(Chapter 3)

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•But as she was about to lay down on her bed, the familiar clinking noise, the stable door every time made, when it was opened haunted her down. Mrs.Flamel's ugly face [she make ups her face 6 times a day] glided out of the door peering at Jessica who's blue eyes were shaken down in despair. 'Why are you still awake ? Still doing those rubbish works instead of feeding my dear horses their late night meal." Jessica literally forgot that thinking over and over again about the princess. 'My wish.' said Jessica as this words slipped through her tongue uncontrollably . Mrs.Flamel's whole body slipped through the stable door and seeing her eyes, Jessica immediately reconsidered her stupid words as the matchsticks were already lighten. But before she could start again to wake the whole Scotland up, Jessica quickly laid down on the floor mat and facingthe horses muttered to her utter distaste, ' Sorry madam, tomorrow school isclosed. I will feed the horses, later.' Mrs.Flamel looked away. Perhaps she waschecking the lights around which was reflected on the floorthrough the only window. 'Fine!' said Mrs.Flamel through her stadium sized lips and walked out of the stable causing thatclinking sound of the door again but this time it was Jessica's a sound of refreshment  asMrs.Flamel let go of her so easily. She started thinking about the girl again and at the same time dreading thepunishments lying for 

the next time the sun rose  ahead.

When the thoughts of the princess finally wore off , she had vivid dreams of a beautiful girl with lots of jewels being held against her will by the couple. Mr.Flamel was holding a knife on her neck. "I will not let my kingdom die even if you take my head. My ghost will revive it." Jessica woke up with a thud to realize the girl was just an image. The evil laughter of that unknown voice echoing in her ear which she later heard to be Mrs.Flamel's usual morning yelling. She had a will from that night onwards. Whoever that person was being on the way to the path of the deaths, she had to save her. She can't let an innocent die like that. She got  up from her so called bed and got dressed. Washing her face for refreshment and casting her eyes on her skin for the last time. There were chances of returning that night with a severe bruise in payment of her act last night. She picked up the cloth and a bucket to mop the entire house. She was familiar with the every weekend routine. Moping the whole house and then doing there laundry. Cleaning the furniture and their ancient shelves which was always coated with dust. Every day was awfully same for her except for the new vocabularies of insults by Mr.Flamel, every day. He intended to use new words everyday. But the most common way he used to call her to make tea when his wife was usually busy with her makeup was , 'SLUT!'. Jessica knew that it was not just intended on her but indirectly on his wife. She decided to start off with the most distressing Job, Mopping the floor. Even with the loads of work, she couldn't help pausing every now and then to think about the future of the so called princess they were muttering about, last night. It caused a burning sensation down her veins. It happened once in a while which she tended to ignore.  But while she was thinking about it, the water bucket which she was holding to mop the floor, started boiling . Bubbles emmerging from the water like being held on a stove. " What the flowery gracious have you got on the staircase? Start before my new spatula is tasted on your neck!"  It was Mr.Flamel's newer version of the expression 'Bloody Hell!' He had come down to pick up his newspaper which she suspected to be the origin of the sources of his weird expressions. In fact, the paper wasn't white or normal at all. It looked ancient.

•Jessica started mopping the floor with the boiling water ignoring the bubbles and replacing the image of that princess with algebraic formulas she was learning in school. "You useless, slut!" Shrieked Mrs.Flamel snatching the bucket which she never realized to be there, until she was dipping the cloth on the floor. The 'A' which she was imaging as the cloth she was mopping with turned into Mrs.Flamel's ugly face directed at her and the bucket of boiling water ready to be smashed on her. That time Jessica looked at Mrs. Flamel's face more clearly in order to realize how ugly she was with all those forest trees like hair sliding from here and there making her look like a slut herself. " How the bloody hell did this bucket heat up?" asked Mrs.Flamel waking almost the whole neighborhood to get back to their workplace quick enough. Jessica looked at her again hoping the revenge of last night's even to  be ready on her face. 

•"I dunno!" said Jessica as she noticed Mr.Flamel striding towards the scene. "Bloody hell, woman! Will you ever stop screaming? My flask of ruddy flower just broke." "Never mind, honey. But look at this slut , boiled a bucket of hot water and planning to melt the floor." "I am saying I dunno how it started boiling!" said Jessica in defense to save few parts of her skin from burning. "Just shut your bloody mouth, girl. Throw the bucket at her. That would teach her how to mop the floor without melting the house properly." shrieked Mr.Flamel reaching the coffee table for the daily news. Mrs.Flamel raised the bucket of hot water, ready to smash it on Jessica who shielded herself with her hand. Closing her eyes from burning. But it didn't wet her. The bucket of hot water started boiling more doubling the heat of its surface.

•Mrs.Flamel couldn't handle the heat anymore and in haste let go of the bucket full of boiling water in turn on her feet. A H! what a great sight it was to see her sitting on the floor in pain as her screaming might have caused an earthquake in Scotland judging by the sudden stillness of outside apart from Mrs.Flamel moaning in pain. Jessica didn't really want to help her to her feet but her heart couldn't just ignore it. If people are harsh to her, she can't be harsh to them. But as she raised a hand to help her  up, Mr.Flamel came out of nowhere to express love for his moaning wife. Actually it quite did the opposite. In hustle to compete with Jessica and be the first person get her awfully beautiful wife up, his steps slipped because of the boiling water on the floor which was still emitting bubbles in the floor and banged on his wife's body. •"You fatty squeaky woman! You bitch, why are you that bloody heavy. I always tell you to eat little amount of potatoes, ." shrieked Mr.Flamel as Jessica forced a hand to help them up. " how dare you show your stinky face, yet again?" said Mrs.Flamel pointing at Jessica. "Don't you dare touch us?" Jessica lowered her hand. She wanted to see them in worse state than that. Cursing this in her mind, she went out of the house. Rage steaming in her mind like the boiling water still bubbling on the floor. She wanted go away. Far away from that horrible house and never return again. But she had no shelter. Who would take her? She rushed towards her favorite spot in the forest. The bank of the river she often came to drink water at night.

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