in plastic containers. Holding their very own strawberries, ones they had picked themselves, the joy was evident in Lizzy's and Sophie's eyes. They even took turns trying each other's strawberries.
Upon departing the orchard, the group decided to have lunch outside before heading home. Remembering Eleanor's consistent invitations and the tendency to be rather insistent, Michelle was reluctant to return to Alex's place. She asked Alex to drop her off at her one-bedroom apartment instead.
Alex acknowledged with a simple "Mmm," not saying much else.
As they arrived at her building, Michelle, with her thoughts on some pending articles, prepared to alight. However, before she could move, a tiny hand grabbed her dress hem. Looking down, she met the pleading eyes of a child who wanted to go home with her mother for the weekend.
Caught off guard, Michelle's initial reaction was to refuse, but then she recalled the words Alex had spoken to her earlier that day. She glanced up to find Alex looking at her, his expression serene as if what was transpiring was a minor event, unworthy of fuss.
Michelle swallowed her words. Gently ruffling the child's hair, she asked tenderly, "Lizzy, do you want to come home with your sister?"
The child nodded, her round eyes fixated on Michelle. Then, in a coquettish tone, she began, "Lizzy just wants to be with mommy~"
Lizzy's playful antics brought a smile to Michelle's face. She said to Alex, "Would you mind, Mr. Alex, picking up Lizzy tomorrow?"
Alex looked at her, his tone gentle. "Not at all."
He recognized that Michelle had heeded his words earlier.
Because she had Lizzy for an extra day over the weekend, Michelle worked herself ragged on Sunday afternoon and all day Monday to meet her article deadlines. Once she finally sent her completed drafts to her boss, she felt utterly drained.
Lying in bed, Michelle reflected on how her 24-year-old self felt so different from when she was 20. In the past, she could pull an all-nighter working 18 hours straight without feeling as exhausted as she did now after an 18-hour workday. The difference age made on the body was indeed significant.
Reflecting, Michelle felt as though she might've squandered a few years of her youth.

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