Chapter 31

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In truth, Michelle held no particular fondness for Brandon.
From her work perspective, he might just be another superior poised to overshadow her. In the context of their industry, Michelle held in low regard authors who abandoned their projects midway. Although her bosses were some of those very authors, it didn't prevent her from looking down on them as peers.
Faced with Brandon's kind offer, Michelle politely declined.
Michelle responded, "Thank you, but someone is picking me up."
Brandon felt a pang of disappointment. Still, he sought another opportunity to spend time alone with her. "Maybe next time I could treat you to coffee?" he offered with a benign smile, adding, "We can discuss the game's storyline in the process."
Michelle had intended to refuse, but when Brandon brought up work as a reason, she found herself cornered. "Alright then," she relented with a smile.
Brandon then successfully added Michelle on WhatsApp.
Once Michelle had left, Leonard shot Brandon a look that clearly read, "I knew you'd be up to no good."
Brandon pondered for a moment, then countered earnestly, "It's a matter of lifelong happiness; how is that neglecting my duties?"
Leonard couldn't help but laugh at the retort. With feigned annoyance, he remarked, "Really? Do you think she'd even be interested in you?"
Leonard considered it. Brandon was young, handsome, talented, and even wealthy. Why wouldn't a woman be interested in a man like that?
Brandon's gaze settled on Leonard, eventually resting on the top of Leonard's head, and he shook his head. In his view, it was normal for women to overlook someone like Leonard, who seemed older than his age, was prematurely balding, lacked good looks, and was not wealthy.
Leonard was once again left laughing by the look in Brandon's eyes.
This time, Leonard, half-jokingly, ordered Brandon out, telling him to leave NexRealm Studios at once.
Leonard snapped, "Enough! Out! Now!"
Brandon was well-acquainted with Leonard's temper by now. He shrugged and left NexRealm Studios without further ado.
Once outside, Brandon reflected for a moment and then decided to update his cousin, Alex, about the day's events. He opened WhatsApp and searched for Alex's contact.
Brandon: The team at NexRealm Studios was as warm as ever. Everyone seemed quite moved by my return.
Brandon: This time I am absolutely committed to completing the project. I won't let everyone down again.
Brandon: Oh, by the way, cousin. There's a new colleague at NexRealm Studios.
Brandon: I really like her.
Brandon: I'm going to pursue her!!
Over time, Lizzy and Alex's relationship improved significantly.
Today, when Alex went to pick up the child from kindergarten, the little one was not disappointed to see that it wasn't Michelle waiting for her.
Lizzy and Sophie shared a hug. With a reluctant "bye", Lizzy then took Alex's hand, ready to head home.
Sophie, equally reluctant to part with her Lizzy, chimed, "Bye Lizzy! See you tomorrow!" After saying that, she remembered the presence of her elder, Alex, and quickly added, "Bye Uncle!"
Alex chuckled, thinking how adorably candid children can be.
Considering Michelle wasn't going to be home early that day, Alex decided to take the child for a stroll nearby and even bought her some cotton candy.
Lizzy had a sweet tooth, and the large, fluffy, and sweet cotton candy was right up her alley.
Halfway through enjoying her treat, Lizzy gently tugged at Alex's clothing. In a soft voice, she said, "Daddy, Lizzy wants to buy some cotton candy for Mommy."
Alex couldn't help but laugh. Indeed, in a child's heart, mommy always held a special place. He certainly didn't enjoy such favoritism.
Although he thought as much, Alex turned back with the child, prepared to buy another cotton candy.
Upon reaching the cotton candy stall, Lizzy eagerly exclaimed, "Uncle, we want two cotton candies!"
Seeing such a delightful child, the vendor's spirits lifted. He teased with a smile, "Little friend, eating too much candy might keep you from growing tall."
Lizzy pouted and earnestly explained, "This is for Daddy and Mommy. Lizzy won't eat."
Alex was momentarily stunned, not expecting to receive the same treatment as Michelle. The thought warmed a tender spot in his heart.
The cotton candy was quickly made. Lizzy, not being tall enough, watched as Alex took the cotton candies and bent down to hand one to her.
Holding one cotton candy, she grinned sweetly, "This one's for Lizzy to give to Mommy, and that one's for Daddy!"
Alex chuckled, "So, should Daddy thank Lizzy?"
Lizzy nodded a little bashfully. She seemed pleased and saw no issue in using Daddy's money to treat him to cotton candy.
Having purchased the cotton candy, Lizzy, thinking about giving it to her mother, told Alex she wanted to head home. Aware of the child's intentions and noting the time, Alex led her home.
By the time they arrived, Michelle was already there.
Upon seeing Michelle, Lizzy immediately trotted over with her little short legs, raising her cotton candy high. Looking up with a smile sweeter than the treat, in her distinctive soft voice, she chirped, "This is for Sissy~ cotton candy!"
Michelle glanced at Alex before squatting down to Lizzy's height and accepted the cotton candy. With a pleasantly surprised expression, she asked, "Is this for Sissy from Lizzy?"
Lizzy, a little shy, nodded in agreement.
Michelle smiled and leaned in to peck the child's face, saying, "Thank you, Lizzy."
Lizzy then covered her face and ran off even more bashfully.
Witnessing Michelle's theatrical display, Alex was at a loss for words. It seemed there was a significant difference between him and Michelle.
Seeing Lizzy run off with her hands covering her face, Michelle couldn't help but chuckle. She thought to herself, 'What kind of treasure is Lizzy? She's too adorable.'
Lifting her gaze to meet Alex's eyes, Michelle suppressed her laughter and remarked, "Thank you, Mr. Ye, for picking up Lizzy from school today."
Alex shifted his gaze, replying nonchalantly, "It's no trouble."
Michelle teased, "If it's no trouble, then, should Mr. Ye be the one picking her up every time?"
Alex was momentarily silent, staring intently at her.
Michelle shrugged, finally conceding, "I'll pick up Lizzy from school then." After all, it was Alex who dropped Lizzy off at the kindergarten every day. She shouldn't be so greedy.
Nora had a sudden change in her schedule tonight and couldn't come over to prepare dinner for them.
Left to their own devices, Alex and Michelle took out their phones and opened the food delivery app, discussing what to eat for dinner.
Alex inquired, "How about pickled vegetable fish?"
Michelle responded, "Lizzy can't eat spicy food; it's not good for children's digestion."
Alex suggested, "What about ginger and green onion chicken, or braised duck?"
Michelle reminded him, "Didn't we just have that yesterday?"
Alex probed again, "How about seafood?"
Michelle relented, "Fine, then order me a seafood porridge."
Alex gave Michelle a brief look, then averted his eyes, realizing for the first time that choosing a meal could be so challenging.
Half an hour later, the takeout they ordered finally arrived.
Lizzy sat obediently next to the dining table, her round eyes sneakily glancing between Michelle and Alex.
Of course, in her mind, she believed she was being "sneaky," but to Michelle and Alex, it seemed downright "brazen."
Noticing Lizzy's strange gaze, Michelle asked with a smile, "What's on your mind, Lizzy?"
Realizing her "sneaky glances" had been caught, Lizzy quickly averted her eyes and shook her head.
Children, regardless of whose they are, always have a special bond with their parents and frequently mention them.
Lizzy often heard her kindergarten friends talk about their parents, and she too shared stories about her own mom and dad with her peers.
However, Lizzy realized that her parents were different from the others. While her friends' parents lived together, her mom and dad did not.
Today, Lizzy learned a new word from one of her friends: "divorce."
That friend lived with her mom, separated from her dad. She informed Lizzy that her parents had gotten divorced.
At that moment, a thought crossed Lizzy's mind: Maybe my mommy and daddy are divorced too!
After dinner, Alex helped Michelle clear the table, then returned to his home next door to continue his overtime work.
As Lizzy watched Alex leave their home, she thought to herself: Daddy doesn't live with us, could they be divorced?
Lizzy was a child who couldn't hide her feelings.
While Michelle couldn't precisely guess what was going through the young girl's mind, she could tell from Lizzy's expression that she was lost in thought.
Michelle didn't press Lizzy for answers, guessing that sooner or later, the little girl would spill everything on her own accord.
She helped Lizzy bathe, dried and blow-dried her hair, and then sat with her to watch cartoons. Today, however, the animation didn't seem to hold Lizzy's usual interest, as the child occasionally found herself lost in thought.
By nine in the evening, Lizzy was snuggled up in Michelle's arms. As Michelle began her bedtime story, Lizzy finally couldn't resist any longer.
Lizzy's small fingers tugged at the collar of Michelle's shirt, cuddling closer with a coquettish pout.
Michelle chuckled, gently ruffling Lizzy's hair. "Why aren't you asleep yet, Lizzy? That's not like you."
Upon hearing this, the little girl pouted again, retorting, "Lizzy is very good."
Michelle continued to coax her softly, "Then, go to sleep quickly."
Lizzy didn't respond but made a genuine effort to fall asleep.
After what felt like a long time, the troubled little girl tugged at Michelle's clothes, tilting her head to look up at her. She was so tired, but sleep eluded her.
Being unable to sleep = Being naughty.
Frustrated by her own restlessness, Lizzy grew a tad irritable.
Noticing the tug, Michelle bent down and whispered, "What's wrong, Lizzy?"
With a downtrodden tone, Lizzy's voice came out almost as a whisper, "Did mommy and daddy get divorced?"
Alex wasn't in the habit of checking his WhatsApp frequently. Professional matters rarely made it to his personal account; he preferred direct calls or emails.
So, when Brandon sent him a message in the afternoon, Alex only came across it that evening. He nonchalantly replied with a single acknowledgment: "Okay," indicating he was aware of the matters discussed.
After leaving Michelle's house, Alex entered his study, preparing for a night of overtime work.
Suddenly, he paused, reopening his WhatsApp.
Staring at the message Brandon sent, Alex found himself deep in thought.
Perhaps he should have asked Brandon one more thing: the name of the new colleague he was pursuing.

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