Chapter- 15

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They followed Seamus through long hallways until the paper was drifted to one of the desks piled with parchments in  similar appearances. 

" So, what brought you here, Ms.Walker?" asked Seamus smiling unlike his co-workers. He was the friendliest person in the border. 

Jessica was so overwhelmed by her surrounding that she really didn't notice that Seamus was calling her until he cleared his throat. "Er........I...." 

Before Jessica was further in messing things up for Triffiny, luckily she interrupted. " Oh, her parents are in huge debt and it is hard for them to manage her studies and all. So, believing in the ESILE of flower like most real world people here, they contacted with McLeod."

" He is really having a greater risk to get sacked you know." said Seamus startling Triffiny's calm lies. Jessica could admit that even if she knew everything, she would mess up anyway. She was already having trouble adjusting to her new name, anyway.

" Really? But why?" asked Triffiny.

" You see he gives spoilers to real world parents wanting to send their child in a world, they hypothetically believed." said Seamus. Now he almost whispered the last sentence so that his workers could not sense it. " He is bursting out Cerestous's  tyranny to all."

" Your Transitus is ready, Ms.Walker." He said strengthening up and catching hold of the parchment.

" TRANSITUS?" spoke Jessica For the first time to realize that she would  be safe. 

" Before t is created we call that give me a 'Transire Portus' but after it is all yours, you can proudly call it Transitus." said Trifffiny. " Now keep it safe, my dear. Don't lose it."

It was really complicated. Before and after. But Jessica was glad that she will never have to call it with that strange long word. Transitus sounded fine .


Sorry for the short chapter as I will not be able to write for quite some time as my school will open.

But please provide your support by commenting. I will check on!


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