*Chapter 2: Curls and practice duets

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Okay guys. I know most of you all are like... "Nialls parents got divorced when Niall was 5." Or "Niall doesn't have a twin sister!!" but I just want to go ahead and say, I'm changing some things up in this book to make it fit my plot and to make things less complicated for me.

Not everything will be exact about to boys, it's just a part of the book.

So I'm sorry if I upset some of you about changing some facts about the boys, just remember this is a Fan Fiction.

So I just wanted to say that for you guys(:

Hope you enjoy!!

Here is it!



We pulled up to the building extra early so we could make sure we weren't so far back in line.

It's been 6 hours since we got there and the line has moved a little.

"I'm hungry." Niall mumbled as I rolled my eyes and threw him a pack of crisps to him as he smiled and started to munch on them.

"Jessica!!!" someone yelled.

I turned and Heather jumped on my back.

I giggled and held on to her and supported her up so she didn't fall.

"What's up babe?" I asked as I glanced up at her.

"Being bored out of my mind." she pouted and placed her chin on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Me too..." I mumbled.

"Niall's to busy eating his crisps to give me a piggy back ride of your my best friend so I thought you wouldn't mind giving me one!" she smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes and let go of her legs and she dangled by my neck.

"H... Can't.. Breathe... Get... Off!!" I mumbled to her breathlessly.

"Oh! Sorry J!" she gasped and dropped.

I rolled my neck and took in a few deep breathes. "It's cool." I said.

"H! J! Come here!!" Niall yelled to us.

"Yeah?" we asked in unison.

"Look over there! You see that boy?" he asked as he pointed to a boy.

"The one with the insanely curly hair and the amazing eyes..?" I asked as I stared in awe.

"Yeah!" Niall said.

"What about him babe?" heather asked as she glance over to me.

"He has an amazing voice. I won't have a chance! There are so many people here with amazing voices!" he started to panic.

Then mum walked up "now don't you dare question your talent young man." she said as she kissed his forehead.

"Thanks mum." he said with a smiled.

"Yeah! Don't put yourself down like that Nialler. Your voice is amazing! Just think of all those talent shows you've won!" heather smiled as Nialls face lit up.

"You're amazing you know that?" Niall said as he pulled heather in and kissed her.

I smiled and looked away and I noticed the boy with the insanely curly brown hair and amazing emerald eyes looked at me and winked.

I felt my face grow hotter as I blushed a deep cherry red and he laughed and smiled.

I looked at the ground as I begin to giggle to myself.

Life as Niall Horans Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now