Chapter 23: Back in the Game

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“Did they tell us if our baby was okay??” she asked in a sad voice.

I looked around to everyone whos eyes were now on me.

“The baby died.” I whispered.

Jessica lost it.

As did i.




Kylie and I are still beaten up without broken foot and all, but the girls are fine, laughing and having fun with the boys, and here I am, still sulking over the loss of my little bump.

I’ve lost my bump.

I’ve lost my baby.

Harry’s in depression.

Liam’s back with Danielle.

And here I am, curled up in my bed in a ball with my leg propped up.

Why did that stupid driver have to hit us.

Why did it have to be US who they hit?

why why why??

*knock* *knock*

I didn’t answer, so they just walked in.

“hey.” I heard a sad deep voice.

I glanced up and saw Harry.

I smiled a weak smile which he returned.

He walked over to my bed and stood there.

I then slid over in my bed so he could slid in beside me.

“how are you?” Harry asked as he scoot closer and wrapped his arms around me.

“depressed.” I said as I buried my head into his chest.

“I understand.” He said as he started to rub my back when he went quite.


“how are you?” I asked as I scooted closer and wrapped my arms around jess.

“depressed.” Was all she said as she buried her head in my chest.

“I understand.” Was all I said as i started to rub Jess' back and i fell silent.

I want to have a baby with Jessica.

I want a future with jessica.

But after this accident, I don’t know if she’ll want to have a baby again.

I felt a knot in my stomach as i thought of all this stuff and decided to just talk to her and ask.

“Jess?” I asked.

“yeah harry?” she murmered while still in my chest.

“lets go out tonight.” I said as she looked at me with a questioning look.

“okay when?” she asked as she kind of perked up.

“lets go out tonight at 7.” I said as I kissed her cheek and slid out of bed.

“okay then! i guess ill see you then!” jess smiled and looked at the clock.

I did too, it was around 5 right now, two hours to set up the perfect date!! 

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