CH-21 I'm sorry ~

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Warning ⚠️

Triggered content ahead!!!

- Purnima POV -

She was still hugging me like before and still caressing my head and back slowly to calm down my uncontrollably cries.

I was also trying my best to remove his face and his memories but again and again i failed miserably.

I tried controlling my inner emotions alot from the time i woke up but i was a human being after all... and thus, this heart again wins the battle against my mind.

And now his memories, talks, face, eyes and everything about him were not letting me breath in peace.

" sorry!!... i.I'm sorry Vishwajeet... I'm sorry!!.."

I clutch my fist on her shoulder and sobbed silently, feeling an ach in my heart.

" I can not see you in this miserable state Punnu! Pleaseee try to calm down yourself..., try to take a hold on your emotions and yourself. When you knew that now you can not do anything in this situation then instead of being strong you are crying like this.... hmmm!, please Punnu!...., Everything will be fine... don't punish yourself this much. You know na you fall sick easily... and you will cry this much then i am sure that you will again gonna fall sick!... " , She said while patting my back continuously.

The concerns and worriedness about me could be easily seen in her each and every words.

Even i was trying my level best to stopped myself from thinking about him and that day moments.. but i was helpless too infront of my own heart... which started beating and screaming once again insides me for him... for his love.

I pressed my face more on her shoulder and cried silently while sobbing slowly.

A intense burning sensation erupted in my throat and chest, making me winced in tears even more.

I kept crying and shivering badly in her arms.

She broke the hug and cupped my cheeks in her both hands and immediately wiped off the tears dropping from my eyelid on my cheeks.

She looked worriedly in my eyes and asked...

" Do you want him?? Punnu! "

For a second i stayed still while looking confusingly in her eyes ,which only showed upmost cared and cornered for me.

I flickered my teary lashes and turned my gaze lowered on my lap and whispers slowly...

" i do not know... what i wants Siddhu!!!... i don't know exactly.. what i.. wants!!.."

My voice sounded hoarse and throaty.

She again made me look up in her eyes while cupping my cheek gently and muttered...," if you do not know what you exactly want then in this situation even your Ganesh ji would not be able to help you.... first clear up your mind and think deeply and prayed to the almighty god to give you what you actually wants !!.. and believe in him he will do what is best for you... hmm! "

Her words did something inside me and i once again looked at her face and asked cluelessly...

" i will never be able to find out what exactly i wanted Siddhu cause what i actually wanted is the happiness of my family along with his too, i can't see him breaking. But it's impossible now... we both knows it very well... and thinking about him as when he will get to know about this sudden marriage then i don't know how he will going to react and behave and this all is just making me more scared and senseless each passing seconds. "

LOVING BEYOND LIMITS - loving me will give you pain....Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ