Chapter 40

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Aria Cheng was a model contracted under a company managed by Eleanor Ye. Initially, she was prominently active in major fashion shows both domestically and internationally. However, due to Nathan Ye and Sophie Ye, she began participating less in these events, transitioning more to behind-the-scenes roles and even evolving into a posture instructor.
Today, representing her company, Aria had a meeting with the organizers of a particular fashion week to discuss potential collaborations. Yet, after waiting for what felt like ages, she spotted Michelle Xia and Brandon Su?
Aria mused, *What a coincidence.*
She discreetly took out her phone and snapped a quick picture, sending it to Nathan.
Aria: Darling, am I seeing this right?
Nathan: ???
Nathan: Honey, be careful with those pictures. They could lead to complications.
Aria had heard from Nathan that Alex Ye and Michelle Xia weren't married yet. Initially, she assumed Alex might be an irresponsible playboy, feeling sympathetic for Michelle and Lizzy Xia. It was only later that she discovered it was Michelle who wasn't keen on Alex, not that Alex was shirking responsibility.
Seeing Michelle and Brandon on what appeared to be a date, she couldn't help but wonder: Was Brandon the one Michelle was interested in?
She looked up at Brandon, a fresh-faced young man, his charm enhanced by the gold-rimmed glasses he wore, giving him an academic vibe. Considering Alex Ye's career-oriented personality and age, she instantly understood the allure of Brandon — why wouldn't someone prefer a dashing young man over an older gentleman?
Inwardly, Aria gave a nod of approval to Michelle's choice.
Aria thought, *Ah, a second shot at love.*
Having married young herself, she playfully messaged Nathan.
Aria: I want a second spring too.
Nathan: ???
Nathan: Sweetie, watch your words. They could get you in trouble.
Aria wanted to continue the playful banter, but the representative from the fashion week had finally arrived. She had to set her phone aside and discuss business.
Throughout the meeting, Aria kept glancing over at Michelle and Brandon, noting Brandon handing Michelle a gift and their initially opposite seating transition into a more intimate side-by-side position.
In her mind, she couldn't help but think that her dear uncle had a shade of green sprouting on his head.
Nathan Ye didn't have the gossip-loving gene of the Su family. Naturally, he wouldn't obsess over juicy stories like Eleanor Ye, spending his free moments diving into various gossip groups for the latest scoop.
The most he'd do was silently forward pictures to Eleanor, delivering the 'gossip' right to her plate, providing her with another opportunity to indulge.
Eleanor, maintaining a certain decorum in front of her young nephew, received the juicy content with utmost grace. It took her quite a while before she responded.
Eleanor: Oh my goodness, when did this happen?
Just like Alex Ye, Nathan was a workaholic. Only messages from Aria got immediate replies; less pressing matters could wait until he was done with work.
After a long while, having wrapped up his tasks, Nathan finally replied.
Nathan: This morning, at the coffee shop around the corner. Aria saw it.
Eleanor: Maybe they were just discussing work?
Eleanor pretended to be clueless, playing along as she messaged Nathan. She remembered that Aria might be an employee in one of her companies, recalling that she had seen her in a meeting with senior managers on her last visit.
Eleanor suddenly felt that she might have found a gossip ally in Aria. She planned to discuss their findings in depth, perhaps later that afternoon or evening.
Eleanor: Ah, yet another ordinary day with no fresh scoops.
With that thought, she forwarded the picture to Alex Ye.
Upon receiving Eleanor's picture, Alex remained utterly composed. He knew that Michelle Xia and Brandon Su were merely discussing work and that Michelle had absolutely no romantic inclinations towards Brandon.
He tersely replied to Eleanor: Boring.
Then, Alex summoned Derek Lin, preparing to give what seemed like a nervous assistant a surprise check-up.
Lifting his gaze to meet Derek's, Alex inquired, "How is the progress on NexRealm Studios' 'Star Path' project?"
Derek Lin recalled the message Leonard Chen had sent him two days ago, "We've started working on the system framework."
Alex was actually quite pleased with the pace at which NexRealm Studios was moving, but his tone suggested otherwise, "Only starting the framework now?"
Derek Lin: "..."
Derek understood. His boss was concerned that the project's pace wasn't matching the rate at which they were burning through funds.
He quickly reassured, "Don't worry, Mr. Ye, I'll keep a close eye on the 'Star Path' project!"
Exiting Alex's office, Derek could already envision Leonard Chen losing more of his hair in stress.
The new planner was leaving, and Leonard Chen was already going bald from stress. Now that Mr. Ye was pushing their project team to speed up, wouldn't that make it even harder for them, especially when they were short-staffed?
Thinking of this, Derek Lin touched his own hair, feeling a touch of schadenfreude.
Fortunately, he had already parted ways with NexRealm Studios. Otherwise, he'd be another one going bald.
Alex Ye promised Michelle Xia that he'd think of a solution. In less than two days, he'd figured it out.
He mentioned studying abroad to Michelle with an "I don't recommend this" attitude. Consequently, Michelle didn't consider the suggestion.
Excluding the options of retaking college entrance exams and studying overseas, he could arrange for someone to establish a new student record for her.
While the process was somewhat challenging and time-consuming, he could make it happen.
Considering that Michelle was slightly older than the average college student, Alex Ye thought of approaching faculty members at various institutions to see if they could take on an additional graduate student under their wing. However, upon reflection, he realized that it didn't align with Michelle's goals and dropped the idea.
When Michelle heard Alex suggesting that he could arrange for someone to create a new student record for her, she fell into a state of questioning the reality of the world.
In the world she knew before, there were no shortcuts. To get a new student record, one had to retake the entrance exam.
This was far beyond Michelle's expectations, prompting her to ask, "Is it illegal?"
Alex looked at her expressionlessly, not wanting to respond.
Michelle: "..."
Michelle: "Forgive the words of a child, forgive the words of a child." One shouldn't hold a child's words against them.
Watching Alex, still expressionless and not wanting to engage with her, walk away, Michelle realized she might have misspoken.
Although she felt bad about it, the feeling of having someone else handle matters for her was indeed pleasant.
Michelle thought earnestly, "Alex did me a huge favor. Should I properly thank him?"
That day, Michelle Xia went to pick up the kids from school. She saw Aria coming to get Sophie and greeted her as usual.
Both mothers of three-year-olds, Aria's parenting experience was far richer than Michelle's. Michelle often sought advice on child-rearing from her, and Aria always answered enthusiastically.
With the children still playing with their friends in the classroom, Aria and Michelle had a short conversation, touching on the topic of having a second child.
Michelle was taken aback when she heard Aria say she was pregnant again, her gaze involuntarily falling on Aria's slender waist.
Noticing Michelle's gaze, Aria chuckled and said, "Give it some more time, then you'll be able to tell."
Michelle looked away and congratulated Aria with a smile, "Congratulations."
Aria was only a few months older than Michelle. When she was pregnant with Sophie, she was just 20, a young girl, and a model at that. Naturally, the thought of not wanting the child crossed her mind. She felt she was still young and her career hadn't taken off yet, and a child would only be a burden.
That's how Aria had thought back then, and that's how Michelle felt now. Hence her surprise at Aria's second pregnancy.
Wasn't that against Aria's life plan?
Aria understood Michelle's astonishment, but she didn't explain much, only saying, "The 2% chance happened. I have to accept it."
Michelle didn't particularly want to delve into this potentially sensitive topic.
Aria didn't continue either.
It seemed like she recalled something amusing and shared, "The other day, Nathan told me that in the future, our child would take my last name. When Sophie's grandfather heard this, he almost grabbed a stick to chase after him."
Michelle, who a moment ago was thinking, "You've just conceived and already decided on the name?", was now amused by Aria's anecdote.
Following the story, Michelle asked, "Did Sophie's grandfather eventually agree?"
Aria chuckled, "Initially he didn't. But Nathan somehow managed to persuade him. Speaking of Lizzy having the Xia surname, were you guys planning for a second child all along?"
Michelle felt as if a huge blame had suddenly landed on her.
She explained, albeit reluctantly, "No, there was some misunderstanding."
Michelle hadn't even planned on having one child, let alone two. She had wanted to live her life, free and beautiful.
Michelle added, "Moreover, my relationship with Alex Ye isn't the same as yours with Nathan."
Aria responded with a prolonged "Oh," thinking to herself: Michelle truly doesn't have feelings for Alex Ye.
Aria's words served as a reminder to Michelle. It's been almost three months since Alex Ye mentioned renaming Lizzy Xia to "Lizzy Ye", but she remained "Lizzy Xia".
Even though Eleanor Ye, Sebastian Ye, and the entire Ye family acknowledged Lizzy as a member of their clan, why did she still bear Michelle's surname? Wasn't it a constant reminder of her being born out of wedlock?
Michelle felt the need to discuss this matter with Alex sometime soon.
As other parents arrived to pick up their children, the number of kids in the classroom dwindled. Lizzy and Sophie, finding their play less engaging without their friends, decided it was time to leave.
The two children hugged goodbye in the classroom, at the school gate, and again at the entrance of the villa community. Finally, holding their respective mothers' hands, they headed to their own homes.
Lizzy had already known about the baby in Aria's belly, having overheard some of the conversation between Michelle and Aria.
A bit puzzled, the little girl asked, "Aunt Aria's tummy is so small. How can she have a baby?"
She'd seen other babies, and they all seemed big. How could there be a baby in Aria's slim tummy?
Then, Lizzy looked up at Michelle's waist and whispered, "Mommy's tummy is a bit bigger than Aunt Aria's. Does mommy have a baby in her tummy?"
Michelle: ...???
Michelle was taken aback.
What kind of assumption was that?
Granted, she might not have the figure of a former model like Aria, but surely she wasn't so out of shape to give rise to such a misunderstanding?
That night, Lizzy had trouble falling asleep. There was no bedtime story, no Michelle to tuck her in and lull her to sleep.
She wouldn't have it tonight, and she feared she might not have it ever again.
Starting from today, Michelle had resolved to hit the gym every night.
Lizzy sobbed to herself, "Poor Lizzy!"

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