Chapter- 13

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Jessica looked at Triffiny in eagerness to know more about the thing her enemy is chasing  after. Coarse Moldro was her real enemy. The stinking reason of her abandoned life was him. The reason that caused deaths of so many. The doom of this beautiful realm and the reason why he was chasing after her life. But wait there was another person. That Mary or something. The agent who was crashed by their powers in the backyard. So basically, she had two enemies. 
" Who is Mary, Triffiny?" asked Jessica curiously.

Triffiny's cheeriness vanished again replacing it with a surprised expression. " Mary?" asked Triffiny weirdly. 

" Why? Don't you know that Mary had united with that man to kill me?" asked Jessica suspiciously. "I heard it spying on the Flamels."

Triffiny suddenly gained control of her actions with a huge laughter as she stroked Jessica's hair affectionately "Oh , that one is totally a lie. Mary is also affected by Moldro. You see, he was trying to kill her as well."

" Where  is she now?" asked Jessica absurdly .

" Probably into hiding. We haven't heard from her ever....since." replied Triffiny.

" What is he chasing after?" asked Jessica in a matter-of-fact expression. 

Triffiny stood up and smiled as if she has been waiting for this moment all this time.

 " The FLOWER of PROTECTION. The ruby red rose that has been protecting the Esile Family resulting it to rule for ages to come. And I proudly announce to you that it resides inside you


Sorry for the short chapter and being boring. I am pretty busy to write for quite SOMETIME.

 I hope the next part will be interesting. Be sure to give feedback about what you think will come in the next chapter............

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