chapter 14: bestfriends and shopping

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"This is my proof that I love you." Harry murmured against my lips as we kissed.

My heart fluttered as he said those simple 8 words.

This is my proof that I love you.

I smiled into the kiss as he flopped down next to me onto the bed.

We didn't speak, we just snuggled up and listened to each others ragged breath and racing heart beats.

I smiled at the thought of what Harry said.

We weren't screwing, fucking, having sex.

That, was what we call making love.

And Harry proved to me he loves me.

I snuggled into Harry's chest, our naked bodies fit together like we were two puzzle pieces that were made for each other and no one else.

I listened to Harry's heart beat as I began to feel my eyes droop.

"I love you jessica. I really do." Harry said into my hair.

"I love you too Harry." I replied before I fell into a comfortable sleep with the one I truly loved.



i woke up the next morning by the sun coming in the windows.

i yawned and stretched when i rememberd what happened last night.

i smiled to myself.

I made love to jessica and i was her first.

those words rang through my ears like a beautiful angel singing to me.

"that was my first time." she whispered to me last night.

Im so happy she trusted me enough to be her first.

i wrapped my arms around her naked waist and scooted closer.

"i take it your wanting a round 2?" i herd jessica mumble in her sexy morning voice.

"What makes you say that?" i asked as i widened my eyes then let a smirk spread across my face.

"harry jr is poking into my thigh." she giggled.

My lips formed into a perfect 'o' as she turned around and then i gasped.

her fingers were wrapped around my.. ya know.. harry jr as she scooted closer and planted a lustfull kiss on my lips.


About an hour after i woke up me and harry were laying breathlessly on my bed snuggling and just talking.

"i think we should get up now." i said to harry as he jutted out his bottom lip and whimpered.

I rolled my eyes and kissed harrys lips then bit his lip. 

"kinky." he said as he rolled me on top of him.

"Hey guys breakfast is rea-" someone said walking through my door.

"AHHHH" was all i herd then feet running down the stairs.

"How the bloody hell did they get into the room. it was locked last night." i asked with a confused expression.

harry smiled a small guilty smile.

"i may of gotten thirsty last night and forgotten to lock the door." he said as he blushed.

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