Chapter 22 ( The bloody quest)

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" Chant those words ...... The most abandoned word in your possession. It will gift you with the most precious thing to you." muttered a ghostly whisper ringing in her ears.


Jessica jerked out of her place. Her heart pacing so fast that it may come out of her ribs.  She was sweating mad. What just happened? Where was she ?

Then things came to her sight. The room was dim with all the closed windows and curtains.  The slow whimpers were coming from the beautiful lady beside her. TRIFFINY HOOPER.

" Goodness the bleeding stopped." said Triffiny in her half-croaked voice.

For first time ever, Jessica glanced at her hand. There was a white bandage on it but the bandage felt odd. She decided to rip it off to see the bandages in this world but was stopped by Triffiny.

" It would  completely be less painful once the Dandelion potion sucks in." said Triffiny.

Jessica confusingly looked at her. Before asking that stupid and manner less before blacking out. " What the hell have you done? Put some barrier around me with those yellow substance. To make me look weak and vulnerable."

" I am not making you look weak, Jessica. I am trying to protect ------

"Damn your bloody protections." interrupted Jessica  in a high tone. " While the whole realm are spreading rumors in my name, Just to gain hope. And look what I am doing. Hiding away just to save my nutter self."

Just then a huge sound made every brick on the wall vibrate. Jessica couldn't hear anything. Did she go deaf screaming  at Triffiny?

" I am coming, Hang on." saying that Triffiny  opened the door and rushed outside, leaving Jessica strangling with her bandaged hand. She hated her right hand being handicapped  with an useless reason. She walked out of her bed and opened all the doors and windows that made them uncommunicative over the last two hours or so. The room was already feeling like a disposal bin where the SECRET AGENTs are found with all the darkness. The candles in the corner of the room wasn't able to lighten it, even though Jessica was perfectly  aware that there was bright day light outside. 

It felt fresh and sound. The blacked windows with double curtains had hidden the beautiful Radiating sun of the Early Spring in March. Jessica gulped all the air to convert it into an enormous breath. Her breathing pattern really reached at a defensive phase over the odd years at the dwelling of the haunted Flamels ( Their once peaceful home). Feathery ripples of excitement at this  Fresh air was long gone from her life  and at present as well.

Being a reckless self as her, the long traumatic pauses of self- satisfaction was long gone to be replaced by an utter expression of  horror as she leaned to look at the scene downwards. Her spines froze at  the sight. Her heart had turned to stop just like the corpses in sight.

The loud bang capable of making anyone deaf nearby was issued from the black guards in the market. But this time, it was a public execution. 10 to 15 dead bodies scattered on the road. Each of their lifeless hands clutching a blood soaked copies of the Secret Agent..

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