Chapter- 21

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A little Author's note before I start: 

This Part is the most important part of my own Franchise. It shapes the story to its meaning. Please consider minor plot disputes and be sure to comment it. Your comments will support me to improve it.

Triffiny nervously lifted her right hand pointing at , Jessica's wrist. She wondered, why was she so nervous to do a spell. They had been doing it forever. It left her to feel a little insecure for the first time despite the safe air of the room surrounded only by an air of secrecy. She would bet that, Triffiny was about to cry judging by the stillness of her eyes. 

Triffny closed her eyes. She was in the exact same position as before. Hands lifted in the air awkwardly as if she would lifting herself within a minute. 

Jessica simply relaxed. Carelessly keeping her wrist steady knowing that if she disobeyed, Triffiny would start crying worth the waves in the Atlantic. She might be already crying. 

She wondered whether she was meditating like the monks. It went on  for what felt like hour and Jessica couldn't deny the pain in her wrists which felt like being about to get off her hand. It was odd. How long will Triffiny go on like a Phantom? Triffiny's ghostly appearence of her hands still raised in the air ( Isn't it painful?) and eyes closed like the statues of Buddhists monks really left her feeling weird.  But she was staid and kept on with the same position.

After another fleet of 20 minutes, Jessica was about to shriek at her WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? forgetting all her manners and behaviors, but just then Triffiny swiftly opened her eyes and muttered , her lips barely moving, 


Light surrounded her painful wrists and Jessica wished to keep it in the right angle for this time as pain was searing through her veins. She wanted scream and curse Triffiny for the pain that was eating her head. But she couldn't move at all. Her whole body had turned into a statue. Might be the STATUE OF LIBERTY with the sitting on a bed and wrist raised.

She drifted her eyes towards Triffiny who's lips were moving but she couldn't hear anything rather than the ringing of pain and the nonstop bleeding in her hands. 

She watched her hands sear open and then things parted step by step. Her muscles, Her green veins. Till the Time a white lining of her Bones were visible, Every thing turned blind.

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