CH-15 Missing you ~

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-Purnima POV -

Neither I could denied this marriage nor i could sees him in pain.

I do not know what Ganesh ji wants from me. Why he was punishing me like this; where Neither I could died nor i could live to the fullest.

I hugged my knees tightly and buried my face in my knees, closing my eyes tightly. Tears made there way out off my eyes; wetting the clothes over my knees.

I do not know why, the time seemed to get slow now... this night felt as one of those longest nights i had spent alone with only tears in my eyes and with a terrible ach in my heart, instead of sleeping.

Slowly the time passed away little by little like this, me crying and hiccuping continuously while sitting on the swing.

Trying hard not to remember him and his eyes but failing miserably in this.

As i closed my eyes his face and his eyes in which anger, hurt, pain, suffering and madness for me could be easily seen flash infront of my eyes.

" I am sorry.. S.oo.rry.... Vishwajeet. I a.m sor..ry l.ove.. but i think should now.. forget me... you deserves someone who is capable of being yours not someone like me who can not even stand by your side for our love...... fo.rgive... me pleaseeeee.... ple.ase..!!!"

I cried badly.

I felt a bright light directly falling on my face. I squint my eyes and covered it with my hands as the light was too bright that i could not able to open my eyes completely, after few seconds later i rub my finger on my eyes and tried to open it slowly while adjusting in this bright light.

As i opened my eyes completely it hits me all of sudden when i looked around. it was late in the  morning, the sun was shining brightly in the clear blue sky. And the Mumbai's traffic and car horns was echoing in the whole city; loudly.

Everyone was rushing here and there on the road, some were students going their schools, some were office employees rushing in going their office and some were housewives doing their respective works in their respective homes;  beside my apartment.

And here i was, still sleeping in.... wait!!  did i fall asleep in the balcony. What the hell!!! How?.

I held my head in my both hands as it was brusting with pain.

I put my feet down on the floor, which was a little warm now; maybe because of the sun light that was directly falling on it.

But as i stood up on my feet, i felt a terrible pain shoot in my whole body and most importantly in my knees. Whole night I had been fold up my knees and i think maybe i fall asleep when i was hugging my knees while i dig my face in it, and because of sleeping in this position my back, neck and knees were aching badly in pain.

I could not even slightly moved my neck a little because of this ach.

I somehow managed to walked towards my bedroom, with the help of walls and furnitures.

As i stepped inside my room, i took a little more steps towards my bed and sit on the edge of the it. i held my neck caressing it to sooth the pain in the meanwhile the pain was getting worsen, along with my whole body as the minutes passed.

" goshh!!! What the hell is happening with me??, my body and head is aching like it will break down in any moment... ahh!! ",  i hissed in terrible pain.

" how the hell i could sleep there on the swing, all night!! Such a senseless girl i am. And now i have to bear this pain for god knows how long !!!",  i cried in pain.

LOVING BEYOND LIMITS - loving me will give you pain....Where stories live. Discover now