CH-20 The silent... cries ~

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- Purnima POV -

I slowly opened my wet and heavy eyelids and felt someone was hugging me tightly.

I flickered my lashes for few seconds adjusting in the bright of the room.

I sleepingly turned that side and looked at Siddhi sleeping soundly while hugging me.

I slowly removed her hand and legs over my body and stretched my body a little to let out the tiredness from my body, then i step down from the bed and turned back to look at her.

Who was still sleeping peacefully, while spreading her hands and legs here and there on the whole bed.

The corner of my lips turned upwards a little then i turned around to walked inside the bathroom, to freshen up myself. Because my mind was feeling kind of heavy after waking up.

I do not realized when i fall asleep while crying but now, after as i woke up i felt throbbing headache and even my body was aching a little.

I went inside the bathroom and stand under the shower after removing my clothes and turned the warm shower tab on.

The warm water soothes my mind along with my whole body and after standing like this for about 15 minutes under the shower, i turned off the shower tab and wrapped myself around a towel.

I came out of the bathroom and looked at her still sleeping carelessly.

I directly went towards the almirah and amidst all the clothing, i picked a cozy and warm night dress for me and i closed it again.

I directly went towards the almirah and amidst all the clothing, i picked a cozy and warm night dress for me and i closed it again

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I get into the night dress quickly and went towards the dressing table, i stand infront of the mirror and.... dry lips, red- puffy eyes, dull and tired face... when i saw my own reflection like this, it clenched my heart badly.

I quickly wiped off a lone tear that escaped from my eyelid after witnesses this condition of mine. I collected my wet hairs in my hands and made a messy bun then applied a little moisturizer on my dry and dulled face, followed by the lip blam.

Then i look at myself one more time and closed my eyes while inhaling deeply to control the storm of emotions within me.

I opened my eyes and looked at my reflection and turned around to went inside the kitchen, to cook something for both of us.

It had been sharp 10 o'clock in the night, when i had woken up.

I even did not realized how long we both slept.
But it's okay cause i need that sleep to calmed the raising storm inside me.

I started preparing dinner for us.

I was in no mood to cook today so i just simply made some desi style pasta for us and to reduce this throbbing headache, i made my special masala chai for both of us.

I served everything on the plates and strained the chai in cups for both of us. Then placed everything in a big tray and made my way inside my room.

And when i came in my room, i saw Siddhi coming out of the bathroom looking all fresh.

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