Chapter 16

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Some time ago, Michelle pondered a fascinating question. If she were to find herself within the world of a book, would the plot still unfold according to its original outline? And if it did, would it adhere to the author's initial summary or to the detailed narrative she, as the writer of this new version, had envisioned?
While the general direction of both storylines might remain consistent, numerous finer details could diverge. For instance, the original blueprint never made mention of Lizzy's biological mother. Nor did it hint at the female protagonist seeking vengeance on a side character after breaking off her engagement with the secondary male lead. Michelle wasn't sure if the original author had envisioned such a subplot, but she was certain she wouldn't have included it. Such actions didn't align with the female protagonist's character as she perceived it.
In her interpretation, Isabella, though smitten in love, was, after all, from a prestigious background. As an heiress of a wealthy family, she should possess certain decorum. Surely she wouldn't act like a senseless character from a dated TV drama.
Yet, hearing what Isabella had voiced, Michelle felt disappointed. It appeared like another character that the original author had started writing but somehow lost their way with.
Michelle slid the forged paternity test back into its envelope and handed it back to Isabella. Lifting her gaze to meet Isabella's, her soft brown eyes were steady and calm, betraying no hint of the storm brewing inside. With a tranquil tone, she said, "I'm afraid I can't oblige, Miss Zhao." She added with a slight smile, "You know, I believe if I asked Alex for five million, he would probably give it to me."
Although Michelle had a penchant for money, she bristled at the thought of her worth being measured in monetary terms. She didn't believe that a person's value could be quantified by currency. The mere suggestion that five million could buy her off irked her. Exactly what did Isabella think of her?
Given Isabella's proposition, Michelle's perception of her soured, even to the point of "dislike". However, Isabella misinterpreted Michelle's response, thinking she was insinuating that five million was too low of an offer.
Isabella laughed, her radiant features shining with innate confidence, making her especially enchanting. Those shimmering eyes of hers were fixated on Michelle as she threatened, "Twenty million, surely that should be enough?"
Michelle pondered earnestly. If she were to ask Alex for twenty million, would he give it to her? Unfortunately, Michelle wasn't one to accept handouts. She wasn't tempted by such unexpected windfalls. If she were, why hadn't she readily accepted Alex's proposal? By becoming Mrs. Ye, would she ever lack five or twenty million?
For the first time, Michelle felt that the thinking of characters in novels differed from her own. She didn't wish to continue this conversation with Isabella. She could be spending that time writing. What had prompted her to meet the leading lady of the story?
Michelle took a sip of her untouched coffee, its bitterness prickling her taste buds, prompting her to put it down quickly. "Miss Zhao," she began, "I believe there's been a misunderstanding. It's not about the amount of money." She continued, "It's about not betraying one's conscience. I do not wish to deceive my child or the child's father." She paused, adding, "Thank you for the invitation, the coffee was excellent. Perhaps next time, we can try a café with an even better brew."
With that, Michelle stood up, ready to leave, without any intention of gauging Isabella's reaction. She wondered if she should share the day's events with Alex.
After Michelle had moved out of Alex's house, he grew curious about her recent activities. However, he didn't have a penchant for spying, so he was initially unaware of Isabella's meeting with Michelle today. Some people, with too much time on their hands, were always in the know, even about trivialities such as which heiress visited which restaurant.
Eleanor, through some grapevine, had heard that Isabella had invited the mother of Mr. Ye's daughter for coffee today. Even though Eleanor wasn't fond of Isabella, she couldn't resist a juicy piece of gossip.
Once Eleanor had had her fill of the latest gossip, she decided to relay the tidbits to Alex. Although Alex was well aware of her penchant for drama and juicy stories, she always played it cool in front of him, never overly eager. Eleanor succinctly relayed the incident, "Isabella invited Michelle out for coffee today." Coincidentally, the café Isabella and Michelle visited happened to be owned by Eleanor's niece. She mused to herself about getting the café's surveillance footage later to see how their conversation went. It would be an entertaining way to kill some time.
As Eleanor relayed the information, Alex was engrossed in reviewing a project proposal, his brows furrowing at several problematic sections. He responded with a noncommittal "Mmm," his tone distant, as if he hadn't really been listening. But Eleanor didn't believe for a second that he hadn't heard her. She chuckled internally, thinking: Keep pretending, Alex.
Eleanor laughed lightly and continued, "I heard that the Zhao family is considering a union with the Yu family. But it seems that Isabella isn't particularly fond of Mr. Yu." She emphasized the word "heard" to remind Alex of the ongoing drama. Everyone in both the Zhao and Ye families knew whom Isabella really fancied.
Disgusted with the poorly written proposal in front of him, Alex closed the document, deciding to have the project manager revise it. "What is this mess?" he thought. Mistakes throughout, unclear statements, even incorrect data. And they had the audacity to present this to him? Without uttering a word, he sent the document back, instilling a deep sense of dread in the project manager. The gravity of the situation seemed all the more severe for Alex's silence. The project manager felt as if he had lost a good chunk of his hair from the stress.
After ending the call with Eleanor, Alex glanced at the clock, realizing it was time to pick up Lizzy from school. Since Michelle didn't drive, if she had to pick up Lizzy, she'd need to have the driver go to her apartment first and then to the preschool. Finding it a cumbersome arrangement, Michelle occasionally let Alex pick up Lizzy after school.
Lizzy had stayed with Michelle for a few days, but in the end, she had been persuaded to return to the Ye residence. Of course, that's a gentle way to put it; the clingy little Lizzy would never willingly leave Michelle's side. Alex often wondered about Michelle's secret to managing children, especially given that Lizzy was so willing to go back to the Ye residence on her own.
Every afternoon, after school, Lizzy would first go to have dinner with Michelle. Even though Michelle wasn't the best cook, it wasn't an issue. They could always order takeout or dine out at a restaurant. After dinner, when Michelle finished narrating fairy tales to Lizzy, the little girl would return home with Alex. The next morning, Alex would drop her off at preschool.
Lizzy's after-school pickup varied; sometimes Michelle picked her up, other times it was Alex. When Alex was in charge, dinner usually involved all three of them dining out, given neither adult was adept in the kitchen. If Michelle came to get Lizzy, it was typically just the two of them grabbing a meal outside because Michelle didn't like cooking and found grocery shopping a hassle.
Alex preferred it when Michelle picked up Lizzy; it allowed him to spend a bit more time at work, attending to various tasks. Lizzy, on her part, favored being picked up by Michelle. She enjoyed their meals together, disliking it when "bad daddy" Alex joined them.
Last night, Michelle had asked Alex to fetch Lizzy from school today. Alex hadn't questioned her, merely nodding in agreement. But recalling what Eleanor had shared earlier, it was hard for him not to link the two events. "Ah, so Isabella has made plans with Michelle, and that's why she can't pick up Lizzy", he mused.
Alex never wanted Michelle to find out about his interactions with Isabella, even if there was nothing between them. He just didn't want her in the know. He had never broached the topic of potential arranged marriages in Michelle's presence. He had even implored Eleanor to avoid mentioning the subject around Michelle, to which she had reluctantly agreed. Alex also instructed the Ye family's household staff to be tight-lipped about it in front of Michelle and Lizzy. He thought these minor details would gradually fade from memory.
But it was wholly unexpected for Isabella to approach Michelle. Recalling all these events, Alex felt a heaviness settle in his heart. He couldn't help but wonder how he must appear in Michelle's eyes. He probably seemed reprehensible.
Alex quickly picked up Lizzy from the preschool and soon found themselves back at their residence. Michelle was still engrossed in her writing; her meeting with Isabella earlier had consumed much of her day, leaving her behind schedule with her article.
Upon entering, Lizzy's excitement was palpable, as she reached out to Michelle, craving both a hug and a kiss. The contrast in her demeanor from when she saw Alex earlier was striking. Michelle held Lizzy, bestowing a couple of perfunctory kisses upon her. Witnessing the intimate moment between mother and daughter, Alex couldn't deny the slight twinge of envy tugging at his heart.
"Let's have you watch some cartoons first, sweetheart," Michelle told Lizzy. Turning to Alex, she began with a hint of embarrassment, "Apologies, Mr. Ye." She continued, "You might have to wait a bit; I've yet to finish my work."
Alex glanced around and responded, "It's fine, take your time." He was aware that Michelle had always been engaged in writing, assuming she still crafted promotional articles for others.
Soon after, Michelle completed her piece, and as Lizzy was engrossed in an animated show, the trio decided to head out for dinner. En route to the restaurant, they found themselves caught in a minor traffic jam. From the rearview mirror, Alex stole a few glances at Michelle, who was playing a game with Lizzy.
After a moment's thought, he broached, "I have an opening in my company for a content strategist. Interested in taking a look?"
Michelle paused, realizing his intent. Perhaps it was a gesture of goodwill, or maybe he sought to exploit her skills. Confident in her ability to handle anything related to writing, she inquired about the job specifics and the associated remuneration.
Alex responded with a mix of fact and fiction. After hearing his semi-fabricated job pitch, Michelle let out a disappointed, "Oh." She shook her head, outrightly declining, "Not for me. The pay is too low, and the job lacks a challenging aspect."
Having been gently rejected by Michelle previously, Alex was somewhat accustomed to it. Her response didn't unsettle him much. He pondered for a moment, then asked, "What kind of job are you seeking? I can check if my company has a suitable opening."
Michelle cast a peculiar look at the man in the driver's seat. She now had every reason to suspect that Alex genuinely aimed to harness her expertise. In reality, Alex's intentions were quite straightforward. He simply wanted to keep Michelle occupied, ensuring she'd have no time to engage with Isabella. That way, he wouldn't have to fret about Isabella seeking Michelle out and possibly filling her ears with all sorts of tales.

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