Chapter 65

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Upon hearing Michelle Xia's slightly irritated voice, Alex Ye thought to himself: If I wait to get dressed before coming out, she might just break my doorbell from pressing it so much.
Alex lazily lifted an eyelid, calmly meeting Michelle's gaze. He noticed the elegant gift box in her hand and had a fair guess as to why she was visiting tonight.
Without a word, he stepped aside to let her in.
Michelle had been waiting outside for what felt like an eternity. It wasn't just cold—it was freezing. So, without giving it a second thought, she entered.
As she stepped in, Alex gently closed the door behind her.
Michelle's heart seemed to skip a beat in sync with the sound of the door shutting. Only then did she realize the implications of her actions—visiting a single man's house late at night?
Oh, but Mr. Ye was known for being completely consumed by his work, a man with little interest in the opposite sex.
From what she knew of Mr. Ye, he was a perfect gentleman. So, she had nothing to fear.
After mentally reassuring herself, Michelle remembered the reason she came. With a beautiful smile playing on her lips, she held up the gift box and cheerily said, "Mr. Ye, I..."
Alex responded, a little absentmindedly, "Hmm. Sit down, give me a moment." And with that, he took long strides back to his room, returning in more comfortable attire.
Even though Michelle lived next door and they saw each other daily, she was a "guest" in his house now. He couldn't very well greet her in his bathrobe, especially after the little telling off she had just given him. If he continued wearing the bathrobe, it would come off as inappropriate.
He poured a drink for Michelle, to which she responded with a polite "Thank you." Only after accepting the drink did she reflect on her actions.
Michelle lowered her gaze, took a sip of her orange juice, and pretended as if nothing out of the ordinary had just occurred.
It was a move so reminiscent of Lizzy Xia—acting oblivious whenever she heard something she didn't like.
Alex thought to himself, "So that's where the kid gets it from."
Truthfully, Alex wasn't particularly thrilled about Michelle's unexpected visit. Deep down, he felt it wasn't necessary. He didn't appreciate the distance Michelle seemed to deliberately create between them, be it as friends, guardians of children, or objects of affection. Disregarding the complexities of their relationship, he believed his actions didn't warrant gratitude.
It aligned with the values he grew up with: he did certain things simply because he believed they needed to be done.
Whether or not the other party was grateful wasn't his concern.
This applied to all he had done for both Michelle Xia and Lizzy Xia. Some actions stemmed from a sense of responsibility, while others were simply to ensure their well-being.
Alex Ye was slightly distracted, and perhaps under different circumstances, he might have been pleased by Michelle Xia's unexpected visit.
He had been lost in his work troubles earlier, thinking that a shower might help clear his mind before diving back into the issues. But in the midst of his bath, an incessant ringing of his doorbell interrupted him. And when he had finally dressed to answer it, Michelle had given him a piece of her mind, making him feel like an innocent caught in the crossfire.
Of course, Alex was a man whose emotions never played on his face.
He wasn't angered by the situation, but by the same token, it didn't exactly uplift his spirits either.
Michelle drank half a glass of orange juice before setting it down. She then presented a red wine gift box to Alex. Her delicate face emanated warmth, her light brown eyes twinkling with a gentleness, reminding him of shimmering stardust.
"I truly appreciate your help, Mr. Ye," she said, her voice always soft and gentle. The slower pace of her speech was incredibly soothing. "This is just a small token of my gratitude. I hope you won't find it too much."
Many times, children would act coy with Michelle, just to hear her comforting tone. They loved Michelle's soothing voice, her feigned coquettishness. And Alex admitted to himself, he did too.
From the moment he'd spotted the gift, he'd known it was wine by the look of the exquisite box. Alex wasn't one to drink, primarily because it might affect his efficiency the next day. But this was a special gift from Michelle, and he couldn't decline.
He figured he'd have to accept it anyway. It was just the kind of thing Michelle would do, given her character.
Alex's gaze shifted from Michelle's face to the red box in her hand. He hummed softly in acknowledgment and took the present from her.
Seeing Alex accept her gift, Michelle's face lit up with a radiant smile, and her mood seemed to lift considerably.
However, through Alex's eyes, this sudden joy was almost... frivolous.
Knowing she had to return to her writing and assuming Alex had work to catch up on, Michelle didn't linger. She finished the rest of her orange juice and began to make her exit.
Before leaving, she playfully chided Alex, "Mr. Ye, make sure to rest early. Don't stay up too late; it's not good for your health."
Hearing her words, Alex looked up at Michelle, his gaze calm and indifferent.
Judging from the frequency and timing of Michelle Xia's writing updates, she must have often stayed up until three or four in the morning, perhaps even pulling all-nighters. Some people are just like that: advising others against the ill effects of late nights while themselves indulging in such habits.
Alex Ye didn't intend to discuss this with Michelle. However, as he escorted her to the door, he let out a deep, heavy sigh.
Confused, Michelle looked up at him and asked, "Alex, is something wrong?"
With an expression that was more serious than usual, Alex gazed at Michelle. "Don't casually knock on a man's door or enter his home at night. And certainly don't bring him red wine in the evening. It can lead to misunderstandings."
Michelle looked taken aback, as if she'd just learned an unexpected fact. She tried to clarify, "I was just bringing you a thank-you gift."
Alex only responded with a nod, accompanying her to her own door. His thoughts seemed elsewhere, perhaps occupied with work matters. It was unclear if he even heard her explanation.
Michelle started to say something more, but Alex, as if completing a task, prepared to head back. "Get some rest. Don't stay up late; it's not good for your health."
Michelle was left a bit speechless.
Alex cast her a brief glance before turning away to head back to his home.
In truth, there was no fixed meaning to giving red wine, unlike the common belief that red roses should only be for lovers or rings only for partners. It was just that Michelle's timing and method could easily be misconstrued. Had Alex not known that Michelle was still so innocent, he might have even suspected that she was hinting at something.
Because of Michelle's "visit," the majority of Alex's working hours for the evening were taken up. He couldn't help but heave another sigh, thinking, "So much for not interfering with my work."

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