Chapter 64

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Michelle chuckled when she read Alex's final comment. She was well-acquainted with her daughter's temperament. She was certain Lizzy wouldn't remain upset by the afternoon. Besides, Michelle felt that Lizzy had just feigned her anger earlier. And Michelle didn't feel she'd done anything wrong. Surely, accidentally falling asleep because she was too tired wasn't a mistake, right? While she believed this, she still nonchalantly agreed to Alex's suggestion. She responded: "If Lizzy is still upset in the afternoon, I'll try to cheer her up."
The workaholic Mr. Ye, as Alex was popularly known, didn't respond to her message. Staring blankly at her phone screen for a while, Michelle felt she hadn't quite regained her focus and decided to rest for an additional 20 minutes.
She sent Alex another message, "Thank you, Mr. Ye."
Everyone knew Mr. Ye was a workaholic. He might pick up Eleanor Ye's call during work hours, but he wouldn't spend too much time chatting idly with her.
Similarly, Mr. Ye could respond to Michelle Xia's messages during work hours, but he wouldn't spend too much time chatting idly with her. Moreover, Michelle wasn't one to make idle conversation. Every time she reached out to him, it was for a favor. Naturally, Alex assumed this was the case again.
He responded without a second thought: "What do you need? Do I have to pick up Lizzy from school this afternoon?"
Michelle's response was just an ellipsis. It seemed her reputation for only reaching out when needing something had truly made its mark.
She quietly opened social media platforms and searched for her pen name, taking screenshots of various posts and sending them to Alex. Michelle thought to herself, *Now, you can't play dumb.*
Michelle had considered marketing her work, but she had planned to wait until her work was complete. Who knew that Alex had gone ahead and bought so much promotional content for her without even informing her? She had mistakenly thought someone was inflating her online statistics, making her unnecessarily anxious.
Alex glanced at a few of the screenshots and realized the issue. He replied: "Those are from the Ye PR team's promotional accounts. Why waste resources when they're available?"
Michelle sent back a long string of ellipses.
Michelle frequently thanked Alex for his help. Whether he picked up Lizzy from school or brought her bubble tea and cake, she'd always say "Thank you." Even when he'd pass her utensils at dinner, she'd politely thank him. It had become almost a habit for her, a subconscious effort to maintain a distance.
Now, as she tried to convey her gratitude, her words seemed inadequate. Look at that, Alex even thought she was asking him to pick up Lizzy in the afternoon.
While Michelle was deep in reflection, Alex sent a lengthy message: "You frequently thank me. Most times, it's immediately after I've done something for you. Rarely do you thank me out of the blue. I get the sentiment. I've known you for half a year, and I understand your nature. Your constant politeness is usually a way to create distance, but choosing work hours to express gratitude shows the significance of the matter. It's in the little details that one grasps the meaning. While you might not realize these intricacies, they exist."
Alex then asked: "So, can I get back to work now?"
Michelle felt a twinge of annoyance. "What do you mean, 'can I get back to work'?"
Michelle had never hindered him. Never!
Why was he acting as if she was irrationally causing a scene and disrupting his work?
Michelle: "I haven't stopped you."
Alex: "..."
Alex: "Yes, you haven't."
He flipped his phone face-down on his desk, not wanting Michelle's messages to distract him. He always thought Michelle was intelligent. At the very least, she should have a keen sense for words, right? However, conversing with her felt a lot like talking to an elementary school student who hadn't quite grasped nuances. He sighed. Best get back to work.
Lizzy Xia was usually dismissed from school at half-past four, and Michelle would leave her house around four to pick her up. By the time she'd arrive at the school and wait a few minutes, the children would pour out, and Lizzy, that little clingy darling, would excitedly run towards her.
But today, Michelle left her house at two in the afternoon. She had planned a thank-you gift for Alex. She couldn't simply benefit from his PR team and promotional contacts without showing gratitude. If verbal thanks were insufficient, then perhaps a tangible gift would suffice.
Most men had an affinity for the trifecta of tobacco, tea, and alcohol. Last time, she'd gifted Alex some tea leaves. This time, she thought, why not red wine?
Michelle wasn't familiar with wines, so she contacted Alyssa for recommendations on reputable vineyards in Rivenhold. Alyssa, likewise, wasn't a connoisseur, but her uncle owned a vineyard. She promptly sent Michelle the address.
Alyssa: "Check if it's far from your place."
Alyssa: "If it's nearby, just ask my uncle about the variety you want."
After replying with a quick "OK" and finding the vineyard to be a short 20-minute cab ride away, Michelle decided to head over.
In her memory, Alex rarely socialized outside. She never noticed him coming home smelling of alcohol, nor had she seen him smoke. But then again, perhaps she just hadn't witnessed it.
Lost in thought, it took her a moment to register someone calling out to her. Mr. Hale, Alyssa's uncle, recommended a 1997 vintage from an old French vineyard. It wasn't exorbitant, just a few thousand dollars.
Not being an expert, and considering the price to be within her means, Michelle opted for Mr. Hale's recommendation. As it was a gift, she asked for it to be boxed elegantly.
Heeding a client's request was second nature to Mr. Hale, but out of curiosity, he inquired, "Miss Xia, is this for your boyfriend?"
Michelle hesitated, feeling that her relationship with Alex was complex but thinking it might not be a problem to label him as a boyfriend.
Noticing her hesitation, Mr. Hale smiled and teased, "Is it for a male friend you have feelings for?"
Unsure why Mr. Hale was so nosy, and not wanting to be the subject of further gossip, Michelle reluctantly nodded.
Understanding dawned on Mr. Hale, who merely said, "Ah." If it was for a man she was fond of, there was no issue. After all, gifting wine can be tricky—misunderstandings with the opposite sex could arise if one wasn't careful.
Emerging from the vineyard, Michelle noted the time—it was almost the end of school. She headed straight to the kindergarten to pick up her child.
The moment Lizzy spotted Michelle, she forgot all about the morning's troubles. She bid Sophie goodbye, slung her little backpack over her shoulder, and scampered towards Michelle. The first thing Lizzy did was cling to Michelle's leg, pouting cutely.
Sophie, seeing Lizzy's dramatic shift from sulking to being overly affectionate, couldn't help but sigh. In the morning, Lizzy had claimed she was upset, but now she was all about showing affection. "Lizzy's quite the actress," Sophie thought, feeling a bit duped after spending so much time comforting her earlier.
Noticing Sophie's exasperated expression, Lizzy remembered the new tactic Sophie had taught her that day: looking pitiful was far more effective than throwing a tantrum. So, the previously playful child quickly put on a sad face, expecting Michelle to ask, "What's wrong, Lizzy?" But being the clever girl she was, Lizzy didn't wait.
Without waiting for Michelle's prompt, Lizzy said, "Mommy didn't sleep with me last night. Lizzy is sad. Lizzy is unhappy." Conveniently, she also found an excuse for tonight, "Because mommy didn't sleep with me last night, tonight mommy has to sleep with Lizzy. Mommy can't leave halfway to sleep on the couch!"
Michelle realized this was why Lizzy had feigned anger in the morning. She sighed internally. Lizzy used to sleep soundly on her own. But lately, she's been insisting they sleep together, which disrupted Michelle's usual routines and work productivity. However, hearing her child's plaintive tone, Michelle found it hard to resist.
Michelle Xia thought for a moment, putting on a serious facade, "This is the last time mommy will sleep with Lizzy."
Michelle continued, "Starting tomorrow, brave Lizzy has to sleep on her own. Can brave Lizzy do that?"
Hearing this, Lizzy pouted, somewhat displeased, but she reluctantly nodded. *What does being brave have to do with being adorable?* she wondered. The thought of sharing the bed with her mother tonight filled her heart with joy.
With a sweet smile, she playfully clung to Michelle, and then they headed home hand in hand. Lizzy noticed the large, beautifully wrapped box Michelle was carrying and curiously inquired, "Mommy, is that for Lizzy?"
In Lizzy's mind, any gift bought by her mother was surely for her. Her father never factored into it.
Michelle chuckled and told her, "No, this is for Lizzy's daddy."
Lizzy's previously radiant and sweet face became slightly stiff. Recalling Lizzy's upset demeanor from that morning, Michelle decided not to tease her any longer. She pulled out a newly bought candy and a blind toy box that Lizzy had recently become obsessed with.
Michelle, with a gentle voice and smile, consoled, "The big gift is for Lizzy's daddy, but this is for Lizzy."
Lizzy's eyes lit up at the sight of the blind box, even more than when she saw the candy. Eagerly, she took it, wanting to open it right away. But Michelle said, "Shall we open it when we get home?"
Lizzy obediently nodded, clutching her candy and blind box in one hand, and skipping along with Michelle with the other as they headed home.
That evening, after putting Lizzy to bed, Michelle sneakily went back to her writing. It was not yet ten, and she knew without a doubt that Alex Ye would still be up. Before settling into her work, she knocked on Alex's door next door.
Perhaps Alex was deep in his work, for he didn't hear her ring the doorbell three times. Michelle waited for a moment and contemplated whether to call him, especially given the chilly night air.
Just as she was about to dial his number, the door unexpectedly swung open. She had a piece of her mind ready for his tardiness, but when she looked up, words escaped her. Alex had just taken a shower. Draped in a bathrobe with a large white towel wrapped around his wet hair, droplets of water trailed down his face. His deep, black eyes gazed at her — serene, unfathomable, exuding an indescribable tranquil beauty.
It took Michelle a moment to snap back to reality, not one to get easily distracted by such allure. However, she had to admit, in that very moment, Alex looked rather handsome.
Slightly irritated, she remarked, "Couldn't you have dressed properly before answering the door?"

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