Chapter 10

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What the hell was that? What was worth the orchestra playing inside her heart while opening the lead of a rusty box? Just a scrap of ancient paper just like the newspaper, she had seen Mr.Flamel reading so intently.  The scrap of paper bore only one word, 'Revivere'.  But that meaningless writing won't be able to satisfy the growling monster of hunger rising inside her. She was about to throw it in the rain. It would  wash away with the fat rain drops. A meaningless word seems totally insane to a person suffering from the string of hunger.  That orchestra of curiosity played inside her yet again. What if the word did mean  something? What if it could banish all her sorrows and  banish the eternal monster of hunger forever?  Tired from the battle ground inside her mind, Jessica kept the paper in her only pocket and kept the box as well. She could collect some wild herbs with it after the rain stopped. A  Lightning hit the forest floor yet again, confirming that the rain would not stop until, the growling monster in her stomach eat her up instead. She had to hunt for food in the rain. She got out the hollow and and looked at it to save this beautiful location in her mind. But she won't be surprise at all if she forget it. It was obvious to keep track of the small vines growing all along the tree as spaghetti  and  the wild seeds over it as meat balls. She could forget all her manners and bounce in it and later die with the poison.  Jessica walked and walked with the knife in her hand. She wouldn't mind killing a couple of squirrels  for the sake of her hunger rather than caring about their loss. Life comes first before anything. She walked and walked. She had been on the water from the stable for two days and before that, the Flamels didn't really spare  bread rather than a cup of broth for meal. Even Mr.Flamel's afternoon tea was not enough with a cup that small. Finally a familiar bush of berries came to her sight.  No! It was just a  hallucination. She started seeing things that she had never seen and knew was all a trick of her nasty brain. Like the bitter seeds of Mehegony as some kind of a coco beans for her. The leaves of oak tree  as a cherry on top of a cake. That was ridiculous. How could those green stuffs seem red to her? The brain is truly a nasty thing. Always battling with both sides. One of pure imagination and one keeping up with the ultimate reality. A white creature just jumped out of somewhere. A RABBIT!  The delicate far and the meat it could provide her for days in this woods. Her hallucination of meat balls slowly turning into reality.

Jessica could have screamed the word out but she kept silent. She had hunted rabbits for the Flamels in the holiday as they really never liked to show their cruel faces in the market as it was always so crowded. She readied her knife and slyly kept track of the magnificent white creature. " A LITTLE CLOSER, IDIOT" whispered Jessica just audible for her nasty brain to hear it. " I WILL MAKE YOU MY ROAST WITH TOAST"  She threw the knife at it will full speed and  the blood confirmed that her catch was ready to be snatched as a howl of a wolf brought her back to her senses.  She  caught the bleeding rabbit which was apparently dead and ran towards the hollow before the pack of wolves make her their roast. The rain had stopped living the muddy tracks near the tree slippery. She struggled to keep up  and even tripped at times. The familiar vines came to sight which she earlier thought as spaghetti with meat balls and settled near it. The wolves won't make it this far. She skinned the creature out of the far and cut parts of it for later meals. But how could she set a fire with this damp woods. All was wet.

 Her brains literally stopped working. How could she forget about her mysterious hands? She summoned her veins to feel that burning sensation but the result gave her more than satisfaction. YES! Fire was burning on her palms creating blisters on it. But that wasn't painful at all. She cut a inner dry branch of the huge tree and set the flames on it. The rabbit was cooking. 

" Haunted by the cruelty of hunger, Dear?" said a voice. Jessica rubbed her ears to check if she was hallucinating voices but it spoke yet again from near distance, " But you won't have to deal with it alone anymore. You will have my Alliance" 

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